News - The New Best Loot Spots You Need To Know Dmz Season 2. Warzone 2 Dmz Tips

is a really good loot spot once you've taken out all the AI, and if somehow you still haven't gone in the castle yet and don't know how to do it, you need to go in the area and take out the Wilson so you can hack the security systems and open the doors to the castle. Once inside, there are going to be a ton of traps, a ton of AI sentry guns, and the new boss, the bomb maker, on the top floor.

dmz best loot locations

Once that's all taken care of, take your time to explore all the rooms in the castle, because there are a lot of chests and a lot of weapon lockers. I think it's especially worth checking out if another team has already gone in and gotten the weapon case because, in all likelihood, they aren't going to be staying there long to loot up because they're going to want to x-fill as quick as possible.

Now, this next loot spot is a tried and tested area that I always visit if I'm passing through our maze, and it's going to be the hospitals around the map. In this specific example. I'm showing the location at Rohan, but this is amazing to check because most of the time they will have medical cabinets that contain self-revivals, pistols, and gas masks, which are super important for your time in the DMZ, and in this spot as well, you can also find the ambulance outside, which has a cabinet that might have an extra self-revive, and there's a tense room opposite that also contains some medical supplies.

dmz best loot spots

Another loot sport worth checking out in season 2 is the denied area in the terminal. I'm sure you all know that. A little while ago, they patched some of the chests outside, but the inside of the terminal is still incredibly good for loot, with a large amount of legendary crates for you to open as well as cash registers.

While tier 3 AI roam around in here, it's not as bad as I remember it being. Be careful visiting here, as in some games the chemists can have the nuclear cloud here, and while not all of the terminals are going to be in the gas, there is a later faction mission that requires you to kill the chemist.

I've had enemy teams camp by this waiting for players to kill, so just be careful. This next loose spot has been one of my favorites since season one, and this is the Yum Burger in Almasra. City, this place is great for two reasons: there are a ton of cash registers, so that is a lot of easy money, and there are also a lot of fridges containing various rarities of wine.

dmz best loot spots season 2

If you've looted the cash and got these wines, you can take them to a buy station and make some very quick money. But this last and final loot spot can be this building here in Sarif Bay, and here is a near-guaranteed spawn for one of the most elusive items in the DMZ, the blowtorch. This has been updated in season two to now be worth 14 grand, and look there, it is just sitting there on that table stand.

There's a chance you can find up to three of them inside of here, but there can be other games where there just won't be any blow torches in there at all. It's just luck of the draw, but if you spawn near here, I definitely think it's worth checking there at

13 BEST LOOT LOCATIONS in DMZ Season 2 You NEED To Know! MW2 DMZ Tips.
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