News - The Ranked Play Problem We Don. T Talk About - Warzone 2 Ranked Play

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Call of Duty ranks play for reasons unknown to even the almighty. There's a group of Call of Duty players who will willingly embrace matches that are even more sweat-inducing than those found in public lobbies. Some do it for fame, some for women, and others do it out of their closeted obsession with this once-great franchise.

While Modern Warfare 3 is a step in the right direction and provides a series with a signal of hope, there's something else. In Call of Duty's ranking, there are a few glaring issues that should be addressed. This is the ranked play problem. If you put some blood and, in most cases, literal sweat into this mode, then I'm sure ranked play needs no introduction.

But for all the innocent little casuals out there, ranked play is a 4v4 playlist, which rules mirror those of the CDL or Call of Duty League. As you win games, you gain seniority and move up through the divisions. The only game modes in this rotation are control and hardpoint, with numerous weapons, equipment, and attachments restricted from use now.

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To start off, the very short but brilliant list I have pieced together is an issue that isn't talked about enough when talking about ranked play. As a whole, the community is quick to criticize game skins that have the potential to give players an edge. These skins are typically labeled as pay-to-win.

They're often very dark, or wearing black gear has some animated effect to give them an advantage, while others have been just straight-up see-through. Some examples of skins we're talking about here are the infamous Rose, the War Zone skin, the Black Noir skin, and the Groot Nova skin, but there's been plenty others.

In my opinion, the number of teams ranked should be limited, so what I mean is that in the CDL, all teams are wearing their team's uniform. If this game mode is centered around resembling the league, then they should try to get as close as possible. There should be no opportunity, not even the slightest chance, for any player to have a potential advantage.

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That's part of the reason why all the available attachments are unlocked. This helps ensure a level playing Ground, I haven't really had any distaste for the skins in the past, and I most definitely think some are over the top. I know they can get very pricey, and I realize some are more difficult to see, but to me, they're just skins.

When it comes to ranked play, though, when you're playing competitively, you shouldn't have to worry about confusing your teammates with the opponents or having to pull out a monocle to see a succulent shooting back at you. I could see people disagreeing with this point due to wanting to use the skins that they paid for, but at that point, maybe just certain operators would be banned specifically for being ranked.

That way, there's still a wide selection of operators to choose from, which is not advantageous. Cosmetics: this way, both sides can find some common ground while still ensuring that there is a level playing field. I say this because I can't pin down if the maps are just ass for ranked-causing [__] spawns or if the spawns are [__] and it's causing the maps to feel like ass; it feels like the chicken or egg question.

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Snaps are something that are typically found in complaints of cop players, at least in the most recent years, but while public matches have been filled with questionable spawning, the ranked experience just feels different from that. I'm not getting directly spawned behind or Revenge killed, but at the same time I'm either spawning 80 M away from the hard point or I'm in extremely close proximity to the enemy.

There just doesn't seem to be much rhyme or reason for it if the developers want to implement revenge killings in public matches. That's one thing; it's not something I agree with in that capacity either, but I understand why they do that; they're trying to assist in skill-based matchmaking and giving people that WKD.

Again, while I'm not a fan of it, I'm saying I understand why, with the vision that they have for the game, they do that. With that being said, revenge spawns or randomizing the spawns to keep from spawn trapping shouldn't be ranked. The reason being goes back to something we just talked about a bit ago: this game mode is supposed to give players a level playing field to compete and earn their division, giving players freebie kills.


That's not doing that; they're just rewarding someone who lost the gunfight. While I think these maps are iconic. I never expected these open-ass maps to be the most enjoyable and competitive simply because of all the angles, but if the spawns weren't more random than the timing of my bow movements, then maybe it wouldn't be such a big deal.

Luckily, they did remove subbase, though, so that's a major W. Good on you, Activision. Maybe they're throwing in a new map like Rio or Gree in there to freshen up the mod. I'm not sure exactly what the solution to this issue is because I just don't know what the developer's intent is behind making the spawns like this.

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So are the spawns just playing badly, or are the maps just not passing the test of time like we hope that they would? If you're enjoying it, drop a like if you're seeing something in disagreement. Drop a comment, and if you're new, well, I guess we'll never. I'm not sure how much of a surprise this last reason is going to be to you, but this is potentially the biggest issue ranked currently because it trickles down to become multiple other issues.

I would say at the bare minimum, it feels like one out of every handful of games is cancelled due to uneven teams. Multiple times, the situation occurs where I get disconnected, come right back up, wait, and get back into a game just for it to cancel again due to uneven teams. I've been fortunate to only lose SR once from this, but I've read posts and comments about players who' have lost a ton of SR due to disconnecting, not just from uneven teams.

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I understand losing one player, right? Because the game starts every once in a while, network connections and people playing the game can't always be completely consistent. Networks are going to go out, power is going to go out, and people are going to drop connections. But I think what's a shock to me the most is how long it takes for me to find a match sometimes, and I always assumed it was because it was looking for similar-skilled players to match with, but if it's going to take that long, then it should be expected that the game will actually start.

All in all, I really enjoy ranked play. For me, it's just so much more fulfilling than public lobbies because, even though I'm playing against other competitive players and I'm sweating my ass off, at least I'm working towards something in the pub. I'm just burning calories to hear the enemy say something about my mom after the match.

I haven't seen many mention these problems in Modern warfare 3's Ranked Play.
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