News - New "best Controller Settings" Warzone 2. Use The Best Settings" Cod Warzone 2 Gameplay

best settings mw3

I don't know if youall heard that but that was creepy, definitely want to actually put this lower if you're missing a lot of those shots now if you're really accurate and you play on 2020 I'm not going to tell you to change this you got to play with what you're comfortable at but I personally lowered it and if you're new to Cod and stuff like that maybe play on a 66 or something like that just be on the safe side now honestly I play nine horizontal 10 vertical because well the times that I have to look up and down I want to look up and down quicker, and I don't want to be like stuck on a nine or something it's just personal preference honestly if you want to play 99 play 99 10 do what you got to do I'm not going to tell you guys what to do for sensitivity.

cod mw3 best settings

Now I have this off I can't change my ads sensitivity multiplayer, because I changed my ads sensitivity per Zoom so mine's locked right now we're not going to touch it you guys might have it unlocked maybe you just want to change this and you don't want to go per Zoom put it to 0 85, if you do if you do end up going with that now everything else here is pretty unimportant at the moment aim response curve type set it to Dynamic I think I was on linear I set it to Dynamic I don't know what it is I'm just more accurate I don't know why I can't explain why I'm just telling you guys I tried all three and for me myself Dynamic is the best if you guys if you guys like linear standard play on that but my personal preference, is going to be dynamic.

modern warfare 3

And then all this kind of stuff right here your ads sensitivity transition timing is going to be instant obviously, and then my custom sensitivity per Zoom this is what I set per zoom level so the higher your scope the more magnification you have the lower you want your sensitivity to be pretty much so I have my ads sensitivity multiplier for low Zoom from 90 I used to play 90 all the time I set it to 0 85 and again I'm a lot more accurate now when you're up close like really like Barrel stuffing distance up close 0 85 might be a little slow but once you actually let go of that ads and start hip firing at that distance, it doesn't matter so I personally prefer 85 and then I lowered all of these by five from what they originally were so this used to be 85 I have it at 80 this again used to be 0 8580, and now these are 75 and 70 for that one right there and then again we got some of this stuff right here and I'm going to say aim assist type I used to play on Black Ops a lot.

And I used to swear that Black Ops was the best. I used to say Black Ops is the one you definitely want to use, and then I saw some other people talking about default, and I put it on myself again. I actually like it better than Black Ops. Now that Black Ops is your traditional one, it's going to be like, if you like Black Ops games, it's pretty much the same assist type as those.

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I personally prefer default; it just is what it is; it's nice; it's just a change, and honestly, for me, it just feels really nice. Now let's get into some gameplay here because these are really important as well.



My automatic tactical sprint is always on. I have that set to automatic tactical sprints, and the reason for this is that the second you touch that left joystick right there, you want to be in sprint, you want to go to a jog, and then sprint; you just want to be in sprint, instantly.

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Without having to do a little jog, and the reason for that is, well, one, you're going to be a lot faster, two. I don't like that jog. I really don't like it, so honestly, for me, having this is really, really nice, and then slide maintain Sprints having this set to on, and you will be good as well now.

A couple of months ago. I think when the game first came out, you had to have this off because it was glitchy and it would make you dive and stuff, but now that it's good, go ahead and turn that on, and you will be good, and then pretty much. Auto-move forward is always off. There's no point in having that in tactical sprint behavior.

modern warfare 3 best controller settings

Double tapping doesn't matter because we have the automatic tactical sprint set on, and then pretty much right here is the automatic airborne mantle. I had to turn this off, guys. I had to, okay? I don't know if you've ever been in a gunfight where you're jump-shooting and then instead of just ading and shooting while you jump-shot, you end up mantling something behind you or something beside you.

In a gunfight, that's because you got your automatic airborne mantle set on. Turn that off, man. It made me lose so many gunfights. It was so annoying.



modern warfare 3 best settings

Pretty much I these I don't really need to talk about so go ahead and I'll just go pause take those do what you got to do now I want to get into graphic settings a sec I know some of you guys on Console might not have this display here you might not have this quality here but there is some things that you guys do have and we're going to get into that so display, you're going to go to your brightness everybody has this option you're going to go into that and you're going to make sure that not visible, is actually not visible okay you don't want your game looking so washed out so many times I watch articles of people playing this game on whether it's on Tik Tok or YouTube or twitch or whatever it looks washed out it looks disgusting I don't want to sit there and watch it to be quite honest with you guys once you set it's actually not visible, barely visible where it's actually barely visible and easily visible where it's easily visible you'll be set to go for me for example it's at 55, if I put mine higher and where that nine not visible actually becomes visible like at 085.



modern warfare 3 controller settings

Audio settings again are pretty important I have some of them currently turned off because if people join my Lobby I don't want them to hear me talking right now my mic's unmuted and stuff and I don't feel like putting on push to talk but basically, your master volume right here we're going to talk about this because this is some important stuff the gameplay Music Volume you don't need to hear music that much you rather hear footsteps and gunfights and all of that so put this lower to 30 the dialogue volume this is where your soldiers talking to all the other AI soldiers and stuff it's not AI cuz you're controlling it but the other soldiers where they're all just talking it's not you on your mic it's just them doing certain call outs and stuff like Enemy by the B flag or whatever they yell, yeah just you don't need that super loud you don't want it super low either you do want to hear it cuz sometimes they have important stuff to say but we're going to put that at 70 effects volume this is footsteps.

Gunshots explosions, everything you're going to set that to 100 Windows breaking, you want to know where everybody is at all times, so that effect is going to help you out a lot cinematic. Music Volume: this is H; it's all right to save at 100; and War Tracks: again, you could leave that at 100; it doesn't really matter too much, but these right here are probably some of the most important ones, and the effects you always want to have at 100 are obviously set to 100 as.



Well, yeah, that's it for the audio.

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