News - The Complete Orion Camo Guide For Warzone 2



The Orion camo can be unlocked in Modern Warfare 3. If you never played Modern Warfare 2, didn't complete the grind, or had no interest in the game last year, the reason doesn't really matter. I'm going to cover everything you need to know about unlocking this mastery camo. Last year, I did post a complete Orion guide.

However, it's easier to unlock Orion now not only because Modern Warfare 3 is a better game but also because you have more freedom of choice with weapons, which is an extremely useful exploit for launcher challenges.

Best maps for grinding

The best maps to unlock camos are usually small and chaotic, and we have shipment rust meat, shoot house safe house, and later this season we'll be receiving dasos.

These maps frequently have 24/7 playlists, and if they don't already, they're going to become your new home for this grind.

The orion camo

In order to unlock this mastery camo, you have to complete all camo challenges on 51 unique weapons from Modern Warfare 2. If you're ever unsure what game a weapon is attached to, they are labeled in the menus, and thankfully there's a total of 77 Modern Warfare 2 weapons, so if you choose to, you're able to avoid some of the more difficult categories that most people hate grinding, like snipers and secondaries.

Unlock every weapon

Unlock every weapon

If you haven't already done so in Modern Warfare 2, you will have to unlock a lot of these weapons.

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The armor system that you've most likely used to unlock some of your Modern Warfare 3 weapons isn't required to unlock the Modern Warfare 2 weapons, but it is useful. All of the base game weapons will be unlocked by reaching level 55, and guns that were added through seasonal updates will all require some sort of random challenge to unlock.

For example, get some kills while doing some specific action and unlock this new weapon. In zombies, you can find tons of weapons across the map, whether that's in mystery boxes or loot stashes. If you find something you don't have yet, you can fill it, and you'll permanently unlock it in the meantime while leveling up or doing some challenges.

Always have a few other guns that you want to unlock activated in the armory; it's extremely efficient, and if you're new to this type of challenge, efficiency is extremely important.

Level up fast

The hardest part about all of this is leveling up your weapons. You won't be able to make progress on any camo challenge until you reach that camo required level using kill streaks like the UAV Counter.

UAV on the higher end, advanced, and EMP, all of which grant you bonus scores in matches that will all contribute towards your weapon. Decoy grenades and playing the object iterative base modes will do the same for those less desirable weapons like the launchers and melees. Or anything else that you're not very fond of, you can level those up in zombies, and while there isn't a single XP strategy that's objectively better, one thing you should always be taking advantage of is double weapon XP, either through the rare double weapon XP Weekend or tokens. There are lots of ways to earn free tokens, whether that's through in-game events or challenges, but the one that most people take advantage of is the viewership rewards from the Call of Duty League on.

The orion grind

The orion grind

YouTube the most important part, if it wasn't obvious already, is using each weapon and completing the C challenges.

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Here's a crash course on how this works. Each weapon has four base camo challenges. If you unlock the interstellar camo, you'll know the Modern Warfare 3 guns have the same challenges across each weapon category, but that's not the case here. You have four seemingly random challenges for each weapon, and as bad as that sounds, the challenges are quite simple, and there is a lot of overlapping.

Once these camos have been unlocked on an individual weapon, you can complete the gold camo challenge. In order to progress through the platinum camos, you must unlock the gold camo on a specific number of weapons in each category. Once Platinum has been unlocked across 51 weapons, the polyatomic challenges will be unlocked, and finally, once the polyatomic camo has been unlocked another 51 times, the Orion camo is all yours.

Some might ask if you unlock it on everything, and as much as I would love to say yes, the truth is you only unlock the Orion camo on the guns if you've already completed all the previous camos. If you do want a Ry on more than just 51 weapons, you have to repeat the process, which in most cases is drastically different, and I mean it this way.

Base camo challenges

Base camo challenges

Easier since most people will opt out of the launcher and melee categories, I'm going to save them for last, which means it's time to cover the base camo challenges.

Every weapon, regardless of whether it's an SMG launcher or knife, will require a certain amount of kills if you're struggling with a lower-performing weapon and have the option for some barrel attachments. Kills from a grenade launcher or a master key will count towards your challenges; meleeing enemies will also count, but be cautious of the fact that if you have a throwing knife as your lethal equipment, your melee kills won't count towards them since the knife is what's killing the enemy.

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The rest of these challenges will vary. Weapon by weapon, kills with a suppressor attachment equipped. You'll find the suppressors in the muzzle category, and the rare integrated suppressor on a barrel kills while aiming down sight hipfire kills, where the closer you are to an enemy, the more accurate you will be.

mw2 orion camo

There is one weapon where this challenge will be on the more difficult side, and that's MCPR. Point blank kills, and the distance you have to be from your enemy is 1 M or less. Kills from behind each kill you'll get will require the enemy to have their back turned towards you while you are crouched.

Kills while you're prone, kills while you're mounted, and if you want to mount anywhere, run the deployable cover field upgrade. If you have a bipod under a barrel attachment, you'll always be able to mount while prone. You'll need double kills, and for a double kill to count, you'll have to get two consecutive kills in 5 seconds or less.

mw2 orion camo guide

You'll also need two kills within 10 seconds, which is a glorified double kill. You have double the amount of time to get two kills, and you'll find this on snipers the odd marksman rifles and melee weapons. Onot kills most snipers will onot as long as you're hitting the upper chest. Marksman rifles will one-shot at medium to close ranges, and shotguns have a one-shot kill potential up close, and if you want to eclipse the slug rounds, that one-shot range will slightly increase.

Everything you need to know in a complete guide for grinding the Orion Camo in Modern Warfare III. Best of luck and Enjoy.
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