News - I Got 1,000 Nerfed Riot Shield Kills Warzone 2 And I'm Never Doing It Again

camo grind

It's Chad back here for some more Modern Warfare 2, as you know, on Christmas Eve. Happy holidays to anyone that's celebrating around this time, celebrated recently, or anything. I hope everyone's safe and having a good time. I'm going to be traveling; I've got like 20 layers of clothing I'll be able to go through; so I'm going to hang out with some family, see some people, and watch some football.

So from the title of this article, it sounds like a whole horrible, horrible experience trying to get a thousand kills—not all of the launchers, but just one launcher in particular. The Joker's 1 000 kills with that was an awful challenge, and I knew that the next worst thing, if not maybe even worse, was, and by my experience.

I'll say that this is probably the worst one: 1 000 kills with the riot shield. We are almost done; as you can see. I am only six kills away from unlocking final mastery for it, and then we will end up unlocking the Ryan Shield weapon shark, and we'll be done with this, never having to use it again, and then we just move on to the knife.

dark and darker

I'm just going to join a game and get the 6K kills, or whatever; hopefully the lobby isn't too bad; I should get six kills regardless, unlock Orion within, like. All right, five more. I don't care if I die; I'm just going to finish, and I'm just going to use the knife next because I think that my skill base will stay generally around the same thing.

I don't want to sit there and try to bring my skill base down if I stomp some lobbying out with subs, like the last one did, and I get it. Yeah, okay, I'm pretty sure the worst is over now. I can just, like, knife and shite, which I'm definitely not doing in this lobby, though see how I said we go over to the right.

Wait, yeah, okay. I forgot about you. Also, just like the launchers, you can't actually put a charm on the ride shield; they understand the same way that there isn't really anything like an inspect, either way. I don't know what to think because I imagine that they probably thought that maybe the player wanted to see the front of the shield, so they would have to turn it around, but then they would realize that, like in third person, that probably looks absolutely awful, so then people will be like walking around doing the inspect and their riot shields will be spinning around.


Yeah, I don't know, so yeah, you can't really put anything on here, which is kind of silly now. The sillier thing is the fact that you can't put it on the launchers, because on the launchers, it absolutely makes sense that you can just hang it off of any part of this thing, like the ride shield. I understand this.

I don't at all like the knife. I feel like you could put a little keychain thing on it, a little charm on there anyway, you know, right where that little notch is, or some shite. I don't know who cares; just let me do it; who cares but just to show that it's actually their weapon. Char, I think we currently have like 12 or 13 weapon charms or something; there's a joker, a riot, and a shield in Modern Warfare 2: Mastery.

51 of 51. At the moment, my DLC weapons are buggy because I finished Orion before the season reloaded and all that stuff came out. Anyone who had Orion before that is bugged in a slightly different way. A lot of people's DLC weapons aren't bugged, but some people's are, and like other weapons, they just aren't.


It's strange, but we got the riot shield, and that is absolutely disgusting. So now we have the joker emblem, with the joker emblem absolute. Loser Yeah, some people are like, "You're definitely not going to go for the 100 Mastery." thing. You're definitely not going to go and do all the war zone and DMZ stuff, and you might be right.

That's true maybe, though with whatever throughout that year or two, whatever, that's supposed to be The rumors are kind of all over the place. It's been five and a half years. Since I'm doing it at my own pace, it's not nearly as intimidating as a two-year time frame and all that stuff as well, if that really is the amount of time that we're going to have.


It's been the rumor the entire time he did say that there was going to be some premium titles in 2023, so I don't know. I use some very particular language that could be, you know, misconstrued. in certain ways, so I ended up getting the 1000 kills with the riot shield after they made the changes; the riot shield used to be two hits and then they changed to three hits.

I figured there was never going to be another time unless they managed to actually nerf it again or something, so I just decided to do it. Not all bad lobbies are definitely easier if you don't do too well, generally. I got, like, maybe 20 kills or so per game with a ride shield and stuff, which is good progress, but it's just a lot of games, and some of the lobbies are just not forgiving at all, but I stay in them and I take the loss on the chin, and the next game is always super, super easy, admittedly.

In those games that I knew were a little bit too difficult and I knew I wasn't going to make a lot of progress on. I would actively try to do certain things, like little other challenges, like lethal kills, and kind of just play even a little bit more stupidly so the game ends faster and just so the next game is easier.

funny moments

Also recently, I started playing some Dark and Darker. It's only going to last for like a couple more days for this play test. I have no idea when they're going to do, like, another play test or how often these things happen. This is my first time, and I don't really know that much about it, but obviously, people ask what class I'm playing; obviously, being a wizard doesn't matter what happens.

Buffs, nerfs, changes, whatever; it's wizard only, period. Never anything else; the full fantasy is just to be a solo wizard monster 1v3. It doesn't matter. I tried playing with JT, and we generally got our asses beat. I've never even used a portal to successfully get out. I have died in basically every way I could.

I got a couple kills. I killed a couple people with, like, a giant fireball or something. If you don't know what Dark and Darker are, it's basically magic fantasy. Tarka, Battle Royale, Looter, and PVPVE Dungeon Crawler It's a lot of words, but basically, it's like Tarkov with swords and magic. It's not as unforgiving as Tarkov; it's a little bit more friendly, at least in its current form, but I actually really enjoy it.


I've always been a fan of more of this kind of style of games in general as well. I genuinely enjoy the fantasy shite, which is why I love making all that Elden ring shite too. I played a lot of Call of Duty, but I don't give a s**t about military stuff, guns, or any of that s**t. I don't care, not so much because I don't care, but because I don't have a major interest in it.

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