News - Modern Warfare 3 No Russian Vs Warzone 2 No Russian

cod mw3 no russian

I think it is really fair to say that one of the most iconic missions of all time in Call of Duty is No Russian it boosted the sales and really put Call of Duty on the map even bigger than it already was back with the original Modern Warfare 2 and now in Modern Warfare 3 there is a new no Russian and this one is different it takes place on an airplane as opposed to in an airport, but I wanted to make a article comparing the original no Russian to the new one which is actually called Passengers.

2 i know what you have done, Yuri; I know what you have told them, my friend, my ally, and my betrayer. What happens here today will change the world forever, so I know I'm cheating a bit by showing some footage from the original Modern Warfare 3, but this is Yuri. You play as him within the original Modern Warfare 3, and he was essentially an informant who was working for Marov but feeding information to General Shephard.

He told Shepard what Marov's plan was for Zak of International Airport, but what he didn't know is that Marov already knew that he was informing, so General Shepard gets a CIA agent by the name of Joseph Allen to go undercover to work for Vladimir Marov. He goes by the name of Alexi Berodin, and he is in Marov's inner circle, so he is put on the team to then go in and do the things that happen in Zak of International Airport.


Marov, that was no message. This is a message the Americans thought he could deceive us with when they found that body. All of Russia will cry for war, so as per usual, Marov is a step ahead. He knew that Joseph Allen had infiltrated his inner circle, and they left him shot behind, making it look like the Americans because Joseph Allen was American and the ones responsible for the attack on the airport.

Then Russia cries for war and wants World War III to give Marov even more power because, essentially, he thrives in chaos, so let's move forward to modern warfare. Roman numeral 3: As far as this mission goes, it is not called No Russian; it is called Passenger, and it takes place within 24 hours of Marov escaping from prison.

Essentially, he goes to a Urzikstan airport specifically to go on a flight called Flight 761. This was a flight going from Covia to Sochi on November 11th, 2023, and specifically in this mission, you play as someone by the name of Samara Jalal. She is a character who was in the Yukan Liberation Forces and fought alongside them.

modern warfare 2

Farah Kim during the Russians' occupation. So in typical Mao fashion, he has planned out the whole thing. He knew that she was going to be on this plane, and he planned out this whole attack based around her. How are they going to make it look like that? History, get this off me. You [__] son of a [__] You will be a hero for what you're doing here; no one will believe you.

I am not a terrorist; you're a citizen soldier inspired by Farak Karim to fight Russia. You're a freedom fighter, and you're Russian. This plane is full of Russians. How could you kill your own people? No, I'm not killing them or you. No, you look like one. So Macarrov takes Samara, straps a bomb to her chest, and throws the phone into the crowd.

This allows everyone on the airplane to start taking articles and try to stop Samara. The other important thing about this airplane is that most of the passengers are Russian because it's a flight going to Russia, so all of a sudden there's all this cell phone footage of Samara committing this attack, and the only thing that can save them is the blackbox.

modern warfare 2 no russian

So Alex and Farah end up getting sent into Yekan to recover all of this information so that the world doesn't think the Yekan Liberation Force is actually the one committing these attacks because if they do, then the world's going to go to war with Ukraine, and that is no good causing World War III the exact same thing that Vladimir Marov actually wanted.

Within Modern Warfare 2, let's summarize how these missions are essentially the exact same thing and pose the exact same purpose. In Modern Warfare 2, we had an attack on a Russian airport committed by Russians Vladimir Marov. However, a CIA agent by the name of Joseph Allen was sent in to try to get into the inner circle with Marov.

modern warfare 3

Marov knew this, so he framed Joseph Allen to make it look like America was the one responsible for the attacks and the cause of World War III. The difference with Modern Warfare 2 is that is exactly what the world thought; therefore. World War III was started, whereas when we look at Modern Warfare 3, it is essentially the exact same thing: Vladimir Marov plans an attack on this airplane, framing Samara Jalal, who was a Filipino Liberation Force fighter.

She is then framed, making it look like, to the world, the ones responsible for this are Yik Stan, not America. In this case, the only difference with Modern Warfare 3 is that Alex and Farah are sent in to clean up the mess, and therefore. World War III never happens because the world never ends up thinking Yik Stan is responsible for it.

Long story short, both of these missions were attacks used to frame another country to cause World War III, but there's a big problem with Modern Warfare 3's version of it, and I'm not going to go in depth in this article because in this one I just wanted to summarize the stories and compare them, but in the future, in the next day or two.

I'm going to have a article that completely fixes the problem that Modern Warfare 3 created. I hope you enjoyed it, and until next time, peace out, but we're making this too hard, and I wonder where you are.

No Russian is one of the most iconic Call of Duty Missions of all time. Now there are two of them. In this video we take a look at the story behind the Modern Warfare 3 No Russian mission called Passenger and compare it to the original Modern Warfare 2 No Russian. I hope you enjoy.
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