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People are like, The game must be struggling, hence why they're doing a free trial. I mean, Modern Warfare 2 broke nearly every record and became the fastest and, I believe, bestselling God of all time. Before that, there was a record held by Modern Warfare 19; before that, it was Black Ops, so free trials don't determine whether the game is struggling or has a lower player count, although Moder Warfare 3 sales are.

I think, 30% lower than MW2. It's still a lot of damn sales, but it still broke a fair amount of records. I mean, call me Shell, but the facts are the facts and the stats are the stats, but overall, the game is still doing well no matter the shortcomings, regardless of the poor reviews because of the campaign or whatever else, so these free trials are normal and would have happened regardless of how the game performed.

modern warfare 3

I mean, think of the logic: the game sold extremely well, and they did a free trial close to the holidays or right after the start of the first season. That's juicing the success and boosting the momentum even more. If the game does perform poorly and doesn't sell as well, then yeah, free trials can come in clutch and help out where there's some improvement needed, but overall, we know Modern Warfare 3 has been a fairly successful launch for the brand new Modern Warfare Trilogy, and now on top of that, a grand mastery reward was discovered for MW3, for those out there that went the extra mile of going in completing several dozen camel challenges after already having unlocked Interstellar.

Grand mastery rewards for mw3 mp & zombies

Grand mastery rewards for mw3 mp & zombies

There is a grand Mastery charm that you do unlock; however, there isn't a calling card or emblem for having done that yet, and I know in a recent Q&A with Sledgehammer they did tease the fact that at one point they maybe played around with the idea of having an additional camo unlock for having maybe completed both MW2 and 3's Mastery camos; they played around with that.

Whether that's in the works is currently unknown, but I am sure there's going to be other rewards released for hitting Grand Mastery on all your weapons. They'll probably end up dropping a calling card or an emblem at some point. Hopefully they're animated, and it'll be cool to see even more, like an operator skin, a blueprint, or even another camo on top of that.

Maybe that'll be in the works, but congrats to those out there that have hit Grand Mastery: Mon Warfare 3, which is absolutely insane in terms of the hours you had to put in.

Free cod points & new pro pack released today

mw3 dune event

If cosmetics or bundles aren't your thing, you probably don't care, but hey, if you guys like the look at this prop pack, which has a pretty cool theme around it and some fairly cool cosmetics, then you might also pick up this pack for the free Cod points, which you can then use later for some of the really cool bundles, mastercrafts, ultra skins, or battle passes that are releasing in the future, but that is about it.

Closing statements

Closing statements

This has been DK Dynamite. Leave our thoughts. I really hope you've enjoyed it.Peace out.

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