News - The "new" Best M4 Class Warzone 2. Best M4 Class Setup

best m4 class

Welcome back to Brandy's article. Today we're taking a look at the best M4 setup that you guys are going to dominate here in Modern Warfare 2. This setup is incredible, and it allowed me to drop almost 200 kills on shipment. Let's get into this all right.

Munitions box

Munitions box

Now let's get on the M4. The first thing we do is go over to the muzzle board news and look for the F-Tech website.

Ftac castle comp

So the f-tac right over here, when we happen to find it, is going to help us out with that horizontal and vertical recoil.

Hightower 20 barrel

Hightower 20 barrel

The increase in bullet velocity, damage range, recoil control, and hip-fire accuracy are crucial for this gun. This is definitely the best thing to run on.

Ftac ripper 56

Ftac ripper 56

Ripper 56: If this is going to be a super good underbelly to run on this gun, then increasing aiming idle stability, hip fire accuracy, and recoil stabilization is definitely clutch. helps stabilize this gun out; you for sure need it under barrel with this specific build; you know we're going to make it very mobile and very agile; you definitely still need to run an underbarrel on this gun now for this; we're going to get a little bit more mobility out of this because this is already helping us stabilize out so much as it is with a base sort of like, you know?

Pros, for the attachment. So we're just going to get a little bit more data and aim walking speed out of this thing here, so I'll pretty much slide these down here until we can find out what is the best thing to be able to run. Saving something as a blueprint, you can pretty much see that as soon as we end up going for, say, that handling characteristic.

which is what we want now in the rear grip section. We're going to throw on the Phantom grip, so this is going to be the most mobile rear grip you can get on this gun, but you will lose a little bit of stability. I believe that you lose flail resistance here as opposed to running the X10, where you do not lose flail resistance, so if that's something you're really big on, um, you're not going to get as much of that benefit in terms of mobility, but you will definitely still not have that sort of con, at least for me.

Phantom grip

Phantom grip

I think the Phantom grip works perfectly fine on Sprint. And fire speed, and overall aim down sight speed, this is a really great attachment, and to further, you know, accentuate the benefits here of the Phantom grip, we're going to go ahead and mess with this and give us a little bit more mobility.

So we're going to throw this down here for the adsb, and we're going to see pretty much that it does kind of max out a little bit beforehand. Or, even if it stops, maxing out is really not going to give you that much more benefit, so you can technically slow slide this all the way down and be perfectly fine, and then do the sprint to fire on this thing.

You can see that. I mean, it's very apparent that it's like, "That's the max damn near right there." There's no reason to go all the way to the end because the other side is what gets torched, and so we're going to throw this right here. It doesn't have to be super precise, but right about a negative 0.08.

best m4 class mw2

And also at the max is where you're going to be good for the Phantom grip, and lastly for our attachment in the stock section, we're going to throw on the Tempest p80, strike, stock, so this is a great stock here once again that'd be more agile moving around in multiplayer absolutely, love this thing, so let's get into the tune and for the tune on this thing here because we had so much more of that movement benefit, we're going to try to tune this out for a little bit of the aim walking steadiness and idle stability because we already got great speed on this we're not trying to mess with the you know the gun too much more so we'll actually tune this for a little bit more of that but.

best m4 class setup

We're going to go a little farther right here. As you can see, it's not going to be that big of a deal, but you can see the jump in accuracy is pretty large around here, so we're going to actually leave it right there and get the maximum benefit out of that specific tune. Know tune for that as, far as the aim for idle stability goes, we can see that if we mess with this, we just end up losing quite a bit of that mobility.

very quickly, but you can see that large jump right there towards the accuracy side of things, and right there is that we're going to reach the maximum bit of your accuracy with the least amount of penalty to your mobility, so at a plus 0.86, this is going to be the best sort of way to be able to run this gun.

I mean, the recoil is like non-existent on this thing. I mean, great strafe speed and very little recoil. All I'm doing is pulling down the stick a little bit. That being said, I hope you enjoyed the almost 200 kills of gameplay here on

the NEW BEST M4 CLASS in MODERN WARFARE 2! Best M4 Class Setup | Chuck.
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