News - New" How To Keep Your Tombstone Glitch Safe. After Patch. Dark Aether Edition. Warzone 2 Zombies

best tombstone glitch

It seems as if a ton of people keep on losing their Tombstone glitch in the dark eater. In this article, I'm going to teach you guys how you can go into the dark eatery with your team and fill successfully, and you never have to lose your tombstone. Your Tombstone glitch will always be there and ready to use at any given time with the new season 1 reload; they actually patch the way, or we normally would have done it originally.

And now you have to do it in a different way, and it's 10 times ordered, so if you don't know what you're doing and you go in there with your team, you can lose your tombstone and everything that you have in it. So you want to watch this article, and this article will show you how to never ever lose your tombstone.

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dark aether

It's always best to break your tombstone, take every item out of it, and so that we can actually set our new tombstone, we don't want to set a tombstone for an already existing tombstone, so let's make our way over to our tombstone real quick and let's have that break. Let's go ahead and grab all our stuff.

I'm going to need to equip my large backpack because I don't have one on me, so let's take that and just grab all my items inside. And now I'm going to actually need to get myself back with a large backpack because I always store a large backpack inside of my Tombstone stash, so if I die in a previous game.

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I can just go back in and grab my backpack. So now that I'm in the Red Zone. I just get myself a large backpack and maybe a few self-fres because we are going into the dock eater and we are actually using the Elder Seil, so you know it will be 10 times harder than the regular Seil. Now that we have all that stuff out of the way, we want to get ourselves a tombstone in order to be able to set our tombstone, so let's go to this machine here.

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It's optional; you can go anywhere on the map and you should be able to see a tombstone machine, but it's always here in the Tier 3 zone, so if you can handle it. I say give it a try, and you will always. We have one there that is super reliable, so once they are done, we want to go ahead and get ourselves equipped.

We want to get our weapons to Packa Punch, at least to Packa Punch Level 3, and once we have our guns. Pack-a-Punch, we should be able to do some damage, or at least, so from here, we want to make our way to the dark ether Rift, and we are going to figure out who is going to use the sigil because I don't, so my friend there got one of the Elder sigils and he just placed it into the thing.

Now we need to bring up our map and just hit changu to vote, and there should be a countdown. You guys should know all about this, and now we are going in. So if you guys didn't know, this is a pre-recorded article that I'm just revising, because obviously this is captured from my stream, which I stream every night at 11:00 p.

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M you guys can join up if you want, and we can have a lot of fun, so once you're in the dock, you can go ahead and now go get your contracts done. As you can see, we got the first one complete, and now we have the second one complete, and trust me, these are really active guys, but we end up getting some priceless rewards.

We got a bunch of schematics in every one of these awards, so I would suggest that if you guys are hunting schematics, you can go to the Elder. Go into the docether with the Elder sigil, and you will get a ton of schematics. As you can see, we just got the AER blade schematic just like that. It's super easy, so now once we have completed all three of the contracts over there, we now need to fill them, but now if you go ahead and bring up the thing that you used to normally just leave the team, you won't see it.

how to setup tombstone

The game actually takes that out with the petch, so you can no longer leave the team and just down yourself and have somebody revive you; it doesn't work like that. Now, the only way that you guys can possibly save your stuff is you will need to have a friend drop you all of their stuff, and we will be using only one person to do this tombstone, so everybody else will need to fill in.

Okay, only one person should remain. re remain as you guys can see, I'm just stuttering right there, but as you guys can see, I only had one player left, and he actually left, but the game actually just glitched. And you can still see them on the bottom left side of my screen, but I go down there, and I decide I'm not going to die here yet until it completely removes everybody.

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As you can see now, the dog revived me, and you can still see my friend up there, and it still shows his game tag or something, or the Heen thing, but now I'm not going to actually heal him. I'm going to just go up there, and you guys are going to see what actually happened next. You guys can see now that it's gone, so from here, guys, you want to go ahead, and you can go ahead and kill yourself.

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Once you have the tombstone perk, go ahead and down yourself; you will get eliminated. Just like that, and once you get eliminated, don't worry; your tombstone will be set with all of your 999 Ence, just like you can see I had, and once that is done, you can go ahead and now leave the game. So let's just wait on this, and now we can click on leave match, so once we leave the match, we can now go back out to the lobby, invite your friends, and drop all of your schematics or all of the essence to your friends so they can now max out.

So now we are in the next game, guys, and you guys can see I got my tombstone displayed right there for me. I'm going to drop all of the essence for my friend because I think that's all he's going to need because obviously every piece of schematic and everything that my friend did had he filled with it and he got to keep them, but he won't get to keep his essence, and that's where I come in with my tombstone, and I have 999, so I'll be able to drop him 999.


And then I will go ahead and leave the game, and my Tombstone should still have all of my 999 so I can use it and I can keep ranking and repeating this process, and give back all of my friends' 999. Essence is pretty much self-explanatory. From here guys, and I hope this did help you guys out in some ways, and make sure that you guys are doing this because you don't want to risk it and end up losing your Tombstone when you enter the dark ether.

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