News - The Police Are Here (campaign: Flashpoint) Call Of Duty: Warzone 2 On Ps4


You said it, son ghost, and I am 10 miks out. Let's bag this bastard out here. Move the threat to the airport. He hit the stadium instead. M man, [__] Civilians are everywhere. I'll check your shots, The hold of unknowns inside, and Marov, you heard the order, we still stand to take him. Alright, get out of here.

Christ Al, Mighty, End Gold Eagle Bravo 6, we're innal and pushing to the VIP area. Be advised that Inner Circle is imposing his police overcopy. All police on target are considered hostile. Run and clear them out, F. Are you using grenades? Stay sergeant, show your hands. TR the responders. Don't shoot how did you get in here?

Security, let us in. Who are you with? Please we are trying to save lives. I need help over here. Soldiers, please stand first. These people need to get to a hospital now that they all came. K sec Sergeant, you broke him just the plate; check it; they had explosives; this was the next target.

Gold Eagle's actual explosives are located in the VIP area. There is no sign of a macaroon copy. Make it safe locally. Set up a cordon so Marov will have to fill fast. We're five mics out. Don't let him. Escape son, go you up the garage, affirm, secure the explosives, then get to the secondary xville, copy, and clean.

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You're going to kill me. Oh, I thought about it. Yeah, I recommend you do, and I'll recommend you tell your men to stand down. You're not trained to stand down. That's more your strategy. Keep him close. All stay since we have Marov moving to extract Roger and John. They'll fight to get him back.

We're counting on it. Well, I'll take him left. We cleared these vehicles. We move up and get going. On we clear affirm, grab Mar off, and let's move. I'll take it; it's not safe here. We need to move. You're not safe anywhere. Your luck is running dry. Move your ass. I don't believe in luck; I believe in planning bad luck.

It's just a matter of planning. On the way through, Sergeant, let's move. I bestow my blessings on your courage, but curse your stupidity. Tighten up the soap; we need to move. Christ, you're not a soldier; you're a war criminal. These people need medical care. What's stopping you from helping them?

cod modern warfare 3 2023

Sergeant, that's your choice. You did this, not us innocent people. No one is. Innocent war is treachery enough of the I'm through; it's a clear visual on the exit. I said it was time for you to meet some friends of mine; where are they close? Keep walking; so are mine. You should know when you've lost; he's still thinking about victory.

I've got to clear them out. Move Gold Eagle Actually, we're on the external east side of the stadium. What's your status? Bravo 6, we're on station. Be advised, you have enemies. Personnel moving in from the north will provide sniper support. Kobe, we'll bet you with the primary exit 6 out, and I'll handle making sure you clear an eliminated four x-rays still moving.

Target on your right visual on the 3xr bar engaging DB threat is still down there. Check your rot and clear any visible threats. Moving up with Marov Bravo 6, we're inbound to the HLZ now can't be we're. Simon Riley I expected you to stay at the airport and die there. If you want to live, do not threaten my men.

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Vladimir, are we on a first-name basis with her, so you know names? Anyone could read a bloody dossier. What's the rest of your plan? What do you mean, this amazing You're all dumber than you look. I asked you a question, and I have a question for you: What time is it? What the hell do you care what time it is?

Timing is everything. General I think we'll all remember this moment more fondly. Others at the airport, he pulled us off. Target you, [__] son of a, [__] I'll blow your [__] brains if you hear me swear God, and I'll do it. Do it come on, you shut your mouth. Let me finish him. John, we have him; he's in custody; he's not going anywhere.

Stand down, I promise. I shouldn't have stopped you; it was the right thing at the time. I got the time-secure transmission. Pentagon ID, and I will give you clearance. I'll go no, just, St. Kate, let's talk. I've been looking for you, John. It's a family affair, even better. What do you want?

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Vladimir Marov is the same as you go on General I got the lead on Makarov's bankroll. We're not looking for money or soap. You found the money. You found the man. Where are you getting an army? You got nothing wrong again, boys, It was unbelievable, so you missed me. Well, technically, you did, didn't you?

Well, if you're tracking this, let's call it an air-strike ghost. That is not nice. What are you up to? I'm up to doing my [__] job, kid. You should try it sometime. My [__] job is to kill the enemy. Guess what you are. Let's keep this professional, boys. Captain, let me paint you the bigger picture.

You need marov in a pine box, and I've got the nails in exchange for what a way back. I'm not going out like this. I want my name on a wind check in your inbox, Kate. I'll be in touch. I have a name for a location. I am not sending my men on a mission; this isn't a mission. John, this is because he is a [__].

john price

Liar, okay, I'm the CIA. John, I know all about lies. So do you, Captain. We do deals for Inel all the time. This is no different. He's right road to Hell is not G's right boss. We got this, Johnny. You with me, you know, LT, you watch your backs. Right, what did we get from Shepherd? How much did it cost to rob their partners in crime?

Literally, right now, they're our partners. I've added their Intel. It's good they found Makarov's Finan here. She's an oligarch named Melena Romanova. She's been doing Marov biding behind the scenes for years. It's a private island, isolated, and remote. It's a fortress in Paradise. Guess who runs security?

The County Group and Intel included blueprints and the layout of the land. What are we looking for? We can't roll up Molinaa legally, but we can roll up her money. Island's got servers; they can get us into her banking. We need to get past her security protocols. Someone out there has a fob key.

We find him. I can get a live line and crack it. We'll get information from the war and split up. I'll go for the fob key that secures the rear perimeter. We'll need eyes. I'll pilot a drone and coordinate from the air. I like what I'm hearing. Let's go follow the.

This is the Campaign mode mission named "Flashpoint" in Call of Duty Modern Warfare III, on PlayStation 4. I hope everyone enjoys the video.
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