News - Top 5 "meta" Classes After Warzone 2 Update. Warzone 2 Best Class Setups

Again, you could swap out some of these attachments for things like the Dr6 hand stop, and you could add the Camir laser. That's going to make it a lot better. It's brought in the Sprint virus, which is down to 92 milliseconds. Definitely, the congestion is crazy. I definitely sorted that out. This is just my overall favorite build for the gun.

Next up, we got the WP9. This thing actually got a massive buff; they increased the overall sprint of fire speed, which this gun already had at a decent sprint of fire speed. I think they did that because this thing has an open bolt delay; basically, when you go to pull the trigger, there's going to be a slight delay.

And then, it does make the time kill a little bit slower, but if you have a fast fire speed, it kind of cancels that out for you. I honestly see a lot of people rock this thing in rank play like this build too—no recoil, so broken, a lot of mobility. If you don't like the build, definitely go on my channel and check out some other builds for the gun because this thing has a lot of different variations.

Overall, though, I really like the flashhider because it is one of the best muscles in the game for recoil control and basically has no cons. It's kind of what you always want to do for your guns; you want to fine-tune them and make them a little bit better without really hurting them, and so that's why we got that muzzle, and the same reasons go for the under.

I really do like the Dr6 hand stop; it's just that I feel like a lot of you probably aren't, you know, super, cracked out. You know you all have full-time jobs or are in school, so the Phantom 5 is probably going to be a little bit easier to use, but if you can do well with the weapon, definitely rock the DR6 hand stop since, if we look at those Pros, we get recoil control and handling, but with the DR6, we get a lot of mobility.

And handling, and so it just depends on your skill, and then for the next ATT, this gun only has, I think, about 25. Rounds, yeah, so you're going to be blowing three ammo stots why I got the 40 round mag on there yes there are a lot of cons but this thing just got a sprint of fire speed boost and so you know it doesn't really matter 61 milliseconds, while having a 40 round mag that is insane got the MK3 reflector on there if you don't want that you could go over here and add the WC Factory stock yes you lose recoil control but you get a lot of mobility and handling so if you're playing on smaller map you might honestly like that more or you could even go over to the laser and add the chamira laser and now your sprad to fire speeds 51, milliseconds And so you can make this thing dumb broken can even add a barrel on here usually I would add a barrel but recently I just you know I haven't really been running a barrel and I still do very good you can run the Reckless 90 gives you so much damage range yes you lose a lot of your Sprint to fire speed but it's 73 milliseconds, which is faster than any other SMG in the game so it's still going to be insane you're definitely going to be seen a lot of builds coming from this gun previously I would add the W speed T 20 grip but now that the Sprint of fire speeds increased we can get away with running the marauder so now we get more recoil control making the gun even easy to use at long range keep in mind that recoil gun kick is what really helps control The Recoil as well as the fire aing stability, horizontal and vertical recoil will help a lot but not that much next up we got the HRM 9 which they actually buff the damage range and so we're not going to be running a barrel on this anymore I was having a lot of fun with just having more Mobility, attachments.

And just you know taking advantage of the a little bit of extra damage range that it naturally has also some of the perks and stuff got a buff so I'll be going over all those after I give you all these classes so we are going to be running the Zen com safe flasher, again best muzzle in the game under Barrel since this gun is already, strong it's already good in every other category of the of you know you know what I mean the6 hand stop is just going to make the weapon a little bit lighter allowing you to win more gunfights, up close and then you are going to be blowing three Amo so we got the 50 Grand mag on there we are losing mob ability but again we got the dr6 hand stop to mitigate those cons and one thing you guys could try doing taking off the magazine or the rear grip then going over to the barrel and obviously you could add the princeps, if you want a lot of damage range that's still going to be a very good barrel for the gun but the thorn Barrel adds a lot of mobility.

And since we have more damage range now that you have like an AR in your hand, definitely try out the thorn and the princeps for me, though I just really like this build. I always do the best with this exact build, and then for these stocks, sometimes I'll run the hatchet light, but I just like the folding stocks.

If we look at those Pros, we get the recoil gun kick horizontal and the vertical, with only losing about 5% to 80s of speed, so now this weapon is still going to be pretty bouncy. That's like the biggest con of the gun, but you can't really reduce the bounce, and so that's why, as you know, we have all the mobility attachments and just a couple recoil and control attachments.

I'm going to be running the assault, which does help out the weapon. Not too needed though, and so if you do want to swap anything. I'd probably take off the assault grip, maybe add the barrel, you could add high-grain rounds, you could add the Camira laser, you could go over here and add the optic, like honestly, the lasers are like the best attachment you can add; it's just there's a laser, so it's up to you if you want the enemies to see your laser.

Here is a screenshot of the HRM 9 build. This last weapon is going to be the BP50. This gun just got a conversion kit, which turns it into an SMG. I know it looks like there's a lot of recoil but you can't reduce that recoil though so again we're just going to be increasing the mobility, and I got a suppressor on there to keep you off the radar which that suppressor is going to be the Sonic suppressor it's also going to increase that damage range and the bow velocity overall making the gun feel a lot more responsive, and you know finally we are not running the Z compensated flash hider then for the laser obviously you can swap this out for something else but just try out the laser on here this thing is going to make the Sprint of fire speed 97, 96 milliseconds, which you know the only difference between an AR and an SMG is the Sprint of fire speed now this thing has an SMG Sprint to fire speed allowing you to use it like an SMG and then increase the over damage range we are going to be adding the high grain rounds since we cannot run a barrel under Barrel magazine stock or comb you know the gun's pretty limited when you got the Jack Revenger.

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