News - Keep Loot After Crashing, Exfils Way Harder, More Schematics & Bad News. Warzone 2 Zombies Season 1 Update

V-r11 new info (how it works in-depth)

V-r11 new info (how it works in-depth)

Armor over time is so useful apparently the YouTubers were shown some sort of devil icon with blood but they weren't given any indication as to what it actually is we have more information on the VR1, of course the wonder weapon from Call of the Dead that is returning in season 1 people were kind of confused why they were bringing back this wonder weapon many people didn't really like it in Call of the Dead but it's actually giving additional abilities now compared to the original so you are actually able to shoot friendly players on the map I guess your teammates and other strangers as well and it will give them a damage boost as well as invincibility, so I'm guessing this will be a limited time thing where I don't know maybe 15 seconds 30 seconds they get a damage both as well as they are immune and this is really cool and is probably going to be useful in act four I'm guessing there's going to be specific things and missions that would be made easier with the vr11.

dmz zombies

Especially because we're now able to enter the dark ether via the Rifts, in season 1 and it's going to be very difficult in there because it's a tier 4 zone so it's going to be even harder than tier three and this will probably help with taking out bosses in there especially because we're going to have to fight the ggat worm in the dark ether probably even harder than the version that was in the end of ax 3 so this will probably help with that if you shoot a mercenary, with a vr11, it will just act like brain rot it will be a friendly zombie that'll last for 15 seconds, however if you shoot zombies with the vr11 it will turn them into a mercenary, so does this mean they will start attacking you as well or does it mean they will turn into a mercenary but then start shooting the zombies I really hope they don't start attacking you that would kind of defeat the point of the weapon so fingers crossed I think this also applies if you shoot a friendly after you've turned a mercenary into a zombie or a zombie into a mercenary, and then if you shoot them again that is what will then give this damage increase and the invisibility.

Bad news explained. pay for advantage bundles & battle pass (cool skin) - sales down?

Bad news explained. pay for advantage bundles & battle pass (cool skin) - sales down?

During that duration , when they're active, the final thing I want to mention is regarding microtransactions. Now, for some weird reason, everyone is coming at me on Twitter about this because not only did the YouTubers get to play the maps early, but many of them are showcasing the battle pass as well as upcoming bundles, and literally all I tweeted was that, to my recollection, this is the first time that Call of Duty has flown people out to show microtransactions.

Early on, there's literally nothing objectively wrong with that statement, and to my opinion. I think this probably means that the sales are quite down for Modern Warfare 3, and so they're trying to compensate by getting the creators to promote the microtransactions. It makes complete sense; in fact, we already know that the sale numbers in the UK for Modern Warfare 3, for example, are down something like 25%.

modern warfare 3

We don't know about the rest of the world or America, but it's probably quite similar; it's not selling as well as Modern Warfare 2, and because of that, they're probably going to try and compensate by increasing the microtransaction sales. This is just one way of doing this, and for some reason everyone took my tweet out of context and was acting like I was saying the YouTubers were only flown out just to show the microtransactions.

And I know farewell that many of these YouTubers who were flown out just chose not to showcase the battle pass or anything like that; they just focused on the actual gameplay changes and the new maps, and that's that, and of course the changes come into War Zone and all the other stuff that was at this event.

modern warfare 3 season 1

However, it's no secret that part of this marketing was for some people to showcase the microtransactions. However I really feel like this is just the beginning and they're trying to test the water and in the future they're probably going to have bundles and even inside the battle pass that maybe schematics, and if so that's going to be really concerning now I understand that zombies is a PVE mode there's no player versus player so it's not pay to win but it is certainly paying for an advantage now of course you can get all of this loot just by playing the game normally anyways but is a way to I guess skip that and luckily like I said it's just a one time use thing you can use these things twice each and then that's it but I don't think they should be supported, either like I said even though it is a PVE mode and you're not fighting against each other at the same time we all paid $70, for this game why should we pay additional money if you want to skip content and like I said you can just play the game and grind this stuff out yourself but there shouldn't be a shortcut for anyone just by paying money Activision are getting enough money as it is the bundles are already overpriced.

modern warfare 3 zombies

and the battle passes, so likewise, some bundles have been announced, and some of them contain, similarly, acquisitions. As well as two rare ether tools, there is also a brand new dark ether skin coming, and I'm not going to lie, this skin looks amazing. It's zov-inspired, and I think it is reactive as well, so it probably starts glowing and maybe getting bigger crystals as you get kills, but it does seem like it's zikov-inspired; it's very similar to the one we got for Weaver inside of Cold War zombies, and this skin does also come with a tier 2 Pack-A-Punch Crystal and other dark ether-inspired loot and blueprints.

Yeah, I really like this skin, but personally, I just don't buy the bundles at all because, in my opinion, I think they're very overpriced. And I think that the game quality, especially over recent years, has not been good enough, and especially the way Activision has been treating the employees, we shouldn't be rewarding them with more money.

modern warfare 3 zombies gameplay

If you want to enjoy the base game, go ahead and get that, but support these extra bundles that are unnecessary. I get that some of them look really cool and if you think it's worth that price by all means ahead but at the end of the day when you are buying these bundles that money isn't even going to the developer hands it's just filling the higher ups Pockets over at Activision that don't care about you that don't care about the games that mismanage all of the time and have the developers working crunch intense schedules, so all you doing by buying these bundles is rewarding, them who had no part of playing these bundles, themselves and like I said they are very overpriced they should be about $5, each since it's just a skin and I know the same argument can be said for buying the main game it's still obviously putting money in their pockets but they make the majority of the money from microtransactions.

modern warfare 3 zombies season 1

It's about 70% of their revenue or something like that, so that's where the bulk of the money is, and like I said, if you want to actually enjoy the game itself, that's more excusable. And instead, these Acquisitions, which are very temporary things, are taking up slots, basically making it easier for the developers to be able to complete this battle pass because previously they would have to create some additional tiers of content, but now that they're just throwing some Acquisitions in there, that's just an easy way for them to complete the battle pass with meaningless slots, especially if you just play War Zone or multiplayer.

Keep loot after crashing, Exfils WAY harder, Bad Microtransaction News, More Schematics Revealed MW3 Zombies Season 1 Modern Warfare 3 Zombies Season 1 Update.
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