News - New Warzone Warzone 2 Update 1. 41. Season 3 Ranked Play, Mors, Fjx Horus Gameplay. Warzone 2 1. 41 Patch



It's here by quad, and if you guys are watching this article right now, that means you're either currently downloading or waiting to download the new 1.41. Update for Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 3 war zone slw war zone mobile and this is actually the season 3 update for Modern Warfare 3 multiplayer and War Zone which comes with a chock ton full of content as you guys can see from the road map we got six new 6v6 maps to run around with in multiplayer, we got some new zombie stuff coming within the mid-season update we got four new weapons to mess around with a whole bunch of operators bundles and a war zone rebirth island is finally dropping which you guys will see background gameplay of and a whole bunch of crazier stuff so you guys are excited to see everything that's included within the Modern Warfare 3 and War Zone season 3 update here within MW3.

Then make sure you guys drop a like on the article, subscribe, and turn on those post notifications. In this channel. I upload news and update articles when they are relevant, like for today's article, but most of the time I am uploading store bundle articles that interest me, like Tracer packs or store bundles, and I also upload High Kill War Zone gameplay, so if you just want something a little bit random on the channel and you just want to see some variety of stuff, then go ahead and stay tuned to the channel.

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I would appreciate it. With all that being said, let's go ahead and talk about how huge this update is and when you can expect to see it live if you're watching the article early.

Update 1.41 download size

Update 1.41 download size

So when I downloaded the PS4 version of the 1.41 update on my PS5, it got there early on the PS5. It was around 2.44 GB, or 4 GB. And I haven't personally gotten this, but apparently some people have been able to get the preload on Battl Net, which is on PC, and it was around 27 GB on that platform, so this means that the download is going to be anywhere from 20 to 30 GB.

On your platform, you know whether it's Xbox or PlayStation, or Steam, you know. PC Battle Net, whatever the case is, so it's a pretty sizable update compared to WIS we got in the past, which makes sense. We're getting a really big war zone map in a sense, and if you guys are wondering when all of this is going to be installable SL downloadable depending on your platform, all of this will happen later today at noon Eastern Standard Time or 9:00 a.m.

M pacific Standard time, so it might already be out by the time you're watching this article, or you just got to wait like a couple of hours or whatever the case, but yeah, it's a pretty crazy update. But now that we talked about how huge the file size is on PlayStation and potentially the other platforms, let's go ahead and get to the content here within MW3.

Mw3 multiplayer details and mw3 ranked play

Mw3 multiplayer details and mw3 ranked play

MP is starting us off, and I'm going to try to get through everything as fast as possible. I might miss a couple of things, but this article will legit be like 30 or 40 minutes if I mention every single little thing. Starting things off, we got six new 6v6 maps for multiplayer here, and we got six-star, which I believe I do have background gameplay of, and hopefully I'm showing it off here at the moment if I remember, but it legit looks amazing.

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It takes place in Dubai. And legit people that were able to play the game with the season early actually went to Dubai and recorded footage of this map over there, which is kind of crazy, but the map looks tropical and amazing, and it reminds me of Raid from Black Ops 2 a little bit, just a little bit bigger to kind of make sense for the faster movement that we have now, which is pretty cool.

1.41 update mw3

Next up, we have a small 6x6 map, and that's going to be the map of emergencies. An emergency takes place in Arizona, apparently. And it's a small map; it's going to be around meat size, and this should be very fun to see in the small map playlist. This is probably your favorite map once we get a chance to play around with it.

We also have Gro House, which is a new 6v6 Smalls siiz map that is actually a remaster. Of sphere from Call of Duty Vanguard, it's just the same sort of structure we got, like upper levels and lower levels, and pretty much very condensed for some amazing SMG action. I remember this map being pretty all right; I don't know how it's going to play with this year; maybe a little bit better we got the tanked map, which is actually from Von Del; it's actually part of the Von Del Zoo, so they actually repurposed the map and kind of moved some things around, and now we're playing on Von Del within multiplayer, the third Von Del multiplayer map first this year for MW3.

fjx horus

And honestly the map looks really nice it has a nice little Sunset sort of vibe and you actually fight in the aquarium as well from time to time which I think this map could play pretty well next up we got the map of checkpoint which is actually a repurposed, map from rebirth Island they took the nice little I guess headquarters place from Reaver violent or stronghold whatever it was called and changed it into 6v6 they actually did adjust some of the buildings so this map might play pretty well if we multiplayer we just have to wait and see how it does truly play well cuz I don't really like this are of the map within rebirth Island but maybe it will be pretty good for multiplayer here and then for our last map here we have Grime which is another 6v6, small to medium siiz map.

And it takes place in London, and it kind of gives me London docks vibes from Call of Duty: World War II, but it looks pretty nice, has some graffiti on it, and I think it will be very colorful. Next up, we got four game modes to arrive in multiplayer, including capturing the flag, which we've seen before in the past in Call of Duty.

fjx horus gameplay

We also got one in the chamber, which is also a classic fan mode. You know, we also got Minefield, where you kill your opponents; they actually drop. You know bouncing betties onto the floor and you got to be careful to maneuver the map so anytime somebody dies you got to watch out for that balancing Betty which I don't know if this going to be a good one to mess around with but we shall see we also got the game mode of escort, which is very similar to the escorts mode that we've had in the past like Safeguard from Black Ops 3 and Black Ops 4 and I believe in war there's the little section where you escort something as well so it's going to be very similar to that moving on we got another Vortex playlist coming within the seasonal update, and that's going to include all the vortex maps that we've seen before they don't seem to have any new.

fjx horus gameplay mw3

And this gives you the ability to regenerate health after a kill or objective capture, which is basically Quick Fix from Modern Warfare 2. This is going to be a very good vest to mess around with. We've got the new perks of boots, which allow you to be immune to movement reduction effects, which could be useful.

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