News - Top 5 Meta Class Setups Warzone 3 After Update. Meta Loadouts

Next, we're going to be using the spirit fire suppressor and muzzle. It's going to boost our recoil control, it's going to boost our damage range, and it's going to boost that bow of velocity, allowing us to get those kills far away easily. Then, for the last attach, we're going to be using the brew and heavy support grip.

top 5 classes

Brew and heavy support grip is one of the best recoil control underbarrs to use in all of the war zones and resurgences right now simply because of the fact that it really reduces that disgust. Really hard to control and kind of get around horizontal recoil, definitely The meta weapon and I won't be told otherwise; next off, we're going to be talking about the WASP swarm we're going to move into the SMG.

Meta: Now that we've kind of gone over the main three, I'd say for the primary guns, let's go ahead and talk about the submachine guns. I've got a couple of Wasp Swarm class setups for you guys. This class setup right here is one of the maximum-movement class setups. Now this setup will have a lot more recoil.

There's a class setup with the 100-round mag as well, which some people prefer over the 50-round mag. It's because the gun shoots so quickly. The class set up on screen now is the max movement class set up. I'm not going to go through every single attachment; on this long story short, it's got an integrated suppressor on this gun, so you kind of get both the barrel and the suppressor.

top 5 loadouts

Off the mini map, it essentially saves an attachment slot, allowing you to get kind of that faster movement build using the hand stop 50 round mag and the rear grip kind of for those same reasons, and then the stock is actually going to be our main recoil control attachment. The reason for that is very clear.

If you look at the stat gun, it's pretty bouncy left, right, and up-down recoil, and this stock smooths out all of it with just one simple attachment. You'll see this on every single swarm build, and if you don't, then the person who gave you the class probably doesn't know what they're talking about.

swarm also has a time to kill of 880. Which is actually much slower than the MTZ Interceptor, and that PK that I showed you guys very interestingly that the subs in this game kill so much slower up close compared to some of these bigger heavy guns, but I assume at some point they'll look into that and they'll fix it, and as promised, this is going to be the class setup they're going to use if you want to use the 100-round mag again.


The movement isn't as good, and I'm not going to lie to you, the gun doesn't feel as good as well. You can definitely tell that it is slower. For sure, just because of that 100-round mag, it does slow down a good bit. The ad speed isn't too bad on this gun, though it already AIMS in pretty quick, so if you guys are looking for a 100-round mag setup for the Swarm This is going to be a bad option for you.

Next up, we're going to be talking about the striker, SMG. This is probably the only other like usable, I'd say SMG, in this game right now. The recoil on this gun as well is what I'd say makes it worse. You can tell that there's a huge movement speed difference between this gun and the last SW swarm that I just showed you again because of that H 100 run mag, but this gun comes in at a 9910.

warzone 2

Time to Kill, so about 30 milliseconds slower than that swarm. Some people just kind of have a preference for this over the Swarm; it does shoot a little bit slower, so you feel like you don't really run out of ammo as much, definitely get a lot more damage per mag, and reload way less in the middle of a gunfight.

Combine that with a really good movement on this Striker, and I think that's why people are starting to use this gun. Last but not least, I hate to throw this gun in there as like a sixth gun or a bonus, but I have to talk about the 725. This gun is stupid right now; it's ruining the games. They somehow made it one-shot kill again.

I don't know how they even managed to do that. I guess they reverted the gun back to, like, a PR-re-Nerf state. If you guys want to use a laser, you can take advantage of this demo. Carbon guard This is going to add some movement speed, but you can take it off and use the point GP laser. This laser is basically going to reduce your hip fire spread by a significant margin, and it's going to help you get a little bit of extra sprint in the fire speed.

warzone 2 meta

It's a little bit of a preference, though, because it does show at the hips, so if you're in a stairwell or something like that and you're just staring at the wall, people are going to be able to see and know that you're there. If you guys are new, it does help me out tremendously.

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