News - Warzone 2 Top 5 Ranked Play Class Setups (warzone 2 Best Class Setups)


I'm going to give you guys the top five best meta-class setups for Modern Warfare 3 ranked play. This is going to be very easy, and there are things you can throw on right now, so we are actually going to start out with the ram 7. I usually start out with the MCW, but I want to switch it up a little bit for people who want to try something different.

The Ram 7 is actually meta in ranked play, and I think you guys will enjoy this class setup. You're on the move. 45 Sky Fury compensator for Reco control at the cost of aim-down sight speed, which is not a big deal if you're on the Cronin headwind Long Bar for bull of velocity and range aiming out of way and firing aim stability at the cost of hit fire inct St spread aim walking speed and sprint of fire speed they on the dr6, hand stop for aim walking speed aim down sight speed Sprint to fire speed and movement speed at the cost of HIIT fire attack stance spread and aim walking steadiness.

cod modern warfare 3 best class

Mark 3 reflector is my personal preference, but you can use the niger, the slate, or anything that you want to along these categories that are not actually banned, and last but not least, the hvs. 3.4 pad for gun kick control and recoil control at the cost of sprint to fire speed Sprint speed and movement speed: in combat, it's very easy to just snap onto the enemy; the only downside is that at super long range, it's going to be a little bit more difficult to actually hit your targets because there is a little bit of recoil.

If you can control the recoil fantastically or if you guys want a better build with better recoil, then I can help you guys out with that, but just be cautious with the long-range engagements, because if somebody has MCW. And if your shots are not perfect, then you most likely will lose, but the short, medium-range engagements are perfect for this weapon right here, so here's the entire class right here, and if you guys do want someone something different, then I can help you guys out.

There's two things you can do: you can either change the underbarrel or you can most likely change the rear grip put on the retort 90 grip tape if you guys don't want the DR6 hand stop, but if you guys don't want that either, you can change the DR6 hand stop, and instead of running that, you can run something along the blinds, the Brun heavy support grip, the Camaro Ren 03.

cod mw3

Or, oops, sorry. Test it out for yourself, because I don't want to be the one who says, Hey, this works the best, and then someone says, Well, that didn't work for me. Next is the most popular gun in the game, the MCW. They're on the stur 45 Sky Fury compensator for recoil control at the cost of aim down sight speed; they're on the 16.5.

MCW Cyclone long brow for bullet velocity and range aiming out the sway and firing aim stability at the cost of HIIT fire attack. Stand, spread, aim, walking speed, and sprint to fire speed once again; throw on the Dr6 hand stop for aim walking speed; aim downside speed. Sprint to fire speed and movement speed at the cost of HIIT fire inaction Dan spreads and aims, walking slowly.

The RB claw PSL grip for firing aim stability, gun kick control, and recoil control at the cost of aiming out Sway, and last but not least. I put on a slate reflector, but once again, you can use anything you want, whether it's a Nider Mark III or any of these. I just can't guarantee your performance.

modern warfare 3

This weapon is incredibly easy to use; it has really good movement; it's not slow at all. You can basically use it for any position, whether you are an anchor or you want to rush around a little bit. This gun is actually fantastic for rushing; you can just slide and get right into the engagement, but you guys see, it has fantastic recoil controls, so you're not compromising.

Your range, your bullet velocity, or anything like that—this is the ideal setup, and with that being said, let me show you guys the entire class setup right here. I think this is the best of all worlds, and you guys should copy this down, take a screenshot, and picture whatever you guys want to do if you want to build it right now.

You made it this far in the article. Can you guys comment meta for me? I'm going to shout some of you guys out and give you some points. Number three is the WASP swarm. This thing is absolutely insane, and I have some other SMGs to show you, but I had to show you that this is one of my personal favorites.

modern warfare 3 best

I see a lot of people using a lot of weird muzzles for the wasp. But this is my personal favorite. The L4R flash hider provides muzzle flash concealment, recoil control, and gun kick control at the cost of aim-down sight speed. a ruthless L barrel for bullet velocity and range and aiming out way at the cost of Sprint to fire speed.

If you throw on the long barrel, the downside is that you are going to have a ton more cons that I think are just not worth it considering. This is multiplayer; it's not a war zone; you're not going to really have to worry too much about some more recoil control; it already has pretty good recoil control; and I just don't think it needs those extra cons that are going to be crucial for those engagements.

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Throwing the FTAC SP10 with an angled grip for horizontal recoil, aiming out of wayway gun KY control, and aim-walking steadiness at the cost of vertical recoil with a 40-round mag is my personal preference. Now you do lose movement speed, aim down sight speed, reload quickness, and sprint to fire speed, but I do think the trade-off is worth it.

I don't think anyone should use 20 or 25, just because. I just think you're going to have a bad time using these. You may not even get one kill, but if you do, you're immediately going to get killed right after just because you don't have enough bullets to get the job done. I think 40 is the perfect spot, and last but not least, the FSS Rampage 7 tag tical for aim down sight speed, aiming out of sway, firing aim stability at the cost of aim walking speed and movement speed.

This gun is fantastic to use; it's very easy, has very easy. I would say recoil control. Fantastic movement, so you actually are going to be able to slide around the map, move, catch the enemy by surprise, get the job done, and give you guys a little bit of range. Now obviously, long range, you're just not going to win that, so don't even try it, but if someone's short range, you're going to absolutely melt them and get the job done very quickly.

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So with that being said, copy this class setup down, and I think you guys are going to absolutely love this. I do have some other ones to show you as well. Rival 9 is actually one of my favorite SMGs in the game, and this is a little bit of a controversial setup, throwing the l4r Flasher for muzzle flash to sealment.

Modern Warfare 3 Top 5 Ranked Play Class Setups MW3 Best Class Setups.
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