News - The Best Pro Player Spots Warzone 2. Ep 6 (best Spots & Lines Of Sight)

best jump spots mw3

I hope you're all doing well. So we got another episode of the best pro player spots in MW3 today once again. It's been doing really well on my channel, and I'm just really glad that you're enjoying the content. Today we got some jump spots, lines of sight, a couple sneaky little spots, as well as some snd spots, so we're going to get right into that now, and I hope you enjoy it.

Video, so first we're in Karachi, and we've got a nice spot from none other than Shoty. Now we all know you can hop across here into this little room, but I didn't know until recently, when I saw a clip of Shoty. You can actually just hop and climb up onto this little ledge here. This can be really useful for watching P1.

Maybe by catching an off-angle, you can also probably just see the B bomb as well if you plant on the right side, and you could also lie down and get a weird little off-angle to watch anybody pop AC, and of course you can use it to get inside the secret room as well. You just have to walk in, so it could be a nice way to catch people off guard, and yeah, if you didn't know about it now.

best spots mw3

So here we have a cool little spot on Terminal inside the plane from Octane now what you got to do is jump and Crouch and you're going to be able to get inside of the seats take a few little tries but just like that and you can have a nice little head glitch and off angle to watch the back this does work in all of these seats that are pretty close together so it can be pretty cool just to peek in it's a little bit buggy a little bit glitchy, but pretty much you got to jump and Crouch last second and you're going to be able to watch it now if you come a bit further back you can watch the front of the plane which can be really handy cuz they're not really going to expect You can also lie down.

As you can see, it does sort of force you out, so just sort of play around with it and figure out how it works. Yeah, nice little spot. There is yet another spot in Havoc. If you couldn't tell. Nobody's really going to check this, especially if you lie down; they're not really going to see you.


You can be a little bit tricky to jump out of, but if you just stay for the last second, you're going to be able to mantle up back on here, but you might need to practice that one before you actually try it in a game, so here is a kind of nerd spot. I guess you could call it havoc if you come to the middle stairs and lie down.

You can actually just angle yourself so you can catch somebody running through here, and they're not really going to see you, so you can watch their feet. Maybe you planted the bomb. You can play this for information. As soon as you see them, you can hop up, or you could wait for them to try and plant, and then you can hop up as well.

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It's just about positioning yourself at the right angle to get some information there because you're pretty safe and you can easily check behind you as well. Well, up next, we got a little spot to watch the B bomb here on high-rise from Shotsy. It's pretty cool if you climb onto the sign. You can angle yourself in a few different positions, which is pretty cool, so if you just come here, you can sort of lie down and you're going to be able to see exactly where the bomb is.

cdl spots

It depends on where you plant it, or if you come further back, get a bit of a wider view through the gap. If you just lie down, you know it's going to be hard for them to notice you, especially if they're coming from the other side. You can watch all this here; you got a nice off-angle, and then you can just sort of peek when you need to or nade or stun check from here as well for the B bomb, and also so you can just see where the bomb will be as well if the bomb is over.

cod pro player

There, we got a nice little off-angle to watch the top escalators towards the B bomb, so you're going to hop up onto this window ledge onto the plants, and then you're going to be able to watch anybody pushing that right side. You could lie down, so they probably won't see you. pretty much what you're going to be doing is just throwing shoulders like this just keeping an eye out for some information so you're going to switch between looking down this coridor, and switch between look and here and you can pretty much have this whole side of the M map locked down you'll be able to see anybody Crossing through Library as well as anybody coming down this way and then as soon as you do see somebody you're going to be able to call out your teammates and sort of reposition based off of that so it's good because you can watch down low as well as the library in the corridor and then this far side as well as the window and the stairs.

Well, now we got a couple of spots based around the B bomb site on highrise pretty much if you hop up on this wall we've seen Havoc using this one quite a lot to jump across and land on this lower pipe and from here you've got nice angles over the side as well as the B bomb and you're going to be able to head glitch over the wall looking across pretty much most of the mid map you can see to their right Windows Watch anybody pushing here.

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You can even take somebody out if they're on propane. Top Heli, you know, you name it, You can hop up and look through their left windows as well, but don't fail to jump like that. And then the other spots were one thing I wanted to point out from Shoty. Now you'll actually see him sort of lying down.


Behind these little bits on the top of the generators, just by using them from lots of different angles, you know you can use them to get a little spot like this looking into their back spawn, or you could jump onto this side. And, you know, use them to your advantage here. You use them as a little bit of cover and just to sort of keep you disguised pretty much when you're up here because you can use all of them in different ways to peak at different angles, so just something to keep in mind that you can.

Today we have episode 6 of Pro Player Spots and Lines of Sight in COD MW3. We take a look at pro player spots including Shotzzy, Dashy, Octane, Havok more. Use these in Multiplayer or Ranked Play to help you improve your game and get more kills and wins.
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