News - Top 5 New Overpowered Loadouts Warzone 2. Best Class Setups

cod modern warfare 3 best class

Modern Warfare 3 season 1 is officially here, and that means we have new weapons to check out today. I'll be showing you guys the top five best class setups you can use, and make sure to watch until the end of the article for a bonus class. Before we jump into it, I'm going to give you guys 5 seconds to drop a like for good luck, and that starts right now.

The first up we have the ram 7; this is a brand new assault rifle introduced in Modern Warfare 3 season 1 Al, so we did see it in Modern Warfare 2019. This assault rifle is specifically good with close and medium range engagements but can also hit those long range targets all right guys, so jumping into the ram 7 class setup we have for the barrel, the Boreal 6C, suppressed barrel obviously.

I really like this barrel because it comes with an integrated suppressor already, so you're staying off the radar, and you don't have to use an attachment slot on a muzzle. So now that frees up another attachment just to help out with this gun, and you also get bullet block velocity and range. This is something that I feel like the Ram 7E needs; it's really good in the medium range, but then it's really good in the medium range, but then it starts to really fall off on those long range engagements, and even in Modern Warfare 2019.

modern warfare 3

The Ram 7 did the exact same thing; it just wasn't really that great with those long-range engagements, so I feel like you need bullet velocity so your bullets travel faster, hitting the enemy faster, but then also increase that range a little bit. Moving on to the magazine, I actually really like the 60-round mag; you definitely can run the 40-round mag.

As well, with the 60-round mag, obviously you're going to be a little bit slower in the ads and reload quickness, but you actually don't lose out on like movement speed at all; you just lose down to ad speed, so if you feel like this thing is just maybe a little bit too slow when you ads, honestly run the 40-round mag.

modern warfare 3 best

If you don't want the 40 round mag because I personally feel like this gun shoots fast throw on the 60 I'm moving on to the rear grip the retort 90 grip tape this helps out with firing aim stability which means that when you're firing your gun it's not really bobbing around that often and it helps out with gun kick control recoil control these are two things that definitely, you need help with for sure on this Ram 7even you also lose out on just aiming idle sway which is really not that big of a con moving on to the comb we have the Ft polycomb this is going to help out once again with that recoil control and gun kick control which I feel like the ram 7 has a lot of there's a lot to manage there so I feel like if you're really trying to hit those medium and long range engagements I feel like you need some gun kit control lastly man moving on to the stock the hvs, 3.

modern warfare 3 best ar

4 pad this is going to once again help out tremendously with gun kick control with three ticks as well as recoil control overall man I feel like this is definitely a better class setup when it comes to the ram 7 obviously, there's going to be a little bit of recoil to manage for those longer range engagements but like up close no recoil medium no recoil if you want to hit these farther shots I recommend kind of just shooting maybe stopping shooting and kind of doing a little bit of a tap fire but even with all of those gun kick control and recoil control attachments this thing definitely still has recoil to manage, so it's like you really do need those attachments.

Next up, we have the XRK sniper rifle, which was introduced in Modern Warfare 3 season 1. A lot of people have compared this weapon to maybe something like a Ballista or an MSR, but this sniper rifle is insane, guys, so jumping into this class setup for the laser, we have the FSS. The Olay V laser is from Modern Warfare 2, and it's definitely the best laser yet.

All of these sniper rifles are going to help out with aiming stability, ad speed, and sprint-to-fire speed. A lot of this class setup is going to be mainly ads and sprint to fire speed because we want to make sure we can hit those quick Scopes. We're fast, we're quick, and we can hit those one-shot kills before the enemy kills us, but on to the barrel, the Handler lkp.

modern warfare 3 best assault rifle

Short barrel once again ads speed movement speed, sprint to fire speed, and sprint speed. Now you do lose out on some bullet velocity and range, but honestly, it's a sniper, and the XRK sniper will hit those one-shot kills. I rarely get hit markers with this gun, even with the short barrel, so make sure to use this barrel because, obviously, because of the ad speed, you're going to want to be scoping in as fast as possible.

Moving on to the magazine, the seven-round magazine, I think this is honestly a really great attachment and a good option just in case you do miss some of your shots. Maybe you're not the fastest or the best sniper in the world. I think the seven-round mag will give you that buffer room where if you do miss one or two shots, you can still take out a lot of enemies in front of you, so if you guys are going for, like, you know, some quad feeds or some sniper clips or whatever.

modern warfare 3 best class

I think the seven-round mag is pretty mandatory. Next up for the bolt is the XRK stalker light bolt. This will help out with rechambering, speed so you can actually rechamber your gun faster in between shots, and making sure you shoot as fast as possible, which is really, really good. And lastly, I actually removed my rear grip in the last article that I made about this gun, and I put on the SPX.

866 this optic comes from Modern Warfare 2 and, in my opinion, is a very good optic for this sniper rifle. I'm not a huge fan of the default scope that comes with this gun, so I put on this one, and it feels a little bit more natural, a little bit more comfortable, and even with removing the grip, as you guys can see, it still scopes in very fast, and even if we stand all the way back here, scope in, you're still going to hit those one-shot kills even with the short barrel, so overall, man, definitely, give it a shot.

modern warfare 3 best class setup

I think you guys are going to have a lot of fun with this sniper. Next up, man, we have Old Reliable, the striker SMG. This is the UMP, from the original Moder Warfare 2; it was absolutely insane in the preseason, and it's still amazing in season 1, guys, so jumping into this class set up for the barrel, the striker Recon Long Barrel; this was the barrel actually used in the preseason, and it's going to be the same barrel moving into season 1; you get bullet velocity and range; you're making this SMG.

Hit a lot of those farther shots just giving it that bullet velocity where the bullets are going to be traveling faster, a little bit more range, so it's much better at those medium and long range engagements, but also it's an SMG, so it's still going to hit for those close-range engagements nonetheless.

Modern Warfare 3 Season 1 if here, and that means we have new weapons to check out. I'll be showcasing the TOP 5 BEST CLASS SETUPS LOADOUTS in Modern Warfare 3 Warzone 3! G FUEL 30 OFF.
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