News - Mw2 Weapons Need Huge Buffs Warzone 2

modern warfare 2 weapons in modern warfare 3

I think people soon realize weren't actually that great compared to the ACR in this game being the MCW. Obviously, all these guns are just so much better in every way, shape, or form than the guns in MW2.

Mw2 weapons need fixing in mw3

Mw2 weapons need fixing in mw3

So I think the guns across the board just need a buff, right? Every single gun from Modern Warfare 2 needs some sort of buff. I've even seen some guns that just don't actually work. I've seen a clip recently with the jeel-wield.

I can't remember what they are, but they're dual-wielded. I believe they're full-auto. I can't remember what the gun was called; they're basically pistols; they're full, dual-wield full auto; and they take like two whole clips of like extended mags. I'm not even joking; I don't know if it's been fixed or patched because it was clearly broken, like, as in, it was so bad that the gun actually takes around 100 bullets.

I'm not even joking if you guys can find that clip. But yeah, there is a Modern Warfare 2 weapon, a set of pistols that is dual-wield full auto that takes 50 to 100 OD bullets to kill someone. The War Zone is also equipped with plates and stuff, but that is insane. That is insane, obviously. You can't blame me.

modern warfare 3

I can't blame the deaths too much because there are a lot of guns that would need buffing and nerfing. You know, we're talking about how many guns there were in mod Warfare 2, probably Le 60 to 70 in the end with the final releases. You know, through battle passes and stuff, there's a lot of things to go through and buff and nerf, and I wouldn't be surprised if they did just make them slightly better than what they were in mod Warfare 2 to kind of make sense for the Modern Warfare 3 kill time and then just kind of never really deal with them again. Yes, they have buffed and Nerfed some of them in patch notes, but I do think that is generally because those guns were just so underpowered that they were beyond, just beyond even being used, like it would be like going into a game with a peo and you be challenging yourself to get in the most difficult kill of your life sort of thing.

Why mw2 weapons needs buffing in mw3

Why mw2 weapons needs buffing in mw3

So, yeah, that's kind of my thoughts on it and stuff. I think we're at that point now in the game's life cycle. The Modern Warfare 2 weapons need to be buffed here in Modern Warfare 3. Because at the moment they are just completely useless I don't see the point of the reason of them being taken over and I this is something that I think might affect future Call of Duties where people might want this sort of thing, that we might not actually get this sort of thing considering how many people are actually using the Modern Warfare 2 weapons in Moder Warfare 3 it'd be nice to have like a bit more of a diverse met and stuff again we are quite far into the game's life cycle we're probably about what, one3 maybe getting onto halfway through the game's life cycle when it starts to die down you know the hype in like August and June July etc for the new Call of Duty starts and that sort of thing happens.

modern warfare 3 weapons

I feel like right now Modare 2 weapons need a buff here in Modern Warfare 3, because they simply don't have a place in this game. Unusable, and again defeats the purpose. How many of you actually bought bundles of that, say, the TAC 56? You know your enime skins and how many of you actually use the weapon that you have bought.

MW2 Weapons Need HUGE Buffs In MW3! Hope u enjoyed today's video discussing why I think the mw3 carry over system for mw2 weapons is a massive fail currently with next to no one currently using the mw2 weapons in mw3 and what can be done to fix modern warfare 2 weapons in modern warfare 3 and make them more usable and viable compared to the mw3 meta weapons and meta warzone 3 weapons.
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