News - I Didn't Like The Warzone 2i Campaign


I'm not exaggerating why I say that. Well, a little bit less than half; it's like eight and six. I believe that eight of the missions are the main missions you're expecting, and then six of the missions are these open combat missions. And these are not that enjoyable now they're not bad don't get me wrong I'm not like going to sit here and say they're horrible, of course it's Call of Duty like I said before I can have fun with them but they do not feel like Call of Duty campaign missions they do not feel like that cinematic experience that you come to expect, they feel like Spec Ops misss and that does not belong as half of the call of dut's campaign experience that is insane to me and it's very clear that they only did this because the game was rushed and they did not have the time to fill out the rest of the game with more missions, these missions feel like filler they do not feel like they needed to even be here and even in terms of the story the stuff you learn in these missions.

You could have learned through Cuts scenes that you don't even need to really go through these, and I'm completely fine with having them again, but only if they were side quests because they take up half of the game's missions. It just feels so cheap, and to make matters worse, the locations for these open combat missions were quite boring.

There were like one or two that were okay, but most of them were pretty boring. A lot of them were just on either Verdansk or the new Era at War Zone Map, which I do not blame the developers for. Do not take any of this together, which I do not blame the developers for. Do not take any of this article wrong.


I'm not saying the developers are bad at what they do; they're not bad at what they do; they are very talented, but if you are given. 5 minutes to bake a cake of course that cake is not going to be that good no matter how amazing of a cook you are you'd be the greatest cook in the world but if you're only given 5 minutes to do something it's not going to work your way same thing goes for development time for gaming, these developers could have produced a fantastic mon Warfare 3 if they were given more time and I highly believe they were not of course it's also the shortest campaign in Call of Duty history which I don't necessarily think is a negative in it of itself because I don't really mind how short or long the campaigns are the problem is that it's very short but it's also very eventful, if they were able to pack a lot of awesome stuff in the amount of time it takes to beat this game I wouldn't care as much but to be honest it just felt uneventful for the majority of it so of course I'm going to feel underwhelmed by the end of it and in terms of its characters like I said there's a couple characters I did really like in this campaign, but I felt like most of the characters just felt so underdeveloped.


And underutilized i mean, soap gas ghosts and Alex basically do nothing in this campaign. Of course, they're there; they're parts of the missions, and they have some dialogue here and there, but none of it adds to their characters. At all, there's not a single piece of dialogue from any of them that really feels like it does much for them except for maybe, okay, we can say a couple, maybe one or two lines of dialogue as an exception, but for the most part, these characters are not utilized; there's not much emotion behind them either.


Of course. I mentioned there's going to be spoilers in this article, so of course when we get to soap's death, it's just so uneventful and unemotional, like it just doesn't feel like these characters genuinely care about this person they've got. Bloody. Johny captain the bomb how do we stop it we get a cut scene right after that where yes they like releas his ashes and it's a little good it's decent but I feel like most of it's carried by the voice acting and the music but the writing and the dialogue itself does not feel like it's holding these characters, up that high to the point where I just feel, uninterested in it and I don't want to feel that in a Call of Duty campaign there's so many other Cod campaigns that always kept me so, just attached to the screen so interested in what's going to happen next interested in the characters in the story and I don't feel like this campaign does that whatsoever I felt so detached from majority of the characters.


Other than, like I said, far, and maybe price, and then, of course, they kill off Shephard in a post-credit scene, which is a bizarre move. You could have made that a final mission. You could have done something where you got to play Price and had him sneak in to kill Shepher. Maybe that would be a little more interesting, but the way they did it was just a really quick after-credits scene; it felt so abrupt, and then it just ends like that, and you're just sitting there, like, really, they killed off that big of a character, like that.

I mean, compare that to how Shephard dies in the original trilogy. Just think about how different these scenes are here one who gets to be a part of it; you are experiencing it firsthand, and you are the one who gets to pull the knife out of your own stomach, and then you throw it into his eye, like it's just such a great scene.


But you don't really get that here it's just a scene where price walks in shoots him in the head and walks out and I expected it honestly I was like okay yeah price said you know after what Shephard was saying in the courtroom and stuff like it makes sense why price would want to do it I understand that, but like in just in terms of what it does for the story and what it does for the overall Universe I don't think this was the right time to do it and I don't think it was the right moment for it just felt so abrupt, and I did not enjoy it I think the larger universe that they've been trying to create with the Modern Warfare Universe lately is a big part of the problem as well where we get a lot of like development in the story through war zone and the different cutcenes within the seasons and even in Zombies they have some stuff that they're trying to connect now I think all of that is actually putting a massive, problem, to these campaigns, because.


There are some things that are revealed. In a war zone. You would have no idea what actually happened if you didn't keep up with all those cut scenes, and you could say. Well, the person should just keep up with the story; they should keep up with the lore. But that's not what Call of Duty has ever been Call of Duty has always been, a campaign experience you always go from the campaign experience to the next to the next to the next and that's all you need to do to understand what's going on you've never had to do, extra work beyond that you know of course you have the zombie story line which that's where you get all sorts of lore stuff where you can like really, research it and go in- depth with it and that's obviously very different I like how zombies is like that but campaign was never like that it was always just its own thing you learn the story there and that's it and having certain camp cign moments be revealed to you through war zone cut scenes just does not feel right and for example I'm referring to.

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