News - Buffed Kastov 545 "beams" With "no Recoil" Warzone 2 - Kastov 545 Class Setup. Tuning Mw2


They're not cheating. no, I'm sorry, my guy. I'm sorry they're not shooting or cheating. I'm sorry, they're not cheating, and you're just a dog. I'm sorry, pesto. Is there any way you can unmute this team and get their attention? They're calling me a cheater. As promised, I gave you guys the cast-off 545 gun class.

I'm really enjoying this gun right now. It just recently got a buff after the last update, and it's been pretty good. Of course, I don't think it's as good as a 70 for you. I think the 74u is still the absolute meta, just with the ads, the speed, and the movement of the TTK, but this gun is really fun to use, and I want you to try it out.

So, when it comes to the muzzle, you're going to go ahead and throw on the Harbinger D20. This is going to help you with your bullet velocity and your damage range. Your recoil smoothness and your sound suppression, throw that on there when it comes to the underbarrel. You're going to throw it on the F-TAC Ripper 56.

I really love this underbarrel for a lot of guns, just because it helps with the recoil and hip fire, and then also your aiming stability. I do recommend a laser on this gun just because it is a little bit heavier than your average gun, and I tend to rush and push more, so I want a little bit faster shooting.


I do recommend using one; I know enemies can see it, but there are other ways to work around it, so it's okay, so throw on the FSS. OV laser when it comes to the stock, you're going to go ahead and throw on the Marquee R7 in stock. This is going to help you with just your movement in general, your crouch movement speed, your sprint speed, and your ads speed, and when it comes to the rear grip, you want to go ahead and throw on the demo X2 grip.

This is going to help you with your recoil control, so this is the gun's clasp, Be sure to put all these attachments on, and let's get on to the tuning. So when it comes to the muscle tuning, you're going to come on over here to the left hand side and you're going to drag this all the way up to 0.77.

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You're going to favor The Recoil's smoothness. On the muzzle, and then on the bottom bar, you're going to drag this on over to the right hand side, so it's 0.42. Favor the bullet velocity, and here's your muzzle tuning when it comes to the underbarrel. Grab this right here on the left-hand side and drag it all the way up so it's 0.62.

You're also going to favor your recoil stabilization on the under barrel. On the bottom bar, don't touch it. Just leave it in between aiming walking speed and aiming idle stability. When it comes to stock tuning, I want you to come on over to the left hand side and drag this all the way down to negative 3.74.

You're really going to prioritize your aim at downhill speed. I can't i don't know why I can't get the four. Prioritize the aim downside speed heavily on the stock and then on the bottom bar between aim walking speed and aim idle stability. Don't touch it when it comes to the rear grip; come on over to the left hand side and drag it up so it's 0.84.


And then on the bottom bar, you're going to want to drag it to the left so that it's negative, 0.42, and you're going to want to prioritize The recoil steadiness and the sprint to firing speed on this rear grip of the laser have no tuning. This is the class; this is the tuning. Like I said, it is a little bit heavier, but it's super easy to work around, and I really enjoy the gun.

Be sure to be safe. Tell your loved ones that you love them. and I hope you guys have a good one. I will catch you guys on the next

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