News - The Ultimate Guide To Grinding Dark Aether Warzone 2 Zombies

cod zombies

In today's article, I'm going to be showing you guys how to grind the dark AA Zone and get all of the rare schematics, nice and easily, in Modern Warfare 3 zombies. So this is exactly what I've been doing to grind out the dark AA zone. As you can see in the background. I've got a couple game plays of me going through and doing a lot of the contracts and things like that to try and get the schematics, and all that sort of different things because, as you know, a lot of the best schematics you can get in Modern Warfare 3 zombies.

Are through the dark AA zone so that is exactly why I've been grinding it trying to finish up the last couple schematics that I've not had but also just get some loot as well that's just going to help me in the next game wherever I'm getting the golden armor plates the a blade case that I can just take into my next game or something along those lines just to make my life a little bit easier, for that next game that I'm going to playing but as you can see with the contracts guys they're really not too difficult to do if you can just work out the best ways to do it when you're doing this extractor, one what I recommend doing is having decoy grenades equipped and the reason for this is you can just before you're about to start activating the extractor.

flawless crystal schematic

You can then just go ahead and throw a decoy grenade down you're going to distract a lot of the zombies they're going to start running over into that area you can quite easily get that ticked over and then start running on to the next one as you can see I was lucky enough to have a fourman squad to do this with so it does make it slightly easier, but if you are doing this solo then it is still very doable if You' got decoy grenades and things like that as you can see I go down pop self there goes the decoy grenade, and then I'm able to overload this one pretty simply with not too many problems, and as of course guys with any thing that you're doing within this sort of stuff make sure you've got a gun that you are comfortable of using, and as you can see for me I'm using the ram 7 so that is a gun that I'm very comfortable with I know it's a very good gun within the game, but you guys can go ahead and use whichever gun is your favorite within the game, whether it's going to take out bosses or zombies, or you can have a combination.

how to find all schematics mw3

You could use a wonder weapon; it really does not matter as long as you are using a gun that is actually usable in the game; it's actually a good gun, and you know he's going to play well for you. Then go ahead and use that; it doesn't matter what gun it is. You know some people are going to suggest using one gun.

A lot of people are going to suggest using another gun. Just use what it is that you're comfortable with. For me, that was the ram 7even because I just know it's a good gun. I know how good it is at taking out bosses and zombies in this game, and as you can see, we have finally finished up the extraction of the contract nice and easily.

how to find schematics in mw3 zombies

It didn't take us too long, and the rewards became legendary. Absolutely lovely, that's going to help me out a lot in my next game, and then we just get a couple other little bits that I'm not too worried about, but that is one contract done of course let me just drop a quick map on screen right now of where all the different contracts are so you know exactly how to start all the different contracts, and as you can see there are three different sections on where you can go ahead and start contract you can have an escort Mission an Outlast Mission and the extract the mission that we did just do there if you're playing solos.

I wouldn't really recommend trying to do the escort mission because it's simply quite difficult considering they also increased the difficulty of the dark AA zones, it is now pretty ult to do the escort Mission if you are playing solo if you're a good player and you feel confident go ahead and try it but if you're new to the dark a Zone and you're still trying to grind the schematics, if you're playing solo I probably would recommend avoiding the escort Mission and just going onto some of the other missions and then extracting in once you've done the final two contracts.

legendary aether tool schematic

Speaking of that escort Mission as you can see I am about to actually load one of the turrets up with a Turret ammunition mod and the reason for this is I know the escort mission is going to go round by that turret so when we get to that point and the actual escort thing stops itself, this the turret is just going to help down take so many zombies which you'll be able to see in just a moment we activate it we let the obviously the turret start going around in its own L formation, it's going to just keep moving around to where it needs to this is when you're going to get a lot of zombies spawning you'll see how chaotic it gets in a moment you literally get basically every single zombie that is in the dark ather on you at that point you've got armored zombies normal zombies mimics manglers deciples; you even get mega-abominations, start walking over if you get it, and go through the wrong place, which can be really frustrating.


So whatever you do you need to make sure you are keeping a close eye on the vehicle health because if that goes down you will fail the contract and it will start going down quickly if you run off to let your teammates try and get some kills or whatever, but as you can see like I said about that turret look at how useful it is just about to be watch my score just start flying up without me even shooting at zombies, that turret is going to do so much work to help take down a lot of these zombies so if you're at any point you're in a game and you're looting up before you come into the dark AA Zone pick up as many ammunation mods as you can for the turrets, because you don't believe how useful these things are even in the dark AA Zone they're amazing, tier three they're amazing in the dark AA Zone and they're really going to help you out as you can see it's just absolutely melting through zombies without me really having to do anything, and it's really helping us keep that vehicle Health down as you can see we're only at 91%.

So far, we're now moving on to the next section already, so we're L 9% in that first section, which really isn't too bad, and if you can manage to stay at 9% per section, you are easily going to complete that contract. So, as you can see, we're just about to finish up the contract. Here, we got about 21% health on the ACV.

mw3 schematics

This should now just blow up in any moment now I've run out of ammo completely trying to do this contract because you there is a lot of zombies like I said there's a lot you guys to try and take down we're down to 15% so it's getting a little bit ropey there's a mega Abomination Fir and lasers at us 12%, 10%.

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