News - How To Get Legendary Aether Tool & Flawless Crystal Schematic Solo. Warzone 2 Zombie Red Worm Solo Guide

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Game so as the boss basically spawns, what you're going to want to do is start shooting the red spots on him, as these are his weak spots. And if you shoot the other areas, then there is a likelihood you won't do enough damage, but just literally shoot the red spots on the worm. Obviously, he spits out these little orbs try and kill these as you can be quite annoying, and they can down you quite a lot so make sure you try and take out as many of these as you can so what you want to do while you're doing this is just keep running circles around him, shooting him like this when he does that laser attack trying and jump out of the way of where he is basically facing to avoid getting hit by that laser as this is pretty much near enough an instant down, bear in mind as well he can also shoot mimics out so watch out for these but again just keep running circles around him shooting the red spots.

Throw decoys to try and get the zombies away from you. Watch out for this attack, in which he is basically down and tries to bite you. He can swallow you in this, so just keep that in mind. And obviously, keep an eye on your gas mask. When it gets low, come up to an ammo crate and refill, and it will CHP your gas mask.

Up, now he will burrow under the ground like this, and he will basically lunge back up and try and eat you, so bear with him and bear that mind as well. So, the same is true for keeping running around in circles, avoiding the attacks that he makes, and throwing decoys to basically get the zombies away from you.

mw3 red worm solo guide

Use your ether blade if you've got them to kill any zombies that are close to you, and again, try and kill these orbs as they do down you, and like I said, they are very annoying, so just keep an eye on them, as you can see by your he's eating me, if you don't put that setting on. I told you too earlier that when he spits you out like this, if you hit the ground, you will instantly die, but if you pull your parachute out in time, then you won't die.

Obviously, like I said, watch out for that laser. As you just saw, it is very powerful and can instantly bring you down. So just keep running the circles around in keeping your ammo top and watch your gas mask to make sure that it doesn't go too low because, obviously, without a gas mask, this will make life very difficult for you, and you will just go down, so just literally keep running circles.

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Throw your decoys, shoot the red spots, and basically repeat it until the end of the boss. Fight so as you do approach the end and he hasn't got much health left then congratulations you're almost there so again obviously if he eats, you like obviously yeah you can see I went down in his mouth I don't know how I went down but if he does eat you then just pull your parachute out or if you got the setting I but on then you should just pull it out automatically but as soon as you have killed him off like this everything will despawn so don't worry about zombies Just come over to your rewards Rift and see what schematic you got, and then you can basically instantly kill the game by using the portal, or for Rift, the spawns by the rewards portal

MW3 Zombies Solo Red Worm Easter Egg Guide! MWZ Solo Red Worm Easter Egg Tutorial.
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