News - Safely's Guide To Warzone 2 Free For All



This is another one of my personal favorites. I play this game all the time. There's really only one spot on this map kind of two if you want to stretch it but I'll show you what I mean, this is the main one you used to be able to actually watch people spawn right here but I think they patched that I don't think you can watch that anymore, but basically this is kind of the main spot you can getat them running through right over here running through that doorway they'll be either right back there right back there in that corner slide over here they can run out of there run out of there they'll be right in the back there and then sometimes you can slide over here and catch him coming through that doorway as well get a nice little rotation going on you can catch him right back over there and then sometimes right down this area as well, and this is one of those Maps where if you're a trickshotter if you really utilize this spot quite a bit you will get to last extremely, quickly.

modern warfare 2 sniping

I have games where I will quite literally get to last with probably 5 minutes left, 29 to like 10 kill leads. It's honestly just about abusing the spot to the best of your ability, and then for spot number two, it's kind of like the OG spot if you played Modern Warfare 2 in 2009.



But I had to do it. You know, I had to do it because of all you trickshotters that I know are going to tune in to this article looking for spots so you guys can get to last just a little bit faster. Well, a little fun fact that you guys might not know is that I do not think there has been a single.

modern warfare ii

FFA trick shot hit off of the crane yet not one that I've have seen anywhere I could be wrong I could eat my words but I really feel like I would have seen it circulate the timeline by now and I have not seen a single FFA trick shot hit off top crane, so I'm still waiting to see one of those I'm hoping that maybe I can even hit it but anyway without further Ado the main spot is going to be right here you can basically coming through this back spot right here they'll also come through right over there and right over there in this little room they'll like climb that and sometimes Camp there you can slide over here and catch them down there sometimes they'll be underground, because this map sucks and the spawns are awful.

And then you can catch them right across the way. Slide over here; you can also catch them right over there, and then sometimes up top, really, you can just rotate right here. It's hard to predict the spawns, honestly, just because this game has what I like to call revenge spawns, so a lot of the time the place that you think they're going to spawn is not where they actually end up spawning.

mw2 ffa

But you can do your best circulate this spot and I'm sure you'll hit something eventually, by way though this is going to be the best spot you want to play in if you do want to get to last the quickest way possible technically you can also play on this side right over here you can catch them coming through right here slide over this way catch them running through in this area right here slide over here they'll come through that way as well and then slide over here and get them right out of this spot and then do a little, 180 and get them right back there you can Circle this spot as well and also attempt to hit something I think the most life hit in this area is a quad feed granted I think the most of had on this map in general is a quad feed, never a fifth for me, but yeah guys use this map to the best of your ability these two spots are going to be the best spots for high-rise. And yeah, without further ado, on to map number six.



All right, guys, so for map number six, we have none other than an underpass. Now, this is not one of my personal favorite maps, but it is one of the maps that my free-for-all sniping friends really love to play, as well as, of course, one of the legendary trickshot maps, so I know for my trickshotters.

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I had to throw it in here as well. There are three main spots on this map. Starting with this spot right here, you can catch them down there and up there, as well as all around. Over here, if you run back in here, sometimes they'll climb in here, and you can kind of get them over here in the corner right there.

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You can kind of use this window to your advantage to get him down over here. Same with over here as well, and then, of course, going down the stairs, you have a spot right back there; they'll run through there. You can kind of peek right here, and sometimes they'll run through here as well. And then, of course, down here in this little spot right here, they'll be over here on the stairs.

mw2 free for all

And that is actually going to lead us to our next spot right here. Is going to be the next spot, kind of looking into the spot that we were just at, you can catch them down there up there, and then running around through here, you can even kind of slide out and peek right here and catch them up there on that little bridge. But yeah, this is kind of a mess of a map because the game has that Revenge spawn system, but circulating, those spots are where you're going to get to last the absolute fastest; we're going to hit the most amount of eclipses, and I wish you guys the best of luck on map number seven.



All right, ladies and gentlemen, for map number seven, we are over here on Invasion.

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This is another one of those maps that I have not hit a whole lot of times on, but it is popular amongst my group of friends that do play FFA quite often on this map. There are two main spots that I'm going to show you, and we're going to start off with this kind of mid spot right here pretty much.

mw2 free for all sniping

You're just going to go in full circle. They can come from pretty much any way; batch that door in right there, and they'll come in from around this spot. Down there over here over there in that window down there as well slide over here they're coming from back there through that door as well a lot of the time they'll be up there kind of hard scoping you from a distance you can get them from up there as well like to around that corner around that corner and with that little entryway, right there and then if I had a dollar for every time I got killed out of the spot by some running around right there and then flanking me on the tank right here.

I would be a very rich man, but basically you just want to kind of do a 360. In this spot just check everywh spawn is often as you can and that's where you're going to find the most success, in this specific spot right here all right guys so for the second spot it's going to be right over here just like the spot over there you're going to want to do just a constant 360, checking pretty much every angle you possibly can they'll usually be down there slide over here sometimes they'll be right over there as well you can catch him in that little room right there up there is where one guy always is I swear there is never not a guy in that little spot we'll come down through this way and then obviously you can peek through in mid see right there right there and then running out right here, just doing kind of a full 360.

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