News - The Fastest Way To Warm Up Warzone

Now, similar to the last exercise, I practice my 180s. For 1 minute, I practice turning both to the left and to the right, and this helps me simulate situations where I'm getting shot in the back during a game. I try to spin around as fast as possible, and I change up which dummy that I'm shooting at once again.

A lot of this drill comes down to muscle memory, so if you're finding this really hard, I would suggest getting into a custom game and just practicing your 180s. And I should mention that this is my fast warm-up routine for when I'm short on time to play. I'm a dad now, so I don't always have a whole lot of time, and I like to be as efficient as possible, so that's why I created this routine for myself to warm up as quickly as I can, but obviously there are some limitations.

Okay, these next two drills are all about warming up my vertical aim to start I point my crosshair at one of the numbers on the ground, and then I quickly shoot at one of the dummies. The important thing here is that I want to be able to see the dummies while I'm aiming at the ground. My philosophy for warming up my aim is that I want to practice all the different aiming motions that I'm going to use in a game, and with how many buildings there are in the war zone, making sure my vertical aim is warmed up is really important.

And just like before, I'm working above my accuracy and speed with this drill. And then, after about 30 seconds, I start to point my gun at one of the vents in the ceiling, and then I repeat the drill. This simulates the aiming motion of looking at someone parachuting in from the sky and then shooting someone on the ground with me.

One thing to note is how much space your gun takes up on your screen. I find that it's easier to keep the dummies in my field of view if I stand closer to the back wall, and just like before. I do like to move around to provide some variation to the exercise so that I'm practicing all the different aiming motions.

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Now this next exercise takes the difficulty up a notch. Instead of having the dummies in my field of view, I purposefully position my character and my aim so that I can't see them. This makes the drill a lot harder because I have to move my aim to where I think the dummies are, and then I have to make some micro adjustments to my crosshair once I'm close to the target.

I also like to add some variation to the drill by turning my character away from the dummies, which means that I have to move my aim further to get to them once again. My philosophy for this whole warm-up guide is just to practice all the different aiming motions that I might encounter in a game so that I feel warmed up for every type of scenario.

This drill is actually one of my favorites because it's pretty difficult, and I think that having good vertical aim is extremely underrated in Call of Duty because most people grew up playing multiplayer. And your vertical aim on those small maps isn't as important because the buildings aren't nearly as tall as what you find in War Zone, so a lot of players don't have great vertical aim, and you can really separate yourself from those players if you work on it, not to mention you can always get a lot of free kills with people parachuting in if you're good at it.

Okay, this next drill helps me prepare for the early game in the war zone. First, I turn my aim assist back on, and then, for 2 minutes, I switch back and forth between a couple of pre-made classes that have common ground loot guns and also common starting pistols. I used to be terrible with ground loot guns a few years ago until I realized that I needed to warm up and practice with them.

Almost everyone can hit their shots with their loadout gun, but getting good with the ground loot guns is essential to getting more kills. I also like to start really warming up my movement during this drill, so I practice slide canceling back and forth and I do 360 jumps just to try to get focused and prepared for fast-paced gameplay.

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Over the years. I've found that warming up for me is not just about getting my hands loosened up; it's also about getting in the right mental space to play the game at a high level, typically during those first couple of drills. I've noticed that maybe something needs a little bit more work for warming up, whether it's my recoil or my target switching, so I like to work on that a little bit more during this last drill when I'm using the ground loot guns and also when I'm using aim assist because even though I like turning off aim assist to warm up, there's no denying that it's extremely powerful in this game and probably too overpowered.

And it does make a big difference to the feel of your aim when you have it on. I would love for them to tweak it quite a bit, especially the rotational. The aspect of it is that I think it would make the game have a lot more skill gaps and be better balanced, and I think it could be nerfed quite a bit and still allow for controller players to compete with mouse and keyboard players and speaking of that I've seen lots of comments over the years about people wanting tips for keyboard players and I wanted to let you guys know that I've been grinding M andk for the last few months, and I'm planning to start incorporating both inputs into my articles later this year.

I've been enjoying the challenge a lot, and one thing that I will say is that I do think a lot of the aim principles carry over between both inputs, and I do think that a lot of the aim exercises that I've shown for the controller over the years also work pretty well for the mouse and keyboard. But getting back to the warm-up, once I've done about 2 minutes of shooting with the ground loot guns and worked on my accuracy with the pistols.

I'm usually feeling pretty good by this point, but one thing you guys might have noticed is that I haven't warmed up very much with my close range loadout gun, so the last thing that I do to save a little bit of time is that I hop out of the firing range, go to whatever game mode I'm going to play that day, queue up, and while I'm waiting to connect to a match.

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I just go back to the range, and I repeat the last exercise with my loadout now. Having good aim in War Zone is great, but you also need to have good movement to get high kills. If you want to see exactly how to improve your movement, you can check out this article right here.

In this video I go through the fastest way to warm up in Warzone. PC Optimization.
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