News - Thankfully The Shotgun Meta Is Alive And Well - Warzone 2

battle pass

I don't think, are that great, but for the most part, shotguns should be a one-shot kill at point blank right range; that's what they're designed to do. So you have to be limited in where you can use these weapons but on a map like shipment where everything is Incredibly Close Quarters, very Twitchy play style you're going to turn the corner there's going to be more than one enemy within 10 m away from you this gun absolutely rocks now if you're an absolute madman like me you keep using the shotgun on other Maps like estate for example which you're going to probably end up camping in a house or in a close quarter area because you're going to get sniped or ared to death by pretty much anything else at range, but here this game at least right now the way they've done the tuning shotguns are somewhat viable again and that's really exciting.

The other thing I'll say with shotguns and something that I'm glad to see them kind of make a prominent return is that it does kind of change up the play style for a while. The meta was people with the dual pistols. You would always have people with, you know, a Kimbo handgun that would come around the corner, usually double laser-sighted handguns.

They'd run around, and they'd either dolphin dive or slide around the corner and just go full auto. We saw that at the end of Modern Warfare 2 with the ftac siege akimbo, where you can put on the 100 mags or the 100 bullet magazines on each gun, which was just stupid. You basically ran around and just held down both triggers in full auto or reloaded one at a time.

best weapon

I think a shotgun is a strong counter to that because at Point Blank Range, you're going to always win those engagements. Obviously, the trade-off is that you don't have good range, so it's going to have to kind of complement the play style a little bit. The other nice thing about shotguns is that because the recoil is really non-existent, you're not going to really be shooting that fast.

It's great against Shield Bros who like to run around with either the shields on their back or on the front; it's going to allow you to not get caught in that ability where you're basically fighting your own recoil because you're just holding down the trigger because you see an enemy and it's just not processing that you need to let off the gas to kind of get low.

close quarter

So the nice thing about a shotgun is that you can get into a nice rhythm of shooting down at enemy angles or on their sides. Because you can use it onehanded, you can still be calling in Kill streaks or taking stim packs or queuing up your other grenade as you're still engaging in fire, which is really rewarding as well and because it has a nice Cadence to it you'll eventually figure out the best way to strafe around a corner and shoot, and then strafe back while you're kind of loading the next Shell and then strafe again immediately and continue fire which kind of gives you a little bit more cover instead of the traditional gun fights where you're basically standing in front of somebody and you're just doing the like Mexican standoff essentially and just you know emptying magazines into each other so, super happy the shotguns back I jumped on the first chance to do a article like this.

I'll leave my load out here for you guys. Copy it, enjoy it, and use it. It's fun, and it's great. I don't know how long it'll last, but it's here for now.

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