News - The Ray Gun Got A Huge Buff Warzone 2 Zombies. Is It Good

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Just like that, we got manglers, so it doesn't seem to be too strong against the bosses in this game. Even then though it does it hasn't felt too bad against that Mangler just then I need to be careful to go down here because I am going to go down I managed to get away just literally one HP there yeah it doesn't seem too bad against bosses by no means is it the strongest like there are definitely better guns that you guys could use to take down boss zombies in this game, so, already I'm going to say it's not the craziest against the bosses but it feels pretty good against the normal zombies especially as you just saw when there's a horde of zombies just sort of running around you can drop them pretty easily without too many problems it's really not that bad at taken down a big group of zombies when they're running up against you, so as you can see another big group of zombies running at us let's see how well we can hold them all off if we just start spraying at the floor, letting them all come around they've all come around from behind which is kind of messed up my whole plan there to get that hellhound down so it doesn't try chasing me try and get some plates on real quick.

mw3 raygun

I just need to get Speed Cola from somewhere, which is basically essential with this gun. Unrealizing Speed Cola is definitely necessary if you're trying to use this ray gun in the Tier 3 Zone because the zombies are too fast. With how slow this reload speed is for the ray gun at standard, you can melt through the zombies with no problems, really, like it's really not that bad at holding back a whole bunch of zombies.

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There is a mega-abomination right in front of me. I've got managers shooting me. Let me try to get away from that mangler. So we got a whole bunch of zombies here. We need to be very careful. I go down here. Yeah, all right, so we have gone down. Again though the good thing about the ray gun when you're down, you can melt through the zombies they can already you can just start taking them out before you even get up so if there's a lot of zombies around you and you know you're sort of struggling you don't know how you're going to get out that situation, just shoot around at the floor let the ray gun do a bunch of damage then pop your reload you should have eliminated a good amount of the zombies then he says and then he stands up in a whole group of them but yeah you it's not too bad when you go down because you do you sort of have that little Lifeline of been able to use the ray gun, okay so there's there are so many zombies this is what I mean when there's nobody in the tier three Zone and you're the first one here.

It becomes kind of difficult to actually do good damage to the zombies because there are so many of them. It's ridiculous it feels like if you're the only one in Tier 1, you just get more zombies to spam in and try to attack you on a regular basis. It's actually kind of nuts how much damage I feel like he's doing to me right now against these zombies, but let's try and take down a mega Abomination Head.

mw3 zombies raygun

I think we did manage to actually get that one there, which is kind of decent. Like I said, we just need to be super careful because there are a lot of zombies trying to take down Mega Abomination, which can be hard enough on its own. We've then also got about 50, 000, zombies just running around after us which is kind of annoying but it doesn't seem to be doing the worst damage against the mega Abomination again I just need to be ridiculously careful here cuz I could I could go down in a literal heartbeat at this point it's there's so much damage being done to me from so many different zombies, let's see if we can pop the reload quickly take down this Mega Abomination head we're going to go down I'm going to go down I'm going to go down yeah I knew it I just knew it we didn't get the Abomination head either which is kind of crazy for the amount of damage we was doing to it we put like what 15 odd bullets into his head there which is a tier three ray gun you'd have thought a tier three ray gun to the mega abomination head putting 15 bullets into it, may have done a little bit more damage than what it done just then because that was kind of, that was kind of disappointing to be honest how little damage it done to the mega Abomination just then let me try and get some plates on get out the line of sight from this Mangler.


Mega Abomination is going to start chasing us; we need to pop a reload, really. Try to pick up some ammo. Mega Abomination is far in its head again. Let's see if we can get this one to go. I'm going to go down one more time, and I've got no health left. I don't think after this one I will think this is my last.

There's just so many zombies, like normally when I'm trying to take down Mega Abominations, there just aren't this many zombies around. You can normally take care of the zombies pretty quickly, and then it's just you and Mega Abomination left, but for some reason. It's all hell breaking loose. I just cannot do anything against this Mega Abomination because of how many zombies I am, you know what?


I'm going to go ahead and stick this turret on to see if I can put some ammo into the turret so it can try to help me take down some of these zombies. Hopefully it doesn't do too much damage to the mega Abomination, though, because I do want to take down the mega Abomination myself, but I have a feeling that the turret might start targeting the mega Abomination, which is exactly what it's going to do.

As you can see, there it goes, so okay, a little bit disappointed now. I did kind of want to take out the mega-abomination for myself. I cannot afford to go down. Whatever happens, Harry, do not go down. I've gone down. You just got to stay alive. just stay alive just stay alive. So you got a mangler here; it's going to take decent damage to the mangler; it really didn't do too much damage just then to that mangler.

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It still isn't my go-to gun. There is no way I would pick this over a lot of the other guns that are in this game. There are so many better guns at taking down boss zombies. Mega Abominations, and taking down hordes of zombies, but this gun does kind of excel in that sort of area when it comes down to taking large quantities of zombies at one time because it can do the damage.

Obviously, you can shoot the floor like you would with a launcher, and it's going to do good damage in that aspect, like there's a bunch of zombies here. We can just start shooting the floor and taking down a whole bunch of zombies with no problem whatsoever. That is really where this gun is going to be good.

In this video we take a look at what happens when you pack-a-punch the raygun in mw3 zombies! Pack-A-Punching the raygun in MW3 Zombies This Happens. Pack-A-Punching the raygun in MW3 Zombies Best Weapon.
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