News - Top 5 New Overpowered Loadouts Warzone 2. Best Class Setups

modern warfare 3 best class setups

Moving on to the muzzle the Sonic suppressor s I actually rocked I believe the shadow strike suppressor before which is amazing option if you guys want to definitely use this but I actually found that this one was really good because it gives it even more bullet velocity and even more damage range so you're going to be killing enemies, a lot faster, just from this one attachment just be from this one suppressor so I really enjoyed this one there are definitely a lot of options as you guys can see like there's so many attachments in this game, that will honestly really help you there's so many different routes you can go but I personally like a suppressor to stay off that radar all right guys and for the ammunition attachment the high grain rounds I use this a lot of the times on my assault rifle class setups but I really like this also on the striker obviously no enemy skulls so when you kill an enemy there won't be a skull and his teammates won't know where he kind of died, and maybe if they're just not paying attention to like you know the mini map or something you also get more bullet velocity, more damage range is this a necessary, attachment.

Another enemy comes around the corner, and they catch me reloading. I can't even say to reload or cancel because I don't have any more bullets. Boom, they kill me. Moving on to the rear grip, the sack, and the ZX grip for a little bit more gun kick control and a little bit more recoil control, honestly.

modern warfare 3 best guns

I might change this attachment now that I'm looking at it kind of on the fly right here with you guys. I might change the sack and ZX grip, maybe remove that, and honestly, the RB. Calis assault stock might be another good option because you do get that gun kick control but also a little bit more ads and sprint to fire speed, which honestly might be good, or you could run the light stock just for more movement speed so you can run around a little bit faster, and when you guys use this class.

modern warfare 3 best setup

I mean literally. Like no recoil, like this gun has no recoil it's kind of insane obviously for those longer range engagements you might have to maybe tap fire a little bit maybe even Mount up close range, no recoil, medium no recoil you're good to go next up we have the MCW, and if you're trying to find the perfect weapon for you this is probably it this is the OG ACR, this was amazing in the preseason as well and it's really good in season 1 and I have two class setups all right guys so this is just class setup number one for the MCW because there's so many ways to run it it's a very versatile weapon but this is kind of like my personal favorite class setup so for the barrel the 16.5.

MCW, Cyclone Long Barrel: I use this in the preseason. I'm bringing it back over. You get bullet velocity and range, so your bullets travel faster, and you're going to be hitting more people at longer ranges. Obviously, aiming idle, sway firing, and aim stability are all really good stuff, and you only have cons for stance spread, which you really don't do that often, and hitfire spread, which you're really not going to do either with an assault rifle and then aim walking speed.

modern warfare 3 best smg

It's not that much, and this is easily my favorite barrel out of all of these options. Next up is the shadow strike suppressor. I mean, I can't say enough good things about this attachment. You stay off the radar. Absolutely no cons this gun is already going to have like no recoil so you really don't need like you know the spirit fire suppressor or really anything else like that moving on to the ammunition the NATO High Grand rounds once again me such a game changer of an attachment you get bullet velocity damage range this attachment is so freaking broken, you'll feel the difference as well when you take this off and put it back on easily need the 40 round mag I think by default you have 30 bullets which is just simply not enough they're on the 40 round mag so you just don't have to constantly be reloading with your weapon I feel like the 60 round mag is probably only good for like war zone you don't need that much in multiplayer, maybe if you were on shipment or meat or rust something super small where it's really hard to find those opportunities to reload but I would stick with the 40 round M and lastly for the stock the RB Regal heavy stock for that recoil control and gun kick control this is easily one of my favorite setups.

modern warfare 3 best weapon

For the entire game, I mean literally no recoil, man. The gun just feels good as well, and I don't know about you guys, but I'm a huge fan of the iron sights. But if you're not a huge fan of the iron sights, I got another class for you. This is class setup number two for the MCW, so I actually removed the barrel completely because we really don't need that at all for the muzzle.

I put on the Komodo Heavy, which is going to help out with horizontal, but more importantly, gun kick control and vertical recoil control as well. Then everything else is the same, but when you take off the barrel, I put on the slate reflector for the optic just in case you don't like the iron sights in this weapon and you want a clear picture.

modern warfare 3 best weapons

I love the slate reflector, but as you guys can see, there is no recoil. No recoil and even longer range, just a little bit of recoil not that much you definitely have to be a little bit careful with this class setup though, just because you don't have a suppressor so you will be showing up on the radar so as long as you guys know that just be ready just be prepared but yeah two classes for you to check out next up we have the bass b battle rifle and so many people have been talking about this gun and for good reason it is absolutely, insane you need to try this out all right guys so starting off with the muzzle the husher 65, silencers is obviously going to make it so you're not on the radar but then you get bullet velocity, as well as firing aim stability moving on to the under bellel the Brewin pivot vertical grip this thing has vertical recoil, so to help that out you get this attachment gun kick control and vertical recoil control which is going to help out the gun a lot next up you got to have the 30 round magazine you can rock the 45 round mag if you want both of these are an option but you need some form of a magazine attachment.

modern warfare 3 gameplay

With this battle rifle moving on to the rear grip of the ST88. Grip: This is going to help out even more with gun kick control and even more with recoil control, and finally, throw on the Slate reflector. I'm not going to lie, man, the bass B is feeling really, really good, like no recoil. The damage feels really good.

You take out opponents extremely quickly because it is a battle rifle, but it kind of acts as an assault rifle as well. Finally, man, we have the AR9 Submachine Gun, and right before season 1, they actually went ahead and buffed this thing; you could have 100 bullets in the magazine. This gun shreds.

Modern Warfare 3 Season 1 if here, and that means we have new weapons to check out. I'll be showcasing the TOP 5 BEST CLASS SETUPS LOADOUTS in Modern Warfare 3 Warzone 3! G FUEL 30 OFF.
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