News - Huge Mistake With Perks Warzone 3. Stop Using Perks That Don't Actually Help

modern warfare 3 2023

But because we don't see the stamina bar, it's really hard to be intuitive with this very popular perk. The vast majority of players are using two strategies right now: slide of hand and double time. That's like the first two perks. I would even recommend that if slide of hand is on guns that you don't want to use, maybe Mountaineer could take a spot of that or you replace it with double time if you don't really feel like it's helping you at all because once your stamina's gone, you still have to wait for it to come back, and depending on whether you're slide canceling, it pauses each time you slide cancel, unless they change the mechanic.

I don't see double time as valuable, even though it will definitely help you have more tax Sprint get around a little bit faster it radiated this one is actually a fun one to test a little awkward because you have to run into the gas make sure you don't have any of the other variables going on but it radiated it helps you to move 10% faster.

modern warfare iii

And it actually reduces the amount of health damage you're taking by 10%, so you get an extra couple ticks out of it; normally, you take 10 damage. And that is 150. Health that will go ahead and give you 15 ticks at 15 seconds you can stay in the gas before you die this particular case you're going to get 10% better movement speed it moves the ticks down to nine damage and that'll give you 17 ticks worth 17 seconds so you get two extra seconds, not all that great maybe super Niche if you're trying to survive in the gas do a no kill win or something like that it could be useful, get a couple extra seconds out of it but in general I don't see a ton of value in radiated Focus reduce Flinch when aiming down sight hold breath I don't think this has any value compared to the other ones unless you're just sniping and you want to be able to hold your breath longer.

Perk 3 slot

Perk 3 slot

And have reduced Flinch I think the best three perks for these are going to be Mountaineer, slide at hand and double time everything else is pure preference but those are the three that I think probably give you the biggest bang for your book in the category they're in and especially slide of hand if you're using the correct weapon that's benefiting the most from it now we get to these other ones Escapist increase down prone and Crouch speed it is a very weird perk but it does in fact help you to move faster while prone down to end your Crouch speed by about 15 to 17%, depending on which one you're looking at so it is an improvement, but do you really I don't know there's too many good perks in this category.

movement changes warzone

That one's basically trash. Quick Fix: Killing players or inserting a plate starts the health regeneration, and since they change the way amps are built in, you do get a faster plate animation by default. So because of this, you can plate in as little as two or three seconds where you're going to start the plate, which will start the healing animation.

And that'll get you healed much faster than the standard 7 Seconds, that it takes to start health regening, and depending on how much damage you take then it takes that amount of time to reheal the health bar so very good one so very good one but it just depends on how you want to utilize it this one is also another popular one that a lot of people are using just because if you take on a gunfight, especially in higher game modes in lower game modes unless you're just worried about a third party it's not as valuable, but the plating is the like the best part you can get into a gunfight get surprise, back off plate and you reset that gunfight so it has a different utility if you're playing more of a solo or if you're playing in a larger party.


Tracker is also an interesting one, and remember, you can only equip one of these perks, so this one is a very competitive slot. I didn't really notice that in the testing; I couldn't find any footage. That represented that it's so likely it just slips under the radar or it's not working as intended—not 100% sure, but in general.

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That first part is kind of why you get it, especially with smoke. You can see the footprints and trace them, as well as hear the audio. If it works in the open, you can go ahead and see that as well. Survivor is another interesting one because it doubles. As a vest it doubles as a vest so you can equip this is the medic vest you faster revive speed it was able to take the revive time from 5 Seconds to three and 3/4 which shaves off about 25% so it is 25% faster that's definitely noticeable when you're resing teammates or they're resing you, but and self- revives it didn't look like it was working so I don't know if it was bugged when I was testing it but I didn't notice the difference I know that there's sometimes where you do self-revive, quicker I don't know if it's a result of this though because the perk and the vest work one to one so exactly what this one does that's what the vest does and that's what's the nice about this one you don't have to equip this one knowing that you can maybe find it as a vest or vice versa some of the other perks in here that you can also swap for a vest so pretty okay one but probably not one you would equip by default reduce cash lost on death I did not find this to be the case, when you die.

You keep 60% of your money, 35% of it drops on the floor, and then 5% gets lost as a death tax, so that's how that part works. Then enemies are automatically pinged down. I actually got a great clip of this one where immediately when I get down, the person's behind me and all my teammates are dead, so they're not able to actually live ping, and it instantly live pings the person who downed me, so this one could be pretty useful, and I'll probably save it for a vest-tempered, refilled armor plate full of two plates instead of three.

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That one's pretty self-explanatory. You can either do it this way or get a vest, depending on which one you prefer. A lot of times, getting back in the action is difficult, so if there's not, you can't pick up a vest. Quick Fix so quick fix might have more value in that sense because if you get that with temper.


Then you plate up and you're at full health that much quicker so again right there resupply, just equipment over 50 seconds cold blooded is a very interesting one I think this one's super underrated at the moment especially once we get to the last perk slot you guys will get it but undetectable by thermal optics tactical cameras and Recon drones does not trigger high alert in combat Scout I don't think a ton of people are running combat Scout but a lot of people are definitely running high alert which is probably, like the highest tier perk at the moment but that could easily be countered by cold blooded, and then people might shift the last one because then they'll be like high alerts doing nothing everyone's running cold blooded so it's kind of a trade-off there stalker again isn't that great of a perk unfortunately, 15%, additional movement when you're aim down sight not a huge difference it needs to be like 30%.

For it to be like crazy good, it's just not unless you have a full movement build and you're just trying to min max to get even faster movement. I don't see this one having more value than the ones we've already talked about; payout contracts pay out 10% more, and the UAV towers are discounted by 50%.

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