News - Should You Buy Warzone 2 Zombies

If they did remove it, Q times would take forever, so I fully understand them from that perspective. But if removing the timer isn't an option, at least double the amount of time that you have in each game. Another horrible thing that I don't like about this game mode is the mercenaries. Adding AI units that shoot guns at you in zombies is ridiculous, especially when you take the armor system into consideration.

The Mercenaries destroy your armor in seconds; they never miss, and their movement pattern is difficult to manage in a zombie-based mode. Some of the different mercenary types can even break all of your armor with one punch, which should not be a thing. Certain camps and outposts can also spawn attack helicopters, counter-uavs, and sentry guns, which is incredibly annoying.

Other than that, I stay away from the mercenaries at all times. The last thing I want to talk about when it comes to things I dislike about this mode is the story. I'm not a huge story guy when it comes to zombies, but from what I've heard and from what I've seen, the story in this game is not that great.

The AC missions that tell the story are pretty cool, and the cutscenes themselves are really high quality and are some of the best that we have seen in zombies. But when it comes to the actual story itself, I don't like it at all. I hate how they combine the War Zone campaign story into zombies, and you're seeing all these campaign characters in The Zombies mode.

It just doesn't make sense to wrap up all the things that I dislike about this mode. It mainly comes down to the combination of zombie features and War Zone features. I hate that everything in Call of Duty now has to have some connection to War Zone. The modern setting doesn't work well for zombies either, as it doesn't provide the player with that zombie feel that we all know and love when it comes to enemy types.

I don't have much of an issue with the zombie enemy types, but the mercenaries have to go; they aren't good, and most players end up ignoring them whenever they play through this game. With my overall opinion shared about this game's features, it's now time to answer the question in the title of this article: Is it worth it to buy Modern Warfare 3 zombies?

In my opinion, as it currently stands right now, I don't think that Modern Warfare 3 Zombie is a game that is worth buying. There are still too many issues with the game, and Treyarch completely misses The Mark with things that make zombies fun. It still isn't too late to add these features to the game with upcoming updates, but as it stands right now, I give Modern Warfare 3 Zombie a 5 out of 10.

It's middle-of-the-row average compared to other zombie modes, but it does have the potential to become better towards the end of this game's life cycle. I will look back at the game and make my final thoughts about whether it's a great game or not and whether or not you should buy it. If you want to see me do any other type of articles, don't forget to check the description for more zombie-related content, and yeah, I got nothing much else to say, so peace.

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