News - Nahv's Guide To Mastering Warzone 3 Movement

So all you're going to do is just slide cancel and then do an advanced jump shot. This one's a little bit harder because you're going to have to slide, cancel, get momentum, and then jump. You got to take a second after your slide cancel to get momentum, so you got to run forward just a little bit, and then you're going to jump shot.

controller movement

Like that, now the next thing I want to show you is the be-hob. Now the be hob pretty much all you have to do is when you do an advanced jump shot, you just do another jump like that. Obviously, the beop in this game isn't the best; it's not like it was in MW 2019, but you can still do a little beop and you can still throw off your opponent with it, and sometimes whenever you're high up, you can actually just jump off the high place, and then when you land, you press jump as well.

You got to time it very well. I'll show you a clip right now. You just got to time it very well, and you'll get like a little super beep-a-super jump. Now the next thing I like to do is crouch spam whenever I'm in a close gunfight. I like Crouch spamming because it throws off my enemies because they can't just track my head, you just like.

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Spray and then Crouch spam at the same time, so you just spam your Crouch button while in a fight, and this also goes along with snaking, which is actually a huge technique you have to learn now. All you have to do to snake is pretty much just prone all the way to the ground, move backwards, and then forwards.

controller movement guide

And you're going to move forward whenever you're coming back up, and you're going to move backward whenever you're proning down to the ground. Now the next thing is directional movement, and directional movement is just pretty much when you're running and you're moving left, right, left, right, so you can't get shot now.

Obviously, when you're doing directional movement, you're also going to want to use cover while doing it, so if you're moving left or right like this, go like this and add some slide cancels in there and just move left or right. That's why you see me a lot in my articles, shaking my screen. I'm actually not just shaking my screen for no reason; I'm just moving left and right so that my enemies can't just shoot me easily, like this, and that's pretty much all directional movement is, so no.

how to have good movement in

I'm not doing unnecessary movement. Now the next thing is my favorite thing, the nav switcheroo. So pretty much the nav switcheroo is that whenever you shoot someone, you just switch sides and do like a little beop on them. That, so shoot, switch sides, and this is going to throw off your opponent because obviously they're going to just think you're going to stay here and they're just going to keep spraying, but then whenever you're switching sides, it's going to be way harder for them to track you, and you're just going to throw off your enemy completely.

Now the next thing is obviously the Y. Why do you guys see me yelling all the time, and everyone just says it's unnecessary? Now I obviously just have a habit of yelling, and it looks nice; it looks flashy. God, but yeah, that's pretty much it. I love y'all.

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