News - The New Best Loot Spots You Need To Know Dmz Season 2. Warzone 2 Dmz Tips

best loot dmz

In this article, I'm going to be going over the best of season 2 loot sports and the DMZ so you can have all the gear and all the money you'd ever need. We're covering brand new Secret Sports updates to Old Sports, so let's get into it. And now that this place is labeled the smuggling tunnels and it's part of an early faction.

Mission: The likelihood of finding other teams here is going to be high, so it's best to go here at the start of a game as early as possible so that you get all the loot before other teams have a chance. The way we entered the first time, that's the first entrance; here is the location of the second entrance; here is the location of the third entrance, which is just to the left of the stronghold icon and in the main center part of the caves.

There's a ladder that will take you into a hut, which is the main stronghold that's marked on the map, where you'll also find some crates, and then the final entrance is right here, where you enter the tunnels using a grappling rope. But that is not the only amazing new loot spot added to our map, as our next loot spot is going to be the brand new train that's been added for season two.

best loot dmz mw2

This train goes in the opposite direction from the original cargo, "Train," and it's a lot more like a traditional train where it will stop at certain stops, like a real train would. You'd ever want—we're talking durable gas masks that can self-revive, kits with free plates at vests, large backpacks, the lot, and if you manage.

City the train pulls into the main station and stops for a brief moment, so if you've spawned there, that's great timing for you to get on and be one of the first in the game to loot the train before another team does. Furthermore, this trainer has amazing cover compared to the original trainer, making distant fights with real players a lot easier because you have so much more cover.

Keep your wits about you as some train carts have holes in the ceiling where real players can jump in and get the drop on you for the next loot sport, which would be to go into Ashika Island for what is easily the most valuable duffel bag in all of the DMZ, giving you $75,000 worth of items in just a few seconds.

best loot locations dmz

The only caveat is that you're going to need to get a specific key called the "drifting supply bag key," which is dropped fairly often by HVTs on Ashika Island. If you come across it, extract it for this amazing spot. For this, we're going to be diving under the sea just north of Ogunaku, farms, to find this duffel bag underwater, and inside are three masks worth 25 ke: the Chica mask of riddles, the Ishika mask, and the Kitsu mask.

kitsu, These are undoubtedly the most valuable items in the entire DMZ right now. But if you don't have this key, then this next Ashika island loot spot is perfect if you make your way down to the waterways and go underwater in the submarine. You'll be able to swim through this underwater pipe; there'll be two wires that you can choose to diffuse or swim through and take damage, but once you resurface, you'll be in a little cave where you'll want to jump onto these two panels to do some parkour, and then from here onto the third one, you'll be inside the secret bunker, where legendary crates await you as well as weapon lockers.

best loot spots ashika island

This is a fantastic way to get guaranteed, amazing glue on a Chica Island without needing to take in any sort of key, and once you've looted and you're ready to leave, just go towards the bunker doors and they will automatically open. The only downside to the waterways is that there is a lot of AI, including two juggernauts.

Let's move on to the next loot spot now with Chica Island. I like to call it "regaining." Island because there are so many strongholds around and AI drops stronghold key cards like they're going out of fashion, and the best places to loot on this map are going to be the strongholds, but there are two in particular I want to point out in the northwest part of the map near Ogunaku: Farms.

best loot spots dmz

You're going to find these two strongholds right next to each other. One of them is called the power plant, and I reckon that this is probably one of the best strongholds. In the whole map now it is quite heavily contested by AI, but once you've taken them out, you've got loot crates on this bottom floor; we've got loot crates on the floor level that you came in at, and there's a ladder to take you out to an office where you're also going to find more loot; once you're done, make your way underground, and you'll be able to go to a section of tunnels that will lead you to a secret spot above the waterways, where there is more to be found; and when you're done and want to make your way down to the waterways, you'll be You can do so through a zip; once you've done looting the power plant, make your way straight here to Ogunaku, farms.

For this high-rise building, here on the bottom and top floors, you're going to find about three rare craters each, and once you've looked at the top floor, you can go on the roof to get even more crates up there. From here, you get a great overview of the maps, and if you have snipers, you can look out for any real players as well as the nearest X-fill, but this next loot spot is so incredibly good that it is soon going to become the worst kept secret of season two.

best loot spots dmz mw2

If you come over to this part of the map in soured village, where we have this bank building, you want to go in it and go all the way to the rooftop from there. You're going to want to run to the left side, and we're going to be jumping off the roof into this open window, which leads us into the soured crypto.

The mining room is normally locked, and you need a key in order to open it, but for some reason in season two, what was once a boarded-up window is now open, and you can get inside. This room has a high chance of having a GPU in one of the computers, but here I found a gold skull, a gold bar replay advanced, and a ton of cash, and with this part of the map being generally very quiet, it is a fantastic place to go if you spawn near it at the start of a game.

dmz best loot

We're staying on our masa for the good old cargo train. It might not be as good as the brand new train added with season two, but the cargo train is still a very reliable loot spot early on in the game and should not be ignored. There are certain spawn points where you're going to be able to board this train.

30 seconds of spawning, I highly recommend jumping on the train to loot it as quickly as possible before other teams catch on. I don't know if this is because season two is still so new, but I see a lot of players focusing way too much on going on this old train instead. Of the new train now, this next new sport shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone who's played a Sheikah Island and gone for the weapon case but the actual castle itself.

13 BEST LOOT LOCATIONS in DMZ Season 2 You NEED To Know! MW2 DMZ Tips.
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