News - It's Now Live: 10 Things The Finals Does Better Than Warzone 2

Of course, you can have those heavy classes. As I said, you could slow down a little bit and still, you know, perform well. This is definitely more of a fast-paced game. If you're a run-to-the-gun type of guy, you're probably going to do pretty well in this type of first-person shooter. The finals have style as well as eye-catching visuals and mechanics, although certainly not everyone will agree.

mw3 multiplayer

The finals do maintain a futuristic, dystopian aesthetic that other shooters haven't fully explored. While high-tech futuristic themes have been prevalent in shooters for decades, they usually maintain a pretty serious science fiction tone. The finals have a sleek presentation, immersing players in a virtual reality game show that stands as the premise for the deathmatch.

Even in lower graphical settings, the game looks great, especially the highflying. Aerobatic moves accompany the detailed environment for a pleasing visual. So, based on everything we've seen so far for the finals, it just looks like a really, really aesthetic and pleasing game. I've seen what I played in the beta as well; it looks pretty solid here, so even if you have a console or PC that doesn't perform the best games, this should still look really good on your platform of choice.

mw3 multiplayer gameplay

There's, of course, crossplay and cross progression. a huge W there Xbox X ands. PS5 pc players can all play together, which of course is great, but most FPS games have that nowadays as well. A big one here is, of course, good shooter foundations; shots to the head have a typical multiplier effect, but shooting generally feels responsive and good, so just again, a basic part of an FPS game is how it feels to kill the player, and if it feels satisfying to kill, that's definitely a really, really great thing there.

Finally, we have fully destructible environments; complete building demolition is possible here, so it's a little bit of a battlefield. It's free to play, and it's coming out very soon, so a lot of people have been talking about checking it out. A lot of Call of Duty fans have talked about it as well, so it should be a pretty decent launch.

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