News - The Complete Orion Camo Guide For Warzone 2

If there's a weapon you're struggling with, you can always go to the hard core playlist, and any weapon that has this challenge will have a guaranteed one-shot kill. Pistols have a challenge where you need to get akimbo kills. The akimbo attachment is always considered a rear grip, and as a bonus, every kill with the akimbo attachment will also count as a hip fire. If you have multiple camo challenges you're able to work on, do as many as possible.

Gold camo challenge

Gold camo challenge

A great example of this is that if you need suppressing, aiming down sight, and killing from behind, you're able to do all of them consecutively within a single kill. Now we're into the mastery camos, and these next few challenges are shared across every gun regardless of the category, excluding launchers and melees.

In order to unlock the gold camo, you'll need to get three kills in a single life without dying, and you're able to earn multiple progressions in a single life by getting any amount of kills in multiples of three. Many people think way too hard while completing this challenge, and it causes them to die when they're one kill away.

Three kills isn't rocket science, so don't stress out about the little things.

Platinum camo challenge

mw3 orion camo

Platinum is where the grind becomes tedious; every gun will need long shots. Let me show you some of the best long-shot spots on the base maps of Modern Warfare 3. If you are ever unsure about the distance between you and the enemy, there are two optics that will display that distance, and those are the x10 angle 40 and the angle 44.8.

Time scope The minimum distance that you need to be from the enemy for a kill to count as a long shot varies by weapon category; the following ranges from longest to shortest are 50 m for sniper rifles, 38 m for light machine guns, assault rifles, and marksman rifles, 30 m for submachine guns, 20 m for pistols, and 12.5 m for shotguns.

If you are using a weapon that doesn't kill very fast at long range, which tends to be submachine guns, playing in the hardcore playlist will make things much easier. Player health is at 30, resulting in kills taking one or two bullets for all weapons at all ranges. If you end up in the Ground War or Invasion playlists, the maps there are so large that long shots do become an afterthought, and killing the bots in Invasion won't count towards camel challenges, so don't think you're getting free camo completion, but I'm hoping that's pretty straightforward.

mw3 orion camo guide

Lastly, you'll need a headshot to unlock the polyatomic camo. Some weapons don't have the nicest of iron sights, so adding a red dot or low magnification scope will make aiming at enemy heads easier. Attachments that will improve your recoil control play a big part in making head shots more attainable. The small maps are going to be a crucial part in making this camo challenge go by fast, and similarly to platinum, if you are wanting things to be a little bit easier in every gun, no matter what it is, will one-shot headshots at all ranges.

Launcher camo challenges

Launcher camo challenges

If you decide to get Aionion on launchers, the base camo challenge of kills is easy on everything except for the Joker.

If you're using the lock on rocket for kill objective modes or shipment 24/7, this is what you're going to need: lock onto an objective or one of the four corners of the shipment, and eventually this will earn you enough kills. Remember, you are able to melee enemies, which makes this a little bit easier.

For the gold challenge, you'll need to get two kills in a single MO. It will be annoying because if you aren't getting double kills, reloading is what's going to cause a lot of your deaths. You can always kill your first enemy with your launcher and melee the next, or melee both enemies. Kill both enemies with the launcher; as long as you're getting two kills in a single life, you're golden, pun intended.

mwii orion camo

It will take some getting used to, but it isn't the end of the world, and when you make it to the Platinum Camo Challenge, you'll have to destroy enemy kill streak equipment or field upgrades. In Modern Warfare 3, there is an insane glitch for this right now, and it's been working for a couple months.

It also works on the RGL and Storm Ender, so if you're getting those weapons, Interstellar. You can do this for those as well. If you go into free-for-all and equip scatter mines, you can place them yourself, and destroying them will count towards your camel progression. If you equip the engineer vest, you'll spawn with two scattered mines.

If you also have an ammo box, not only can you refill your scatter mines, but you can also melee that ammo box to destroy it, and that will also count towards your camo progression. When this does get patched, which hopefully will be in a long time, you'll have to resort to destroying enemy equipment, field upgrades, and kill streaks.

mwii orion camo guide

The old-fashioned way the engineer vest will allow you to see items through walls is so you can find and easily destroy them more often for the Joker and Pila. You can play in ground war; uavs and other killstreaks are called in all the time, one eternity, and later, and if you're close enough to the uavs, you can get the odd destruction with the strella, but for the RPG, you're going to have to rely on those pieces of equipment.

The worst part of the launchers is double kills for the polyatomic camo. The RPG Pea and Joker have blast radiuses large enough that if enemies aren't using battle-hardened or blast shields, double kills should be relatively easy, especially on shipment in objective modes. When everyone's on the hard point, all you have to do is send one rock rocket that way, and you're getting double, triple, maybe even quad.

The stret doesn't have as much damage, but you are still able to get double kills, but the enemies have to be a lot closer together. Remember, you can melee an enemy and fire your launcher at another one, and as long as it's under 5 seconds apart from each kill, it's going to count as a double kill towards your camo.

Melee camo challenges

Melee camo challenges

Most people are going to overlook the melees because who wants to bring a knife to a literal gunfight? But trust me, the camo challenges for these are actually so easy, especially with shipment 24/7.

Your base camo challenge is always going to be 50 kills. Of course, small maps are going to be your friend. Using smoke grenades will keep you temporarily hidden if you're running through open areas, and having the riot shield in your back will also protect you from enemy fire. But there is a tradeoff now with your movement speed being decreased.

Once you reach the gold challenge, all you need are two kills in a single-life shipment. Once again, the easiest way to do this is if you're running smoke grenades. You can sneak into enemy spawns or onto enemy objectives, where you're going to be killing multiple enemies, and just like every other weapon in the game, you can stack kills in multiples of two to have more than one progression in a single life.

Everything you need to know in a complete guide for grinding the Orion Camo in Modern Warfare III. Best of luck and Enjoy.
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