News - Do Riot Shields Belong Warzone 2. Are They Broken/overpowered

are riot shields overpowered

You know. I think I've been holding this one in for a couple days now specifically because it's just been something that I've accepted as a mechanic in Call of Duty, but now I think I'm just getting really annoyed by it in general, so anyway, welcome to today's article, like, subscribe, and all that fun stuff.

So look I'm just gonna break this down and start talking about some of my opinions here but first things first if you're a riot shield bass player I'm not here to dog on you I'm not here to say that riot, shield players are unskilled in any way I know that people that run around with basically knives and throwing knives only require the riot shields for their play style believe, it or not I'm not coming after you I'm not a hundred percent for removing riot shields from Call of Duty I'm actually for changing up how riot shields work in Call of Duty.

Well, actually, it's not the riot shield itself; it's not the people who carry the riot shield around in front of them and use it the way that it's supposed to be used; it's the fact that as soon as you use Overkill, the riot shield becomes your best friend on your back and you become a turtle. Now.

cod broken riot shield

I really don't think I have to actually explain how annoying it can be for a player to have the entire back end of their hitbox be entirely immune to damage just because they're running a riot shield; more so. I think that we've gotten to the point with Call of Duty, especially with Modern Warfare 2.

Now, first off, my first point here is that we should entirely remove Overkill. From Call of Duty now, this one might be a hot debate. Of course, we could just make it so Overkill doesn't allow you to use a riot shield as a secondary with another primary, which would fix that issue, but I think historically Overkill, as a perk, has always given a little bit too much utility.

The game where sniper players maybe have the ability to run with like a submachine gun or a shotgun player will get the ability to use an assault rifle with it, and that's so fine and dandy, but with the recent kind of emphasis on pistols and the fact that they are really, really good in this game.

modern warfare 2

I think Infinity Ward should either consider removing Overkill from this game or making edits to Overkill so that you can't have certain annoying combinations. I also think from a realistic standpoint, which is what Infinity Ward seems to be going with in these Call of Duty games. Someone who has a giant heavy riot shield on their back would only be able to handle carrying around a sidearm with them instead of a full-on assault rifle, sniper shotgun, etc.

So, at least in that case, I think it makes a little bit of sense now. Moving on to some of the other ideas, I think they're pretty much more practical compared to just removing overkill and doing little edits to them. I think it's only fair that when the entirety of your back is protected, there should be some sort of movement penalty when you have a riot shield on your back.

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It only makes sense that super heavy shield is going to weigh you down in some way; maybe your sprint to fire time also goes down, as does your aim to sight speed. I think that if you're going to have your back protected, you shouldn't be able to go full speed and play the game like an absolute aggressive monster, considering, once again, that your back hit box is essentially immune from damage.

Another one that I thought was really cool that's kind of getting into more creative territory here is kind of hoping that the riot shield starts to break, and I don't mean that the whole shield breaks completely; I actually mean that the top and bottom of the shield can kind of slowly be chipped away, where you're slowly losing some of that hitbox, so let's say like the upper portion of the right shield, like the upper fourth and the lower fourth of the riot shield, can be cut into pieces basically by shooting at it while it's stowed on somebody's back.


I think that would be a safe way to just make their hitbox a little bit bigger when the riot shields are actually stowed on their back. Now, this in itself would probably cause some issues. I think riot shield players that like to actually use it and take damage and kind of tank damage for their team would probably do more harm than good, so maybe there could be a system where if it's on your back, that lower fourth and upper fourth of the riot shield, instead of completely eliminating damage to your soldier, mitigates damage to your soldier, so maybe it does like 25 percent less damage if you're hitting that top part of the riot shield versus Center Mass when you're shooting at the back of somebody with a riot shield One that I think a lot of people have been bringing up pretty regularly is that armor-piercing bullets should pierce the riot shield.

I i 100 percent agree with this; now, I don't know if maybe it should just be when it's on their back or when it's through their front, but I think armor-piercing bullets should go. Through riot shields, in some capacity, it gives people a fair chance against somebody who's running the riot shield, which gives it a perfect counter in the game.

mw2 broken class

Most importantly, it definitely gives you an option when you're facing an entire team of Riot shielders. My last recommendation has to do with buffing the ability of the drill charge versus riot shields, which I think right now is probably, or at least has the ability to be, the best counter to the riot shields in the entire game, which is the drill charge.

It makes complete sense, like I had somebody tell me that it makes no sense that a drill charge would stick to the front of a ride shield and drill into your person, but it kind of does make sense considering that it can go through like four and five feet of concrete, so if it can go through four and five feet of concrete, it definitely can go through the shield and then a little bit through the shield into your player because you're not holding it that far away from yourself.

mw2 broken guns

definitely not a couple of feet away from yourself, so it makes sense that getting stuck with a drill charge should have the same effect as actually sticking a drill to a person, where it digs into them and then blows them up from the inside. Look, obviously, these aren't all perfect solutions for the riot shields, and I think a lot of people that run riot shields are probably going to get a little butt hurt, but, in all honesty, running overkill should not give you the ability to have immune hitboxes on your back with little to no penalty.

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