News - How To Get Legendary Aether Tool & Flawless Crystal Schematic Solo. Warzone 2 Zombie Red Worm Solo Guide

how to get flawless aetherium crystal schematic

So welcome back, guys! Today I got a guide on completing the red worm solo for any of you solo players. By doing this, you will basically get one of the three following schematics, which are the legendary EA tool, the Flawless Aerium Crystal, and the scorcher plants. So obviously, these are random; you're not guaranteed to get at least one of them, but what one you get is unknown until you actually get it.

So what you want to do for your loadout is get a legendary EA tool to boost that weapon to the legendary rarity to increase its damage, then you want to try and get a pack-a-punch level three. Crystal. Don't worry if you can't get one of these because you can just go into a game, do contracts, get money, and then go to Tier 3 and Pack-a-Punch level three there, so don't worry too much about this one if you can't get one.

Once you've got one of these, you want to get a shatter blast ammo mod as well to equip your weapon, as this will help a bit in the actual fight for the weapon. You want to use a wsp, Swarm, and the attachments you will want to put onto this will require the level of the gun to be level 27, so the maximum level, so for your barrel, you want the wsp.

how to get flawless aetherium crystal schematic solo

Reckless nighty long barrel, you laser the hip shot out 20, 9 mm high grain rounds ammo or whatever for your ammos, and 100 round drum, then you want to equip the wsp with a Kimbo brace stock, and then we'll move on to what tactical and lethals you are going to need, so for your tactical, put decoys or experimental gas, and then for your lethal, try and get ether blades or thermite.

If you can, try and get gold armor plates and a dog bone, as this will greatly increase your odds of actually completing this. Boss, one more thing I want you to do is go over to settings, go to controller, and go to game play. Scroll down to parachute auto-deploy and set it to always, as this will help in the boss's fight.

So once you're in the game you want, come to this place by you at the entire military base, and just come up at these steps, come through this part of the building, and just come through these doors. Now if you look at the wall byer, you'll see basically a poster of a map, which is the map you're on.

how to get legendary aether tool schematic

Alongside, there are four cutouts of the map, so these cutouts are basically where you get to find these USB devices around the map, so you will need to do a lot of traveling around the map in order to get these four devices, so there is a cheat sheet on screen now showing you all the locations. The red markers are the USB locations, and the white markers are the boss fight locations.

So with the first location, this one is in the Tier 3 Red Zone. In these containers, just come up to this console or laptop thing, interact with it, wait for it to pop inside, and the USB device will be spat out. Just pick this USB device up, and we can move on to the next location, so the next location where you can get one of these is, just by you're in the Tier 1 zone at the bottom left-hand side of the map, just come up to the console again and interact with it.

Wait for the laptop to pop inside and pick up the USB device that spat out of it. I am showing you a few of the locations, but these are not all the locations, as I haven't actually had all the locations myself. Even though I've done this about 20+ times, I still haven't managed to get all the locations, so unfortunately, I can't give you gameplay of all the locations where these can spawn.

how to get legendary aether tool schematic solo

But this is your next one, which is in the Tier 2 orange zone. Same again; come interact with the console and wait for it to spit out the USB device. I'll pick up the USB device and we can move to another location, so this is another one in the Tier 2 orange zone, just by you're on, basically like the center left-hand side of the map.

Same again: interact with the console, Wait for the console to spit the USB device out, and then just pick up the USB device off the floor, and we can move on to the next. One, so another location as to where you can find these USBs is just by you. Same again, come over to it and interact with it.

Wait for it to spit the USB device out, and just pick up the USB device off the floor. That is all the calibration data we needed. Here is another one that you can get a device from: This is on the top left-hand side of the map. Just come over to it, interact with it, and pick up the USB off the floor.

how to get scorcher plans schematic

We can move on to the next one, which is just outside the all-military base. Just come up to it, interact with it, and pick up the USB device. So, I will show you where you can find this location, and it is just by you on the tack map. So, just come over here, do what I said, and pick up the device, and then move on to the next one.

So, this one is in the Tier 2 Orange Zone again. This one is pretty close to where the soccer stadium or football stadium is located too, so just come over to this building, and it'll be on the roof and interact with the console. pick up the device after it's spat out, and we can move on to the next location, so our next one is going to be in the Tier 3 red zone, and it is this building by, so just come on top of this building and go over to the console, interact with the console, and you will get your USB spat out of the console again, so the console is just over by.


And this is the actual location of it on the TAC map, so there are, well, there's literally one more location that I've actually got game playay of, so I'll be showing you this one now. This one is basically at the bottom left-hand side of the map. Just come over to it, interact with the console, pick up the device, and we can basically move on to actually getting ready to go to the boss fight itself.


So again, once you've got all four of your USB devices, we will need to get ready to go to the fight, so if you can, you want to try and get some Sentry turrets, some self-revives, and come to a Tier 3 buy station and buy a durable gas mask, so once you've got all. This, you want to find the location of the boss fight so to find this you want to find where these two ammo crates are and where the EPA Storm's close to so that's the second location, this is the third location, and that's the fourth location as to where these boss fights can spawn, so you want to wait for the game to basically start bringing in the eper storm and the EP storm will go out after to cover these refractors which are located at the boss fight areas, you want to run around to each one of these refractors, as the storm goes over them and place the USB devices into them and wait for the worm to basically spawn, the worm will basically spawn about a minute after you, place the last you SB device in, and just the heads up you do have to complete this boss fight before the timer runs out if the timer gets to zero then you will unfortunately be eliminated from the.

MW3 Zombies Solo Red Worm Easter Egg Guide! MWZ Solo Red Worm Easter Egg Tutorial.
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