News - I Got 1,000 Jokr Kills Warzone 2 And I'm Never Using It Again

christmas shipment

Shield is probably the hardest and most annoying thing to get a thousand kills with, and I'm not even sure what to do in that scenario. It feels like Tier One might be the play, but at the same time, I don't know about that. I didn't think that they would do a ride called Shield Nerf, so I didn't even bother.

Why would they make it even harder? I expected a Nerf, but not in that way. So the joker here is Javelin, whatever I call it, whatever I call it. I am 19 kills away from completing this thing, and then I can finally move on to another launcher. I'm also on the last shotgun that I need to finish, so I've gotten through basically 10, 000 kills so far through this Mastery thing, with just 41, 000 to go.

I also saw recently that some people ended up finishing this whole grind here, but I talked about it a week or two ago. However long ago that happened, it was bugged and we didn't even see a reward, and we knew that at the very least there was going to be a Mastery charm because there was at least a file of it.


The thing is, TDM is probably the worst mode possible. In this whole thing. I don't know why I haven't left, but it feels like even if I just stay in the game. I could just get lucky and this guy put a whole cluster mine thing down, so I should be able to just buy our second one, stop them over here, and they should spawn in that corner now.

You know what I mean. Just cover all four corners, shoot it into this corner, and just stand there. The shit just kind of works. Also, this spot right here, just firing it into this corner, is easily the best spot; it's not even close. I've gotten so many multi-kills that doing this gets rid of the trophy.

Don't fire it too high. It's also even better if you fire at the ground. Aim assist, please. I am fighting for my life against the aim assist on this game. I'm telling you seriously the amount of times where I'm sitting here just zoomed out, in just trying to beep beep, and then multiple people end up running around me; I'm not even touching the stick.


I had one time where I was standing on a corner and someone ran around the corner, spinning my character, and I shot it at the wall. I was just standing there, Middle. I can get everyone's final kills right here. Yes, that was not bad for a TDM. Not bad, it's really not as bad as you would think, but I don't know at the same time that certain lobbying efforts just go badly.

I don't know, and it feels like this kill street combo that I'm running just does UAV, so it's able to crank out a whole bunch of points for me. That's when I even get a UAV by itself; I could literally just not engage and the rest of my team will instantly get me like a mortar, strike, or whatever.

Obviously, I'm just running around the majority of the time, but scoring streaks are just insane. How close are we? If we're four off, then we're done with absolutely the hardest launcher. There are other launchers that I can do now; it's super easy. We could go with Pila, which is slow but has a decent blast radius, so you fire.


Easy Strella, You have to be a little bit more accurate with it, but it's a little bit lighter, and rocket is super, super fast, so you kind of can just use it as a one-shot thing in RPGs. The best of both worlds free fire Just super troll reloads, pretty quick although definitely nerfed from what it used to be in this game; it's always been this way, but in this game.

I don't know what they did with the RPG, they added that little click at the end of it instead of just putting the rocket in there; all of the previous RPG iterations before this didn't have that little click that the character does just as an extra part to reload to slow it down. I swear. Look at me! I am fighting for my life.

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I have no idea when they do updates anymore. Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays What is it? I never know what to look forward to now. I highly doubt that there's going to be any kind of crazy update because I'm pretty sure that they did some bug fixes today. I can't imagine anything crazy will happen at least until January, probably.


I'm out of here; sh*te that lobby. The Joker is no doubt the most annoying one. I mean, okay, you know the most annoying thing about this, though at the end you actually can't even put on a charm. On the rocket launchers, I don't think you could put it on any of them. No, you can't put any charms on any of the rocket launchers, or anyway.

With mastery completed, we've now fully mastered the Joker, definitely one of the weirdest weapons in the game, and to be honest, the launchers in this game are kind of better at killing players than they are at actually shooting things down. That's really weird to say considering that all of these things are lock-on and they have their strengths and weaknesses in relation to each other, but realistically, instead of running around with launchers, you're probably better off just running around with a class that just has armor-piercing, and you just look up, just spray a few rounds into anything that's in the sky, and it'll just get destroyed 10 times faster than you just shooting a bunch of rockets.

funny moments

It's shooting out flares and all this other stuff; it's just not even worth it. Just shoot it with your gun, seriously. All right, one at a time, and holy shit, that's going to be a lot of rocket kills. And I'm sorry to everyone, so what class should I do next? Don't worry, guys; I don't want to do the ride-along.

I really don't. I don't even know what the best way to do the ride shield would be. It's just not right now. Maybe they'll make another adjustment to it or something. I don't know. And again, what if they just get rid of the shipment? It's going to suck you in, let's be honest. The LMGs will be really easy, but it's a bigger class.

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I mean, we did all the marksman rifles, and battle rifles are a pretty small class; single-fire stuff is so annoying on shipment. I remember how badly I wanted to get off of marksman rifles just because of the EBR and the attack and the LMS semi-auto. Rifles just annoyed the shite out of me on these games; I cannot stand them.

holiday shipment

Full auto or bolt action is really what I like. I never liked this style of weapon. SMGs will shred; it'll be crazy, but my skill base will be off the charts. Maybe I'll do the sniper rifles that sound fun. Who knows how it actually is on shipment, though I swear if I wake up and they remove shipment 24-7 at any point, they're not going to touch this shipment playlist except to update it for holiday shipment rights.

That is the one update that we'll get before that. That'll be a nice change of scenery in this dark map, at least for a week or however long during the holidays and stuff like that. Also, there's like a whole bunch of like cold air that's coming down into the US at the moment, and it's going to be like super cold.

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