News - The "updated" Max Damage Striker 9 Class Warzone 2. Best Striker 9 Class Setup -warzone 2

cod mw3

God damn, I kept the guy unmuted because he's not annoying, just to make that clear. I almost never mute people if your mics are not. Annoying, did he spawn behind me? What is that? sure, keep coming. Don't lie; don't keep coming. Jesus freaking scared the crap out of me, man. I would have easily gotten a swarm when I was on that one big streak; that's the thing I would have had, but the swarm just doesn't do anything with all the constant spawning and dying; you literally don't get kills, if anything; it just kills.

If I had Quick Fix on this map, I would talk about Quick Fix all the time because it's literally my Lord and Savior. If I had Quick Fix, I think that's him, and I think the guy with the ri Shield is. The guy that's talking—that's kind of funny because I just heard him say, [__] Yeah, our teammate with the rise Shield's so funny.

I think he's okay because he's on my team. You know, if he was on the other team, I'd be raging so hard I would be I'd be raging so. I am still frying though, and that's something like I got 89. Can I complain absolutely not? I still think that I stink at maps like this. I mean, you're witnessing it.

modern warfare 3

I definitely get it. I'm definitely better when I'm not constantly having to jump into gunfights. I can heal. I can reload you; know there wasn't even a guy there I'm shooting at. Ghosts, stop killing your mic all the damn time. Jesus, what's he talking about? I don't know what he's talking about.

Is he killing someone who has an open mic? What do you, guys, think? I haven't gotten a chopper in a while, so I'm going to actually tease it up a bit. Compromised see what I mean? I am just in a I'm genuinely a better player when I'm not constantly having to flip around and do 360s, and that is what it is.

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People like these small maps, but I think they're more of a camo thing. I don't look at this as a performance-driven map. You know, too close. I don't think high-kill games on maps like this are impressive—anything like that—only because you don't need brain power to play this crap double-kill triple.

modern warfare 3 striker 9

I mean, I have all my streaks. I'll consider this a success, but again, it's just not my cup of tea. I'd rather, ligma. I I'm in I think I'm in the minority of the Cod Community, where I'd rather have brain power. Your smoke didn't help anybody. I like this guy's voice.

Best Striker 9 Class Modern Warfare 3 Best Striker 9 Class Setup Modern Warfare 3 Best Striker 9 Class MW3 Best Striker 9 Class Setup MW3.
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