News - Warzone 2 Solos Are Unreasonably Disrespectful


It's Jeff back here on some more Warzone, too. If somebody asks me what area I like landing in the most. I probably couldn't actually remember or name any other area besides the Observatory, but that's only because it's fairly obvious because I remember the big landmark in real life. I'm terrible, like, directionally, and in games I have a way better understanding, usually, but I actually feel like how I do in real life when I get plopped onto this map.

I'm like, "I have no idea where I am." It's a good thing I have a GPS. If I don't, well, I'm going to make my way to one. Also, this game is running surprisingly well. Well, for being on slightly turned-up graphics this time around, something's wrong with Geo; I found a gold gas mask, and he's doing his safe runs.

There's somebody up there. I mean, that was very simple. I didn't even know what to say right there; that was odd, like that's the building that he was planning to go into as well, and it's just weird that he wasn't even though I don't know the map exactly. I don't know the layout of the building or anything; I saw him and he died to somebody named.


I don't even try to understand why people are so comfortable with just standing there looting; it makes me so anxious every single time I feel like I'm just going to get sniped in the head, but I guess because you can't get headshotted in one shot, it doesn't freak people out and it doesn't give them as much anxiety, but you still die incredibly fast anyway.

So even if you don't get sniped, it still feels like you kind of got sniped anyway, and even sitting out here, this is not dangerous. Okay, he's just spinning in the bathroom, he's peeing right, he's on the toilet, he's peeing again, you're moving to the toilet, maybe he waits, maybe this is like advanced shittalk, maybe he thinks that the guy that he thinks is watching him, and he's trying to tell him that he shit on him by looking at the toilet.

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Am I looking too far into it? You can turn anything into disrespect if you think hard enough about it. Don't do that, though it's a terrible habit; you're going to have zero friends if you do that. I mean, it's coming in, but I highly doubt he's going to see anybody else come from this direction unless somebody was following Geo initially.


There's a guy right there who just looked past him; he was looking at him too; he can't even blame FOV here; he sees him, so that's some decent eyesight right there. Yeah, the guy is slightly too close; you were looking at him; he's walking right there in the bush on the right; see him; he's walking; he's walking; he's walking he's Crossing he he, okay, maybe he can see him, but there's another guy there; there are two players; there's one on the roof over there at that fortress, or whatever it's called; stronghold.

Somebody else is coming around too, so holy shit Wait, you're surrounded by like four people, and that's not even the same play that was initially up there. He's challenging him; hit him. He's got the An-94, so The Recoil isn't that crazy or anything. I don't know if this is this guy's loadout or if this is ground loot; I have no idea if he does have a grip on it, but it's still terrible.


Display issues The first update that comes out in January for this game better fix a lot of these issues, especially a lot of these UI issues in spectator mode. It seems like such a really, really simple fix. Please display the plates properly, including whether they have a two- or three-vessel set and how many plays they currently have on, and the weapon down at the bottom right doesn't match the actual weapon in their hand.

This says that there's no such thing on it, but he clearly has a hollow on it. Can I type as a spectator? There's no way I can. I'm just going to wish him luck. He said I'm flashed. I didn't even think about this; I could just type to people. If people were smart, they would just turn off text chat while they are accurately communicating through typing in real time in the middle of combat.

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There are some games out there, like League of Legends or something like that, where you can still have time to just like type while you're in lane, CSing, or even in the middle of some fights. It's streamlined; for that reason, why did they actually add a chat room? There's no way they didn't know what was going to happen with this.

funny moments

I guess they're also daring people to just say stupid shit in the chat so they could just get banned, which, you know. I actually appreciate because I just never expected them to actually put that kind of effort in, as everybody knows. Call of Duty hasn't done anything to stop a lot of this stuff over the years; it's very, very half-hearted, an effort at most, and this has got to be so exhausting.

I just watched him swim like a few hundred meters non-stop. There's no one thing that I mentioned before, but I didn't truly realize how nice it really feels with the removal of slide cancellation. I mentioned that it would save a whole lot of controllers, and there are quite a few accessibility issues as well.

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I literally had an indentation on my thumb from slide canceling so much on Warzone slash. Modern Warfare, and it was such a staple in other games to try to slide around and whatever in whatever way you can. My thumb feels so much better. My controllers haven't broken. not even getting stick drift.


I don't even try. He's definitely living up to his name. He's not even trying to get a lot of kills; he's just got one kill. I mean, he did take shots at people; you know, he was trying to kill some people taking shots at him at reasonable distances; he believes in himself at least a little bit, but this playstyle does not radiate confidence.

By any means, he could be trying to do some crazy stuff, but I highly doubt it if his name is I don't even try, and we haven't seen anything from him that makes him seem like he's ridiculous. The only thing that I can think of is that he's trying to win his five games in order to even try to go for a nuke, and that's the only thing I can think of for a solo home run.

I mean. I don't even try, and it ends up running into another player for once, and I mean, this guy's got four kills, so that's nice, so it's annoying to me that the character is holding the gun by the barrel and not the grip that he has on this little thing like that, which I would hope will be fixed.

jev modern warfare 2

Ironically, there were some people out there that think that making loadouts easier to get and more accessible to people will result in people having their meta loadouts all the time, and for some reason people thought that there wouldn't be a meta If you wait, what is he doing? There's a player in the water, but there is.

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