News - Warzone: Top 5 Best Smg Loadouts After Meta Update. Warzone Best Setups

New top 5 best smg loadouts in warzone after update

New top 5 best smg loadouts in warzone after update

In Warzone, the SMG category has never been more competitive. After they went through and nerfed the Swarm, we've got a ridiculously good couple of options towards the top, and with that, today I wanted to break down the top five best SMG loadouts that you want to be running right now. We are starting first,.

Warzone best wsp swarm loadout after nerf

With that swarm, yes, it was nerfed, but it's still very, very good, especially up close. Its first damage range, which can be anywhere from 6 to about 9 M depending on what attachments you're using, is still insanely fast when it comes to ttk. Beyond that, it's definitely not nearly as good as it was before, but for ultra-close range, where you'll use SMGs a lot of the time, it's obviously still phenomenal, so initially.

best smg warzone

I have been running an optic here. Recently, I've sort of gone back and forth with iron sights versus optics, and I'm on my optic kick right now. I like the Nidar on here; honestly, the reflector sight's good, and the slate's pretty good as well. You certainly have options. Always go for what you're most comfortable with when it comes to optics.

I always try and preach that the 100-round drum is just so much fun. I mean, 50 would totally work for close range, but 100 is just so much fun. You never have to worry about reloading or not having enough ammo for a gunfight. You could push 1 V4 and still have ammo to spare at the end of it if you were really efficient.

I've also got the hand stop on here because we are obviously slowing it down some, so getting some better mobility. There is obviously a very tight clutch. The Reckless 90-long barrel is also very important because it's extending that damage range there for the most effective part that fast ttk in 8.4 M.

You want that to be the best option. Close range basically, and then Jack BFB, this close range is honestly sometimes an advantage because while you are showing as an advanced UAV ping on the mini map, there's no elevation arrows, so it kind of secludes you and hides you some there, and if someone's going to push you and you got your sights up. I mean, you're just going to fry them plain and simple there, so even though this was nerfed for the ultra close range, this is still a phenomenal SMG, now at number four.

Warzone best wsp 9 loadout after update

Warzone best wsp 9 loadout after update

I've got the WASP 9, and personally, this is one of my favorite options in the game. I just love the feel of this very Milano, like from the Cold War.

It's easy to use, and it's got a really reliable TTK. In its first couple of damage ranges, and I really do like that, that said, I don't love the iron sights, so I am using a reflector here. You could use nidar, you could use slate, whatever you are most comfortable with there, but the irons are just a little bit too bulky for me personally.

The 50-round mag is on here, and you could also use 40. Both of those are totally sufficient. Just pick your poison and stop here yet again for better movement. The strafe, the ads, and the Sprint of Fire all really clutch there. I do find this to be ridiculously easy to use as is. So I do go just for the shadow strike suppressor; no pros, no cons, just simply keeping me off the map.

I do find Jack BFB to be a little bit unnecessary. In this case, this is a slow-firing gun. The recoil is not really a huge deal, and I don't feel like this is super necessary. If you wanted to run it, you could, but it wouldn't be my first choice personally. Last but not least, the short light barrel here helps out with your ads for your Sprint to fire your Sprint speed as well, so just increasing the movement yet again, a very minor penalty to the recoil control, but easy enough to use close range regardless.

This thing, like I said, is one of my personal favorites and definitely a top choice.

Warzone best striker 9 loadout after update

Warzone best striker 9 loadout after update

Now as we get into the top three quick reminders, if you are new to the channel every single day, I got you covered with all the need-to-know details between War Zone and MW3. It always helps grow the channel. Much love to everyone who takes the time to do so now when it comes to the top three.

It's tough to say this is definitively two, but this is definitively two. This is definitely one. I think for all three of these options, you could say, Hey, this is the number one, and you'd have a valid argument, but at number three for me, I've got the striker N. This thing, especially the post update, is ridiculously good in the close range and the early mid-range as well.

It's extremely versatile, and I love that about it, plus this setup is just a ton of fun to use. I've got the Nidar on here yet again. I've just really been enjoying this optic lately, no stock, which is great for mobility. You'll notice it hurts your recoil coil control a lot, but luckily I've got the Jack BFB to make up for that.

I love this thing; it's so good to use in these close-range situations. I've also got the long barrel on here, which extends that super good damage range and the velocity sum for the mid-range, so it just makes this super versatile. Then I go for the 50-round drum. You could also use 40, but the fire rate here is a little bit faster, so 50 is just that nice.

You know the safety net if you will. I always like to phrase it like that, but yeah, this thing is one of my favorite SMGs right now as well, especially post-update.

Warzone best amr9 loadout after buff

Warzone best amr9 loadout after buff

It's just so competitive , and then we've been talking about it a lot lately with Mr. R9 this thing, so long as you got your sights up and you're not dealing with that slower Sprint of Fire, is unreal. This thing's ttk, that first damage range of 20+ met, it's frying everything. Its damage is so good in that close and early mid-range here, so much better than pretty much every other SMG.

best smg warzone 3

In the game, if I'm being honest, this is definitely one that you got to get used to, but luckily this is built out for that fast Sprint of Fire, so it does bring it more in line with a lot of those other SMGs that we're talking about now. Shadow strike suppressor here I don't want to hurt that ility anymore, so something like Jack BFB, which would slow that down in my opinion, is not an option here any of the other suppressors, so just simply staying off the map with this one skeletal vertical grip is going to hurt my horizontal a tad bit, but in the close range, not the biggest deal, plus it's already helping with gun kicks and verticals, and Sprint of Fire in ads, so that's a nice little two for one there.

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