News - Top 10 Best Meta Loadouts Warzone 3. Warzone Best Loadouts - Warzone 2

Look at the positive stats, so I'm going to show you the two, and you make a choice. So this is the cast break right here. Check this out. I don't think it really moves; I think it's pretty solid and stays in one spot. You can take that off, or if you don't want to use that, you can use the x10 port, like I said before.

X10 ported, 290. I think this thing is absolute. A laser literally does not move, so you guys have multiple choices. Whatever you guys want to use is completely up to you. It all gets the job done, HRM 9, because this thing is taking over in both casual and competitive play. The first thing you're going to want to throw on is the Zen 35 compensated flash hider.


Now this shortens the radar ping, which is actually fantastic. But the next thing is that it helps with vertical recoil, horizontal recoil, and firing aim stability. Now you do get a reduction in bullet velocity and aim-down sight speed; what you notice is a 5% reduction, but I don't really think that's a big deal now.

If you can't handle the Zimon 35 compensated and you don't want to deal with that, we do have an alternative with the L for flash hider, the LR flash hider. All you do is get a reduction in aim-down sight speed, but it has the same benefits. Now you don't get the vertical recoil boost that you would get in the previous one, but look at this; it also helps with 133%.

top 10 loadouts

On recoil horizontal and vertical, it's just not specifically vertical; in fact, the previous one helps with vertical, a -5%. Versus, if this helps, 133%. So you weigh your options whichever one you want, you can use next throwing the thorn 90 for hip fire attack stand spread aim down sight speed Sprint to fire speed and Sprint speed you do lose Reco control on aiming out of wayway but it's not a big deal and I don't think you're going to even notice X put on the dr6, hand stop for aim walking speed aim down sight speed Sprint to fire speed and movement speed once again you get a reduction of hit fire inct stand spread aim walk stus but it's not a big deal put on the 50 round drum because there's really no better alternative I think this is the best possible choice and the last attachment is the folding stock this helps a recoil control gun kick control and firing aim stability at the cost of aim down sight speed which is not a big deal for this gun this gun is ridiculously, easy to use at honestly all ranges.


I would say that even at long range, it does a good job. I just wanted to reload all the way so I could actually show you guys that this thing actually does a fantastic job at long range. Just make sure you do. Choose your gunfights wisely. I would recommend staying in the short to medium range with this gun, and to show you guys the entire class setup, here's the HRM 9 right here, and real quick.

Next is the SOA subverter. I actually think this is the best long-range weapon in the game right now, so I had to show it to you guys. Throwing on the cast is break L for horizontal Reco firing aim stability at the cost of aim-down sight speed. I would actually give a similar recommendation as the one I did earlier, but instead Tempest.

warzone 3

Gh50 so if you guys want to use a Cassis or the Tempest completely up to you do get more reduction of a down sight speed with the Tempest, but I think the cus is more than enough on the Dozer 90 long BR for B of velocity and range firing aim stability gun KY control and recoil control at the cost of aim walking speed spread to fire speed aim walking steadiness and aim down sight speed next point on the Brun heavy support grip for gun kick control aiming a sway horizontal recoil and firing aim stability you do lose some aim down sight speed and vertical recoil but trust me this is the one you want to have I've tested every single one of these big ones right here, and I think the Brun heavy support grip is the best choice 50 round drum I think there's just no better alternative you don't want to have less just because this is basically an AR I mean it's a battle rifle but why would you rather have 30 than 50, last but not least I put on the motion V2 heavy stock for recoil control and gun kick control at the cost of aim down sight speed and Sprint to fire speed just check this out out.

This is literally the ACR. Like, it's actually insane that this thing does not move; it has a pretty decent recoil, for, I mean, reloading for a drum. The lack of recoil and the fast time to kill make this thing an absolute force to be reckoned with, so I highly recommend trying it out, and if you guys do want to be risky and you want to use a tempest GH50.

warzone 3 best loadouts

I can show you guys that too. I think it's just as crazy, in my opinion. I mean I think the cus is kind of better that's whatever you guys want to use is completely up to you I'm going to stick to the cassets but here's the entire class setup for the S SOA subverter next is the WASP 9 now I actually think this is another overall, best SMG in the game it actually is dangerous at all ranges where the HRM is really good at close to medium range this is insane, at every single range but it's a bit slower throwing the zon 35 compensated flash hider for shorter radar pings vertical recoil horizontal recoil and firing aim stability, you do lose some bullet velocity and aim down sight speed but this thing has an insane.

warzone 3 best weapons

Amount of bullet velocity next throw on the dr6 hand stop for aim walking speed aim downside speed spread to fire speed and movement speed at the cost of hit fire intact stand spread and aim walking steadiness, on the 9 millimeter high grain rounds for bullet velocity and damage range at the cost of recoil control now the reason I threw this on there is cuz initially I had something else on there but I realized that this is more beneficial.

Now check this out; it helps with bullet velocity, effective damage range, and minimum damage range by 15%. What I was initially using was the Wreckless 90-long barrel. And you see, it only helps by 12%, and 6%. I just don't think the trade-off is worth it. Next is a 40-round mag; if you want to use 50, it's completely up to you, but I just think the cons end up getting a little too high.

I think if you look at these two, I mean, you have to weigh your options. Do you really want this much of a tradeoff? And if you're okay with it, feel free. But I like the 40; I think it's the best possible choice, and the last attachment is my personal preference for the Nero Model 2023. This thing is super cute and super easy to use.

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In my opinion, it is actually one of the best SMGs in the game. I want to show you guys that even at long range, you can get your shots on point, which is absolutely lethal. Now I would recommend keeping it short to medium range just because, with a SMG, it is ideal to keep the gunfights short to medium range, but you see, you can actually hit your shots and take someone out at long range if you really try.

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