News - Scrappy's "pro" Mcw Class Is Godly Warzone 2. Best Mcw Class Setup Warzone 2



So when it comes down to me recording these Pro Player class setups, it always comes down to the same thing: I'm sitting in a stream editing articles and I see them using weapons, or I'm curious about what exactly they're running in Scrappy's case in particular here. I was sitting in his chat. I just did the command for MCW and saw exactly what he was running.

His is definitely more on the aggressive side of things; it's not targeting a super low recoil pattern, but it does the job pretty well. A lot of these maps are where he's playing, and a lot of the maps that I play on. I'm not shooting 60 M across the map most of the time; it's going to be like a 30 M gunfight, so recoil control isn't a massive deal.

The MCW in stock has extremely low recoil; now it is my personal favorite MCW build. No, but it's still very, very good, and I think you guys should at least give it a try because it might just become Yours for an optic here; he uses the MK3 reflector.

Scrappy's class

best class mw3

I've seen this swapped out a lot. I've seen the Slate reflector or the MK3 reflector.

It's going to come down to personal preference, but by default, I almost always see people running an optic here on their MCW. For the rear, here we have the RB claw PSL grip, giving you fire aiming stability, gun kick control, and recoil control, so it's going to control some of your visual recoil control, or shake.

We also get gun kick control, just normal recoil control; the only sacrifice is aiming AOSs, and it's really nothing too crazy there. We got 10% for the gun kick control and 7% for the horizontal and vertical recoil controls, an attachment that's basically used on every single gun in the game for an underbarrel.

Here we have the DR6 hand stop, and this is where things kind of change; this kind of varies between Pros. I've seen a lot of underbarrels used in different MCW class setups. He uses the DR6 hand stop to maximize your aggression, your movement speed, your aim, sight speed, sprint, and fire speed.

best class setup mw3

We're going to go over all that right now. I'm going to hide my camera so you guys can see this is a very good attachment when it comes down to overall aggressive play, but not necessarily super long range aggression, or. I'm sorry, super long range and low recoil, kind of gunfights we got movement speed.

You can see all that's gained there. The big one being the ad movement speed of 7.7%, the ad speed of 7.5%, and the sprint of fire speed for a muzzle. Here we have the L for our flash hider, another one that kind of swaps out between who you're watching. We have seen some pros run the bued break.

best mcw class

I've seen some pros run the ZEM compensator; it's going to depend on what you like the most and what he's going with. The L4 flashhider is here because you have made a very small sacrifice to the aim-down sight speed of 99.1%. But you are gaining 133% across the board to all of your recoil controls there, so I think this is what kind of makes up for the lack of an underbarrel, but it ends up being a faster aim-down sight speed at the end of the day, and our final attachment is a 16.5-inch Cyclone long barrel.

This attachment did get nerfed, but it is still the best one simply because of the increase in your bullet velocity and damage range of 15%. There are not really any other barrels that have very limited sacrifices while still gaining a lot in return, so your damage range is still at 30.7 M with this attachment.

Nothing too crazy, but like I did just say, you're not really taking 60 M gunfights; it's going to be in that 30 M range most of the time, and then our bullet velocity is 837.8 m/s, so as always, there are all of Scrappy's attachments there on the screen. If you guys wanted to give this one a try, what do you guys think of this camo?

I think they kind of the CDL camos this year are kind of underwhelming. I don't see how this has anything to do with the Toronto Ultra. Here's also the rest of the load out. Help me reach my goal of hitting 100,000 subscribers. Let's jump over to some gameplay. You can see what the MCW scrappies are running with here. I hope you guys.

I got my body shot.

I got my body shot.

enjoy, so when I recorded with the HRM. I said I wanted to do an MCW article right before the season came out with Scrappy setup, and I wanted to do it on Rio because this map has actually officially been tested out by the. Pros: This map is. I'm not going to say, going to be in the professional rotation, but they are in fact testing it, so because they're testing, it leads me to believe that it's probably going to get added to the rotation, and I've seen a lot of screenshots that Pros seem to be enjoying.

It I just I just shot some windy shots from your boy. I definitely see this being more of a SMG-favored map, and I definitely see where SMGs are probably going. Enjoy this map more than AR players, but there are really no SMG maps in this game, with the exception of, like, Skidrow. I'm lagging i don't know why I'm lagging.

It looks like the lag has stabilized itself. I don't know why I've been having lag problems recently; it's not like the way it's been. I don't know if my router has one. Basically, it's over now. It's a good first game, and I got to feature the map, but I was really hoping to pop another swarm there.

It's good game number one, whoever shot my body.

Double mgb

Double mgb

This game's on you, pal. Another map: I wish they would do a little more experimentation. I believe that the pros actually did try out grease a little bit, but their complaints or arguments were that the water kind of made it; it ruined the skill gap, which, fine, I'll bite. I'll bite they had a map of Hydra last year; Hydra was basically all water, so in a way, I kind of don't understand the argument.

I'll let them talk. They're pros; they know what they're talking about, so I'll let them talk about their enemies, but that doesn't mean I necessarily agree with them. Here, I need to run as far away from them as I possibly can. If I stay close to these guys, the Swarm is bombing me, and I'm still concerned it's going to happen, so I'm probably going to just stay away altogether.

best mcw class mw3

Yeah, I'm just going to stay, right? Here, I'm not going to push that for them to get a free kill, basically, or for me to get a free death, whatever you want to call it. Here, kill him, teammate. I gave you a perfect opportunity to kill him. Good job, guys. Huge I didn't see the second guy. Gizzy Maguire Some people got some cringy names.

I don't care what you tell me; there's two of them with that muzzle, and I know exactly where they are, Hile and Elim. They think they're slick with it, but they're reloading all right, so we were able to rotate the road around the back of this hill. They should be spawning over here somewhere, but there's one.

Actually, they're going to be in the middle. They spawn in the back. God damn God damn yeah, God.

Scrappy's PRO MCW Class is GODLY in MW3! Best MCW Class Setup -Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3.
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