News - New" Top 5 Meta Class Setups Warzone 2. Best Class Setup" Cod Warzone 2 Gameplay

It's good for literally close It's good for Mid, it's close for White, it's close, it's good for everything, like it's good for literally every single range, and if I'm messing up my words, guys. I'm tired. It's late, but anyway, this one right here, I'll show you guys the class again so you guys can see it on screen.


There it is, we got the Chimera silent shots, so you guys can see that right here, really undetectable, by radar, because it's a suppressor Sprint to fire speed ads speed aim walking speed. It's really nice now. Am I going to say it's the best option? It probably isn't. Let's be honest, it probably isn't because you're losing bullet velocity and range; you're losing 20% of the effective damage range, you're losing 20% of the of the minimum damage range, and 20% of the bullet velocity, which is not the best thing to be losing.

But I actually like it okay, because this is my close and mid-range class, and it still does a very good job at long range, so I would say that is too much. If you don't want to run that one, go ahead and throw on the jack BFB, I guess, or whatever you guys like, but honestly, it's good. It's pretty good.

cod mw3

We got 40 round mags; you don't need them. I recommend it because this gun shoots at a decent fire rate, so you don't want to lose too many. 30 is, in my opinion, at least not enough, so I wouldn't recommend using 30, and I just find it better that way. Now the Jack Raven kit is going to be something you want to use.

I'm going to show you guys this right here because the Jack Raven kit. It's absolutely insane that you're getting your rate of fire to go up, and it gives this gun so much fire rate that you actually get 800 rounds per minute coming out, which is really, really nice. You get mobility and handling, you get damage at close range, so this is a close range beast, and you're getting hip fire and Tack stance spread, so overall.

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I would definitely recommend the Jack Raven kit 100%. then we got the rear grip, which is the RB. Rapid Strike grip for Sprint to fire speed, ads speed, and all that kind of stuff, which is really nice, and finally the A90. Venom stock, which is going to give you aim walking speed, movement speed, and Sprint speed.

cod mw3 best class

So you guys, I mean, you're watching the gameplay in the background; you already know how these guns are; they're really good, and I would recommend using them now. Another weapon on this list is going to be one that I kind of need to show you because I don't have gameplay of just strictly using it, and as you guys can see on screen right here, this is the retti.

That I use, obviously, we're going to utilize the akimbo Rady here because it's just really nice to have, but this is my secondary, okay, so I'm going to pull this out whenever I really need to whenever I'm in a position where I need to pull something out because, let's say. I run out of ammo or there's a lot of action going on in Close Quarters.


I'll pull these out and definitely draw people with them, so go ahead and take this class. Like I said, we got the aimos, we got the ftac. Status folding stock, which is going to give us a lot of gun kick control, which is really, really nice (54%). Recoil control and 21. Recoil gun kick which is really good then after that we got the laser which is going to give us Sprint to fire speed a really fast rate 15%, ads which I don't care about because we're not actually adsing, and then tactical stance spread which we're not going to be T stancing anyway so it's pretty much for the Sprint of fire, but it's nice and then we got the barrel right here for even more Sprint to Fire and all that Mobility which you're getting on it which is really nice and then finally the 50 round jumps cuz you're getting 50 on one 50 on the other remember it's a Kimbo guys so 100 rounds to easily draw people nice and quick and as you guys can see it's already on my MCW class it is definitely a beast now the final weapon that we're going to get into is the striker SMG now the striker, it is slept on.

I don't care what anyone says; the striker is slept on, and this class that I made for it is probably my favorite SMG class in the game. The striker isn't the fastest shooting weapon in the game, let's be completely honest. It has a fly rate of, like, 645. Which is i think less than the MCW. I think it shoots slower than the MCW, but it is powerful, and it is fast.


It's a fast weapon, like. I don't mean the fire fast, but I mean, in terms of mobility, in terms of ads, and sprint of fire, it's fast, so sometimes being quicker at shooting the enemy is better than having a faster fire rate. So, as you guys can see, here's the class. I'll show you it on screen right here.

I mean, it's just absolutely insane all right, so we're not going to use no Jack BFB, nothing like that, just overall a really nice solid class that's going to help you guys get a lot of kills, so as you can see, let me show you guys again in case you missed it. I named it the 1.99 KD build. I'm not going to say 2.0 because getting a 2.0 KD in this game is pretty tough; that's like an old 3.5, I would say, but a 1.99, is it doable?

modern warfare 3

You know it's doable, but yeah, overall. Nice Class The Bruin pendulum is going to give you that vertical recoil; it's also going to give you horizontal, which is really nice, and gun kit control. You're getting 22, gun kit control, 13, horizontal, and 23. Vertical, which is really good, so I like that a lot, but now we don't need to focus just on recoil because this gun doesn't have much recoil, so for the underbarrel, you're going to put on the DR6 hand stop, which is going to give you ads speed movement speed.

Sprint to fire speed and aim walking speed, so that's pretty cool as well, and then we're going to focus on damage and range for the barrel because again we don't need to focus on the recoil control, so that is going to be the striker Recon long barrel, that's going to give you 18% effective and minimum Diamond range and 15%.

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Bullet velocity, which is awesome.

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