News - Top 5 Most Overpowered Guns Warzone 2 (best Class Setup) Cod Warzone 2 Build

best m4 class

We're going to be looking at five guns today—five guns that I think are absolutely amazing and that you guys definitely want to use, and I will say that coming to the end of Modern Warfare 2's life cycle. I will miss some of these weapons, but they are coming to Modern Warfare 3, so it's not the worst thing alive.

But let's get into it anyway, guys. Where do you fall in terms of hype for Modern Warfare 3? I'm a solid 9 out of 10, and out of 10, I'm really hyped for it. At number one, I got to talk about the bass P. Okay guys, this is a gun that is definitely slept on. It's a gun that not enough people are actually using, but it's actually really nice if you use this class properly.

It's going to shred people, like crazy, so the first thing you want, well, obviously, is for Sim to shoot a grenade, and then we got to battle Harden Scavenger Hardline overclock, and then the Dead Silence Munitions box: if you want just one, choose just one. I kind of like having both, but for the attachments, these are all of them right here.

best m4 class setup

My face might be blocking one of them, but we'll get to it anyway. The AVR T90 is compatible with the muzzle for horizontal and vertical recoil control. This gun kind of kicks up to the side, so as it's going up to the side, vertical and horizontal are going to keep it nice and centered right there.

The tuning on this is going to be recoil stabilization at 31, and recoil control at 6. Then we got the 12-inch Bruan SZ 36 grip for recoil control, damage range, bullet velocity, and hit-fire accuracy. It was great to have recoil stetin, which is going to be at 0–23 and damage range at 31, and then we got no underbarrel; we got no laser, no magazine, nothing like that.

We actually need to throw on an optic in this class because if we don't, this gun does feel a little weird, and the iron sight's not that nice. If you're going for those mid-range shots, you're not going to hit them too often, so I honestly recommend running the Slimline Pro. It's the smallest tuning you're going to set to close and Flinch resistance, at 1.06.

best m4 class setup mw2

And then we got the one where my face is blocked in the Bruan Flash V4 stock for sprint speed and aim walking speed. Crouch movement speed ads Speed tuning on this is going to be ads at 2.32, aiming for idle stability at 85. And then finally, the Bruin flash grip for Sprint to Fire and ads. The two best things that you could get and the two best pros you could get on a gun are right there, and then the tuning on this is going to be recoil setting, so rather than ads at 052 and Sprint to Fire at 025.

I hope there's no tuning in Modern Warfare. Guys, I really like the beta; it felt so good without it. I'm just so tired of tuning. I don't like it. It was a cool feature to begin with, but I'm just not crazy about it anyway. We have this M4 right here. This M4 class does have a different option.

best mw2 m4 class

If you guys want to switch out something. I'll get to that in a second, but right now, the way it stands, this class is amazing at close range, midrange, and long range, so the first thing is the silent fire. Xg6. For sound suppression, bullet velocity, recoil smoothness, and recoil control The tuning on this is going to be ads at 86, because if we tune it to recoil smoothness, it doesn't change anything whatsoever, and bull of velocity to 58, then we got the FTAc Ripper, which you cannot tune anymore.

You used to be able to tune these, but I think they took out tuning on underbarrels within the last update. I don't know why, but it is what it is anyway. With the Ftac Ripper 56, you get aiming idle stability, hip fire accuracy, recoil stabilization, and 45-round mags at 100%. FSS ol laser for ads: sprint to fire and aim for stability.

class mw2

Tuning on this is Sprint to Fire at 21 ads maxed out, and we got the sacken ZX rear grip for the grip obviously, and then recoil control is what you get off those ads at 45. Sprint of Fire at 45 as well. The reason we're running this is because we don't lose ads or Sprint of Fire. As a con here, the only con is aiming stability, so when you tune it, you get recoil control, so you get recoil control so you get recoil control ads and Sprint of fire speed all on the same attachment to me that's worth it that's definitely worth having on a gun right there now I want to move on to another gun as well and that is the TAC 56, the TAC 56 I feel is it's perfect for the number three spot even though this list isn't in order the T 56 is an amazing gun it's not the worst and it's not the best so it does deserve to be right in the middle right there.


Now if you're playing ranked it might be the best but this class works on ranked as well I'll tell you guys that you just can't tune it on ranked but it's still actually really nice there so anyways the first one is going to be the RF Crown 50, for the muzzle for horizontal and vertical recoil control it does have some horizontal recoil this gun even though it's mostly vertical, there is some horizontal so it's not bad we're not going to tune that right there we're going to leave it as is the 12 inch tack short barrel for ads, and hip recoil control which is pretty cool takes away some damage range so you might not want to use that too often for the longest of range shots, but it's not bad the tuning on this again we're going to leave at zero I think most of these except for one of them we leave at zero because this is the class that I also use on ranked, so I don't want it to feel any difference.

We got 5.56. High velocity, four bullet velocity again left at zero, and I think not the rear grip; the rear grip isn't tuned. I don't think anyway that this is the demo cleanshot grip for Sprint to fire ads; again, it's not tuned, and then we got the tactique brute stock for the actual stock on this gun for aiming stability and recoil control, and I think this is the one I tuned.

Yeah, so ads at 1.81, aim idle stability at 1.47, and the reason I tune it is because I don't really use this stock; when playing on ranked or anything like that. I actually use an underbarrel instead, and for the underbarrel, what I end up using is probably the shark one; not there you go, the shark fin or the tiger one of these two I end up using.

kastov 762 mw2

Probably the shark fin more often because there's no cons to it, so I don't mind putting this one on the stock and then actually tuning it. I feel like there's no difference to it, so I might as well do that. It is what it is; it's the T 56 class, and I really like it. Another gun I want to talk about: I was going to show you guys this one, but it's not that one.

It's actually the muzzle for the valve. I took this class recently. It's a good class; it's got a bunch of different attachments and a different amount of Pros use and stuff, so it's not one class that one person uses, but it's one class mixed with another, so it's two classes in one, and it actually works out really nice.

These are the TOP 5 Best Class Setups META GUNS to use in Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 Multiplayer and for COD MW2 Warzone 2 Gameplay.
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