News - The Warzone 2 Streak Problem (and My Solution) Warzone 2 Rant

The Assassin Vest Ghost, the cold-blooded equivalent I can't remember its name, but I'm pretty sure it's the hijack strobe. Either way, there's so many ways to stay alive, and there's so many ways to counter streaks. It just makes sense, like promoting it and encouraging people playing Call of Duty to get the Call of Duty experience.

Call of Duty isn't just camo challenges and weekly challenges and daily challenges and grinding; Call of Duty is that Thrill of the moment that thrill of taking out an entire enemy team and then calling in a streak and pinning them in their spawn and distracting them while you go for a further gun streak and you go on a flank.

modern warfare 3

It gives you this rush of adrenaline when you're on that kill streak and you know you're just one kill away; your palms get sweaty, and you start to shake a little bit. That's exciting there are people that have been playing Call of Duty for over a decade now, and they still get excited and hyped when they call in a larger streak.

It's fun to get a gunship; it's fun to get a swarm, but they have to be worth it; they have to be viable. One of the reasons people might be more burned out on Call of Duty now is that there isn't a giant reward. Call of Duty was all about killing being easy and dying being easy. Staying alive is the hard part.

Cod is easy to pick up and difficult to master. Having the confidence, the map knowledge, and the awareness to go on longer streaks should be rewarded. I think more people would be happy playing the game more often if their success mattered more. You don't need a bunch of overpowered streaks that pin people in their spawn all game and make the game less fun, which wouldn't work with today's matchmaking systems anyway.

modern warfare best streaks

It's not about making it more powerful; it's about making it useful; it's about making it feel worth it. It brings back the tension and excitement of doing well, and I think more people will have a lot more fun playing Call of Duty anyway. Goodbye

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