News - The 1-burst Jak Signal Burst Has Hidden Secrets. Warzone 2

I think a lot of people were hoping that the conversion kit would do that with the M8A1. It was a really good, fast-firing burst AR; it felt more like the DG 56 assault rifle in Modern Warfare 3 that fires really, really fast, but the MAA1 could one burst kill the Jack signal burst, which unfortunately doesn't have that firing speed.

assault rifle

I'm still holding out hope that the FR-F556 gets an aftermarket part that makes it a fast-firing, accurate burst weapon, so it could burst, but we'll have to wait and see if that ever happens. But that's all I have to share for this article. Now it's your turn. What do you think about the Jack signal burst?

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The JAK SIGNAL BURST is a new Aftermarket Part Conversion Kit that changes the Holger 556 Assault Rifle and DM56 Marksman Rifle into a 4 round burst weapon! In this video, I share how this attachment works in Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3, including stats, best use cases, setups and more! And something about the M8A1 in BO2 and Season 1 Week 5 Weekly Challenges. Stay Connected with me.
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