News - New" Broken M4 Class Setup Is Insane Warzone 2. Best Class Setup Cod Warzone 2 M4 Build

Steadiness, rather than ads slightly, is up at 0.42, and you're going to put that Sprint to Fire speed up as well at around 0.40, and it's going to be pretty awesome at that. Here's the class. If you like playing a little slower, definitely go ahead and use this. If you're playing on the bigger maps, definitely go ahead and use that right there.

We got the jug with it. It's a nice class. It works out pretty awesome, and I always recommend using that class right there. Now let's get on to the final M4; this one is.

Class 3

Class 3

Made for close range and mid-range if you're the type of person who likes to rush but you also like to sit back a little bit and just play a little more casually or anything like that. Class is going to do you good, so yeah. I didn't get any of my streaks in this gameplay with this class, but.

I mean, hey. I still did pretty nice with it. I'm not mad. For horizontal and vertical recoil control, it's going to help you out. It's nice that there's going to be a lot less kick on this gun; it's going to be a lot easier to control, and it's pretty. Yeah, I mean, just use it. Just use it.

There's no point not to use it, depending. On this, there are going to be ads at 0.36 and recoil control at point 12. I'm really happy that we get recoil control there rather than anything else, such as movement speed, aiming walking speed, and stuff. I'm happy we get recoil control down there because it's kind of neat, and on this gun now, the barrel is going to be the 11.5-inch carbine.

best mw2 m4 class

Don't confuse it with the 11.5-inch Th4. You want to make sure you're running the carbine because this gives you recoil control, hip recoil control, and bullet velocity. It gives you ads and hampers equal control, so I don't recommend that one. I recommend this one, and the tuning on this one is going to be recoil steadiness up by 0.37 and ads up by 0.35.

The gun's going to be pretty awesome with those attachments right there, but again, we kind of want 45 rounds on this one, so we're going to throw 45 rounds on it just because we don't want to spend all our time reloading. It's going to be a bit slower, but you don't really notice it in the gameplay.

class mw2

You're still going to be good up close. You're still going to do nice up close, and then the final two attachments are going to be the same as most of the classes that we make for the M4. The first one is going to be the stock, and that's the Tempest P80 strike stock for spring speed. aim, lock, and speed Crouch movement speed and ad speed The tuning on that one is going to be ads at 2.71 and aim idle stability at 1.08, and then finally, for the rear grip, we got the x10 grip for that Sprint to Fire and ads, and that makes this gun really good up close and really good at mid-range.

You could hit shots at long range with this class, and you definitely could, but I don't recommend doing it too much. The tuning for the rear grip is going to be at 0.45. And sprint to fire anywhere you could get it around Point 40 should be pretty nice, and you will do really well with that. Here's the class on screen for those of you guys who just want to take the class and do your own tuning and stuff.

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Go ahead and copy it if you will. That's going to be it for the article, guys. Like I said, man, we're going to go for a thousand five hundred likes on this one. If we could hit that, that would be absolutely amazing.

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