News - Is Warzone 2 Worth The Money. 1 Month Review

I want to make sure that you guys know that I do enjoy Modern Warfare 3, but you know, if I didn't buy Modern Warfare 2. I would think that it would be a better purchase, but just because I own Modern Warfare 2, you know. I look at Modern Warfare 3 going I basically already bought it, but now I have to buy it again for a little update.


That is basically all that they did because, as you remember, they added the slide cancellation and the reload cancellation. All the cancellations are available; they updated it to have that they made the move a little faster. I want to say that was pretty much it. I mean, everything else feels exactly the same, and to me, that's what made this game feel way better.

There is actually one more issue that I have with Modern Warfare 3 that I wish wasn't an issue, but it kind of is from a content creator standpoint. I wish this game was more content creator-friendly, if that makes any sense. It seems like it's hard to find things to make content for this game compared to prior Black Ops or other modern warfare games.

Hypothetically, let's say the snipers in this game weren't as good as they are. I don't think I would be enjoying this game, but because the snipers are actually good, I'm enjoying it, but I don't find any enjoyment using assault rifles. SMGs, anything like that. I prefer snipers; it's the most fun for me.


I hope that my insight on Modern Warfare 3 is going to help some people decide whether they should buy the game or not. Don't expect a totally different game from Modern Warfare 2; it's just not. If you didn't own Modern Warfare 2, I think that you will have a lot of fun with Modern Warfare 3. If you did, don't forget to drop a like.

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In this video i talk about whether or not if Modern Warfare 3 is worth the money, and my final answer might surprise you.
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