News - The New Warzone Update Is Completely Unplayable

This issue is now resolved; players who previously could not access the event tab will find it to be available once again after they restart their game, so if you're someone who has not had your event tab working, if you just simply restart your game now and you go to boot it up for the first time next, that should now be back and live on the menu menu.


That's at least a rare W in the storm of L's that is this update right now, for sure; they also have this one now. the earlier issue that we just talked about the HRM 9 not working in game after a game restart players will find this issue resolved Associated sectors of the battle pass can now be progressed to unlock HRM 9, so you can go through and do those specific challenges and actually unlock the SMG.

There is a store bundle that offers it as well, but it only gives you the blueprints, and I don't know if it's because I bought that bundle because I wanted to level up the gun or what, but I can't use half my attachments on it, like the magazine attachment category; I can't put on anything there. I'm stuck with the default, you know, option there, so even though it can be unlocked now, it still seems like there's issues going on with that as well, so this update is just in general, like I said, a mess, and I'm recording this now.

mw3 new update

You guys can see how many tweets we just went through from Cod updates. By the time that I post this article, there will probably be a few more tweets highlighting things or investigating new things throughout the rest of the evening as well, going into later this week. Hopefully we see some other updates go out that are actually, you know, directly attacking the major game-breaking issues right now: not being able to load through the menus, not being able to edit gunsmith stuff at all, not being able to access loadouts or get notifications.

It is just wild to me that it is yet another major update here in War Zone, where, like I said at the start, they all have issues and all have bugs, but yet another major update that has taken the crown for being the most broken and gameplay-breaking update to date. Not a great way to start off the year with our first major update in 2024.

Hopefully they sort through all this stuff quickly, because obviously they're on top of a lot of it. They're already posting all the updates we're investigating, and we're checking on that, so hopefully there are fixes out soon, and when there are, I'll be sure to cover them in articles for you guys.

mw3 update

But that being said, that's going to wrap things up for this one. If you enjoyed it despite the not-so-great news for the most part, do me a favor. Drop a like on the article itself, and of course, if you're new here, you want to guarantee you're always up to date with all things going on between MW3 and War Zone.

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