News - The 33. Season 1 Zombies Rewards & How To Unlock Them. All Warzone 2 Zombies Season 1 Rewards

Dark aether sigil rewards in tier 3

A good point is that right after you've done the Easter egg to unlock the dark ether again, the regular one, once you go ahead and do Tier 3 contracts, the reward Rift has a good chance of dropping regular sigils for you to go back into the regular dark ether, so that's also a new reward that you get exclusively in Tier 3 by going ahead and having already done the quest with all the artifacts to open a dark ether regularly. now What's also really interesting is that there's only one more update confirmed for season 1, which hasn't been talked about much , but this is the Doabe Warlord.

New warlord boss & rewards soon

New warlord boss & rewards soon

Fortress update, which is probably going to be dropping at some point on January 14th, hopefully even sooner, but I am expecting a couple of other surprise changes or updates to zombies with the mid-season One update, unless they don't add that much in January and they save all the juice for the start of season 2 in early February.

Doab is going to be a brand new warlord, and the reason I bring this up here in this article is because the warlord that we currently have over in the regular fortress on Ukhan does drop a pretty important reward. Rift i have seen a lot of people out there report that sometimes that reward Rift could have a ray gun acquisition.

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It could have some other cool Wonder Weapons that just drop from the rift, which you could, of course, save for a different infill. So I'm expecting Doabe to also have a pretty good chance, hopefully a higher chance of dropping a higher Rarity Loot and possibly even other rewards that we don't know about yet.

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Although I wouldn't expect permanent schematics or anything. I do think Doabe could be a really interesting warlord that's maybe more difficult than the one we currently have; hence, maybe we can get some better rewards from defeating her now. Some other rewards in season one for zombies include the following calling cards:.

Prestige 1-5 zombie unlocks revealed

Prestige 1-5 zombie unlocks revealed

As a part of the series of prestige challenges, you had to get 10 kills in 30 seconds using throwing knives. 200 kills shortly after reloading with speed cola and extracting three schematics in a single deployment, followed by going ahead and killing 25 manglers while using napom burst.

That'll be your prestige set of zombie challenges. Prestige 2 will include getting 250 kills while in TX Dan 50 kills with a sentry gun kill streak, 10 big Bounty contracts while something's active there, and then killing 75 hellhounds with the cryofreeze, ammo mod. Moving on to Prestige 3, you have to go ahead and get 30 kills while underwater.

mw3 zombies free rewards

15 kills with an lmg without releasing, or, as you'll see on screen, get 150 kills in the low threat zone, and then you want to go Ahad and get 1, 000 kills with Aikimbo, Pistols. Moving on to Prestige 4, you want to go ahead and get kills on the weapon with an aftermarket, and you want to revive 15 teammates with Quick Revive active: use five acquisitions in under 30 seconds, followed by doing damage to an ether worm with your fist, which I guess could be the act three ether worm or the other ones that you can face in act four, or with the redworm boss fight.

Moving out to Prestige 5, you want to trigger 300 ammo mods with elemental pop active. Get 250 kills in a row without taking damage, and get 100 kills while sliding, followed by getting 300 kills with just your fist, Obviously easier to do with an instakill, but that is about it.

Closing statements

Closing statements

This has been DK Dynamite. Leave all your best comments. I'll be keeping you guys up to date with everything you need to know about everything you can go ahead and unlock and grind here inside of MW3 zombies.

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I really hope you enjoyed it and found peace, everybody.

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