News - How To Play 6 Star Warzone 2 Ranked Play

Max playing his life number one is here to trade out number six, good bait and switching and working as a team from Blue, and now number two, does he read the spawn from the red team at all? We'll see the second that he shoots, he should read this spawn does he get one unfortunately, he does not get one, and now that the red team has the advantage, all Seth has to do is just wait for his team, but he's playing this aggressive game for one kill and the damage down unfortunately.

Della does not check the corner under them, and just like that blue team now holding the rest of this time, the red team. I would say that with these 30 seconds. I would send these three players to hit this old time, but number six. I would guarantee that rotation, and they are already sitting in.

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Pool, great gunfights from the red team. Winning, not winning the last few trades, blue team's winning the last few trades, but like this is where I was saying, red team, if they just prioritize that rotation, they're going to be in a huge spot now to basically break the 200 score, time, number seven.

going for a trade, number five here is playing his life; he now has his team with good spawns, and now all he has to do is literally sit in the water like a little fish and soak up all the. Time to go underwater, pull out your pistol, and get this free kill. Della does not know you can shoot underground; with your main gun, you can only shoot underwater with your pistol.

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Everyone in War Zone knows that multiplayer is a is a different story, but Dumela is getting his revenge, getting a beautiful one dead, going for the final two pieces just like that, and now the Red Team is going to soak up the rest of this time. I will say that six with doing this early rotation 4 P1 is very important.


If you guys can hold middle map control, that's really going to set you up for success, because you're going to be able to force the enemies into a fatal funnel on P5, and then obviously, if you're rotated for P1, you can now sit and soak up the time, which is what Seth was trying to do, but unfortunately, right now the blue team won the first initial gunfights, number seven lost his gunfight as well, and now we have number three Zeno soaking up.

Time good contest from number six. Zeno is unfortunately going to get shot in the back by Max here for that trade, and the red team's doing a very excellent job of being disciplined and forcing the blue team to overextend. Typically, the blue team is the team to overextend here because they have to break and also because they have good spawns, so they wouldn't be too afraid.

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Because if they die, they would just spawn up at new. But number five I'm not sure if number five flips these spawns at all, so I think if number five pushes all the way out there in the back, he will officially flip those spawns. I'm entirely not sure, though, why the Red Team spawned P4. I would just presume that because Six was pushing up the middle, that gave him a squad spawn with his teammates.

But we're going to have to play more repetitions on this to really see. But both teams are at 200. There are beautiful gunfights right here. Big trade for Dila. There we go. Number six is going to be the anchor for these spawns. Unfortunately, number seven does spawn out, but number seven spawns out for a free pinch of terrible spawns.

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No, he doesn't even guarantee the kill. Number five is now the last resort for his team. Number eight is now going for these last few trades, and unfortunately, at this point, the Red Team is now just funneling one by one. But this is their last opportunity to break the law. They did win the gunfights that they needed.

Number seven is going for an outer pinch. We have to get to the point where, unfortunately, he doesn't win the gunfight, but number eight is there for the trade, and that is G's Blue Team coming out on top, which was a six-star hardpoint.

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